Going into Game Design


New member
May 10, 2010
Alright, I've been dreaming about becoming a Game Designer for a while and I have several attempts at small games, but I feel like I'm not getting very far. I Would like to know some places where I can learn and some good communities for people going into work in games. I'm in High School and am going into Game Art and Design for post-secondary. I want to get into it more, I have mechanics put down, I have skill in 3-D Animation and I have written several small stories and am working on a larger one. I'm working on programming and trying to learn as much as I can in all fields, what else can I do?
I would like to get into some communities where I can get started and maybe even start or help a project. I'm not sure where to go so please help Escapist. I want to make Game Design my Career and life, I'm going to work hard to make it work. Where do I go with what I have?


New member
Jun 26, 2009
My friends usually team up and form some sort of indie team.

working together to complete one project where each and every one of them gets credit for it > working alone on a project IMO.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
I tend to work with flash personally but what you are looking to break into flash prolly wont do since you want 3d enviroments. From the sounds of it you are on the right track just keep practising its good that you are building your skills early


New member
Nov 11, 2010
Unity has been getting a lot of attention lately, because it supports 3d rendering within a web browser. You might want to look into that a bit.


New member
Aug 26, 2010
In the same boat as you. I'd say a big part of it is to try and distinguish yourself as you work through your education. I'm working on a novel right now and am hoping to get some game related stuff going onto youtube and a website based around it. I'd also suggest going to GDC or Comic Con and meeting up with some Devs so you can start networking like crazy. You're 100 times more likely to get something if you're actively engaging with possible game studios.


New member
May 10, 2010
Thanks for the tips guys! I managed to hook up with some of my friends and some new people and Im actually going to be designing several of their mechanics for their new game :D Hopefully, this will help me going down the line with something to put on my resume, I would really like s many suggestions as i can get, so if there's anymore, I'd love to hear them :)