Goatse.cx Returns! As an Email Provider


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Fun fact: I had never been subjected to Goatse.cx before.

At the time, I assumed it was "Goat sex" - ie, people having sex with goats - and just ignored the link. However, reading this article, I said to myself "damn - a cantaloupe? Really? This I have to see!"

And so I did. Yes, only two easy clicks and I saw the image that shook the world. My reaction?

You could not fit a cantaloupe in there! A Kiwi, sure. An apple, probably. A mango, maybe. But nothing in the melon family. Really, people, do you have any idea how large a cantaloupe is?

Mr. Kirk Johnson is impressive, don't get me wrong. But a cantaloupe? No way.
Mar 26, 2008
Bara_no_Hime said:
Fun fact: I had never been subjected to Goatse.cx before.

At the time, I assumed it was "Goat sex" - ie, people having sex with goats - and just ignored the link. However, reading this article, I said to myself "damn - a cantaloupe? Really? This I have to see!"

And so I did. Yes, only two easy clicks and I saw the image that shook the world. My reaction?

You could not fit a cantaloupe in there! A Kiwi, sure. An apple, probably. A mango, maybe. But nothing in the melon family. Really, people, do you have any idea how large a cantaloupe is?

Mr. Kirk Johnson is impressive, don't get me wrong. But a cantaloupe? No way.
*stops eating apple* Why do I keep reading this thread?

I must admit I thought the same as you because I know how big a cantaloupe is. However there was no way I was checking out the link.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
So, the pop culture of yest-year on the internet is now being capitalized on for fun and profit. Art imitating life.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Programmed_For_Damage said:
*stops eating apple* Why do I keep reading this thread?

I must admit I thought the same as you because I know how big a cantaloupe is. However there was no way I was checking out the link.
Did I spoil your snack? Sorry.

Well, no, not sorry - highly amused. :D

And actually you have to click at least two links to get there - Mr. Carter didn't link directly to porn, as that would be against forum rules. Instead he linked to a page that has the link to the infamous picture.

But yeah, while impressive you certainly couldn't get a cantaloupe in there. That's actually why I clicked the link - I just had to see if it was really that wide. It's not.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Programmed_For_Damage said:
Fappy said:
You would link it.

At work.

Must not click...
I hear that! I always say that once you watch something, some things can't be unwatched.

Also is it just me or is the does Goatse.cx read as "goat sex"?
Cannot be unread

Btw everyone, the link is safe.

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
Never understood how people could be tricked into visiting a site called "goatsecx". Or why the owner decided it made more sense to treat those people to an image of a giant anus instead of... you know, goat sex. Was it meant to be a bait-and-switch for people who are looking for a site about goat sex? Was the domain just chosen because the owner thought it was funny?

I probably shouldn't be thinking this hard about it. He clearly didn't.


Little Miss Vampire.
Jul 13, 2010
Bara_no_Hime said:
Mr. Kirk Johnson is impressive, don't get me wrong. But a cantaloupe? No way.
I don't think a cantaloupe is possible. I may be wrong, but I haven't seen any evidence.

OT: I wonder how Mr Carter came across this story...
Mar 26, 2008
Bara_no_Hime said:
Programmed_For_Damage said:
*stops eating apple* Why do I keep reading this thread?

I must admit I thought the same as you because I know how big a cantaloupe is. However there was no way I was checking out the link.
Did I spoil your snack? Sorry.

Well, no, not sorry - highly amused. :D

And actually you have to click at least two links to get there - Mr. Carter didn't link directly to porn, as that would be against forum rules. Instead he linked to a page that has the link to the infamous picture.

But yeah, while impressive you certainly couldn't get a cantaloupe in there. That's actually why I clicked the link - I just had to see if it was really that wide. It's not.
Actually I saw that you were the last person to comment on the thread before I clicked on it and I thought "this should be good value" (you're reputation proceeds you - in a good way). I often snack on apples at work so it was just bad timing on my behalf.

I once happened to click on the website of a woman known as Latex Angel. Some of those images stayed with me for a long, long time; so I wasn't overly keen to check out Kirk Johnson's "work".