Gold Farmers Mimic Behavior of Drug Dealers


New member
Apr 29, 2009
mattaui said:
Asehujiko said:
What's the point of buying gold anyway these days? I can't speak for EQ but in WoW, leveling to 80 with a warrior(which guzzles down repair money at the same rate as a mage does(free) drinks) left me with a little over half of what's needed for a the mammoth. At that point it's slightly under a month worth of icecrown dailies exclusively or two weeks of regular instancing. Pvpers have a slightly harder time but since when do they have any use for a repair bot anyway?
Part of the reason (if not the entire reason) Blizzard implemented daily quests was to severely blunt the appeal of gold sellers. It used to be, in the days before dailies (ha) that you had to rely on either gathering or crafting and the AH to make gold, or just get lucky with drops that you could turn around and sell, again, on the AH. With the existence of dailies, especially with how many there are now, you know with a certainty that if you're willing to put in x amount of hours y days a week you'll get z gold at minimum, along with whatever rep and perks that go with it.

As was mentioned above, I find the argument that buying gold is okay because your time is so valuable to be pretty hollow, since while you may think you're entitled to it, you explicitly agree not to when you fire up the game (but what's a pesky legally binding agreement, right?). It's like coming over to play Monopoly with your friends and bringing a few grand from your copy, since you know, your time is so much more valuable than this rabble you're playing with! If you don't have the time to play WoW, I totally feel you there (I presently don't), but that means you don't have time to play. Not that it's okay for you to cheat.
For any multiplayer title like WoW, I totally agree with you.

But I support buying accelerators in sports games or shooters, so long as you only use them when you're playing by yourself.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
So, does this mean that soon gold farmers will be punished under international federal law?

$250,000 and 10 years if you use a bot to farm gold

$750,000 and 30 years if you are caught selling weapons


New member
Jan 9, 2010
i can sorta see WHY people buy gold even if I don't agree with it... I mean like in WoW, some stuff cost so much (gold) and pissing about scrapping all that together can be time consuming and... well, boring. SO I can see why some people would just go quick fix and buy a chunk of gold just to bypass the boring shit.