Go see Snowpiercer

Zef Otter

New member
Nov 28, 2007
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nX5PwfEMBM0 trailer

Its a very good Sci-fi film set on a train that never stops and a world where global warming was a thing and tried to stop it by putting stuff in the air that could cool the planet but it backfired and bought in a ice age that killed most of the world except people on this train (built by a rich and crazy man).

Based off a french comic book by the same name and directed by Bong Joon-Ho- he directed The Host.

The actors are great and the movie is a dark dark movie.

Whats funny is the fact Bong was told to cut 20 minutes of footage be cut and opening and closing monologues be added to be released into america. But Bong said no and punished him by giving it a limited release rather then releasing it normally.

If its out in your area do watch it. You'll most likely enjoy it.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
For the Kiwi escapists here, it's being played at the International Film Festival so get to it! I'm gonna watch it again because I'm a bit conflicted over how good it is.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008

We went to the local cinema this weekend to see Transformers (That was a terrible decision on my part; why do I expect the next one to not be shit when 1-3 were shit?) and that was the first time I had heard of it. I assumed it would be garbage based on the fact that it sounded goofy and I never heard of it. After seeing your recommendation, I went to take a looksy and I see that Captain America is in it! Sweet!

It's unlikely that I will get to see it in the theaters but it's likely to be prioritized now on my Red Box hit list.

EDIT: Our favorite Mod/User Reviewer/Knife Juggler extraordinaire (I assume) greatly enjoyed it as well it seems if that helps other people who are not me tip to your side of the fence OP


Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
I'm gonna read the comic first. I always do, so that I can be smug about it later. Not joking.


New member
May 6, 2014
I actually didn't really care for it, esp the ending. However, it did have very talented actors, and I think I would've liked it if it had made a few different narrative choices. The style reminded me a lot of Fifth Element (both were envisioned by the French, although Snowpiercer's director is Korean).

Vicarious Reality

New member
Jul 10, 2011
It is kinda weirrrd... heavyhanded slave versus the rich story, though the jailbreak aspect was rather fun in a riddicky way
I do not think i finished it... last thing i remember is the axe fight in the dark


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Most of the movie I greatly enjoyed.

The ending was a tad lame though, not in any way that ruined what came before but it just felt somewhat out of place all things considered.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Adam Jensen said:
Honestly, I thought it was one of the worst movies this year. It's a good idea but pretty badly executed.
Pretty much where I stand. Though, for me, I thought the idea was a bit....lame. Most of it's elements were too heavy-handed, required too many leaps of logic, and left me feeling detached from the story.

I'm glad people are enjoying it, and I hope it sees box-office success, but it's just not for me.[footnote]Which is a shame as I enjoy high-concept, speculative science fiction.[/footnote]


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
MrBaskerville said:
I would if i could, but it isnt being shown anywhere around here (Just like Zero Theorem...) :/.
Same here. Usually, if a movie isn't playing in my immediate area, I have the opportunity to head to the country just north of me and see it there but its not playing there either. My guess is unless it plays in my town's film festival 3 months from now, I'll probably have to see it on DVD.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Conceptually, it doesn't really sound that interesting to me at all. If it were playing where I live I would probably go to check it out for the visual design alone, but I honestly can't say I'm too excited by it from what I have heard/seen.
May 26, 2014
Dystoptian Sci Fi appeals to me, so I'll give this a look.

Being based on a graphic novel is no bad thing, like V for Vendetta, there may actually be a coherent narrative.

I have read reviews which mention the visual style is similar to Bioshock, with a steampunk/art deco theme. Good cast too, on my list of things to see.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Don't go see it. Its awful. They run down a train, and then theres a fight with axes. The high point is a few of the actors who really over play it.

But still, not good. Don't recommend.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
I just came back from seeing it. It's the Best Bioshock movie I have ever seen. It's Fritz Lang's Metropolis for our generation, and to a guy like me, I was quite absorbed.

If a Bioshock movie is made, I know that when it comes out, people/reviewers will go, "2014's Snowpiercer is what the Bioshock movie attempts to be, but did infinitely better than this." It doesn't need Plasmids to be the games themselves.

Great movie, I loved it, different, but enjoyable. Takes a bit of time to get into it, but then it really builds up, and becomes amazing.


New member
Jan 4, 2013
When I first watched it I didn't have subtitles for the non-english parts. It's an entirely different movie without them, being unable to understand some of the exposition really makes the ending a lot more surreal.

Without subtitles, and unable to understand korean, the whole explanation about the weather severity finally receding, and being able to leave the train was left out for me. Thus, after the train wrecks, only two survivors crawl out, but they are all alone in the middle of nowhere. I interpreted it as they had finally made it to freedom, but now they we're gonna die anyway.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
The best stuff, the great stuff is in the middle where things get dark and weird and dark again, but they seriously screwed up some points by adapting the stuff from the graphic novel that doesn't work on the silver screen at all. Like all those close-ups (though I'm not sure if the comic even had so many of those).

EDIT: I read through the plot summary of the graphic novel and apparently it's almost completely different, which means they made a shitload of IMO bad decisions (lots of good decisions too, I reckon) for the movie on purpose.


Dire Penguin
Aug 3, 2008
There were so many things wrong with this movie. The concept was vaguely interesting, although I have to question why you'd pick a train to live on, out of all methods of transportation. Those railway tracks wouldn't last half a day before being snowed over, and then iced over. The events of the movie range from unlikely to absurd, even for a sci-fi movie. Hell, even for a bad sci-fi movie. The "sci" is supposed to render the "fi" somewhat believable, which the movie fails to accomplish at every turn.

Despite all my gripes about the setup and the execution, the biggest one for me is most definitely the fact that
the main character, who has a horde of rebellious peasants at his disposal, suddenly decides to leave that horde behind and keep going with only himself and a handful of random trustees. That is not how you win peasant rebellions. You win them by being more numerous than your better armed and better trained overlords.
That part (and everything that came after) just killed the movie for me, seeing as it also has profound effects on the pacing and continuation of the plot from that point onwards.

Vicarious Reality said:
It is kinda weirrrd... heavyhanded slave versus the rich story, though the jailbreak aspect was rather fun in a riddicky way
I do not think i finished it... last thing i remember is the axe fight in the dark
That would be the last passable scene in the movie, so if you stopped there, you didn't miss anything. It turns into a whole different movie afterwards.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Saw it this weekend and liked it. One of the first things that came to mind is "This is the movie 'In Time' was trying to be".

I have a feeling there were a lot more cars we didn't see, because I certainly don't remember them passing through a car with live chickens.

I have a pretty good idea what was in the steaks though.