Gone Home Custom Map Lands In Counter-Strike


New member
Apr 17, 2009
I've never understood the criticism that Gone Home "isn't a game." You explore an unfamiliar location, collect keys and solve puzzles. It seems like a game to me. I'm sure that the developers could have added combat, or health pick-ups, or padded the game out to 10 hours, or whatever else would somehow classify it as a "real game", but that would defeat the point of the story that they were trying to tell.

Gone Home is primarily focused on telling a story and providing an emotional experience, rather than on gameplay or graphics, and that is perfectly fine. So many people have spent so much time arguing about how games are a legitimate art form (which I agree with), that it amazes me how much vitriol Gone Home has gotten for trying to tell a story. You might not like the story, but I thought that it was one of the most emotionally effecting stories I've seen in a game. It was also a story that could only really be told through the medium of a game. It someone tried to shoot a Gone Home movie, it wouldn't work nearly as well.

I've been playing video games for almost 20 years. I have over 1500 hours logged into my Steam account. Don't try to tell me that Gone Home isn't a game.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
I swear, every single loud mouth-breathing idiot claiming Gone Home has no gameplay has never played the game or any other point-and-click adventures.

OT: This amuses me. There should be more maps taken out of other games that have no business being in a competitive FPS.


Inaction Master
Jul 9, 2009
i like that no one is actually saying that gone home isnt a game
i also like that no one is really saying gone home is an amazing game
i like that it's easy to tell which extreme opinion each person harbors by what imagined thing they accuse others of.



Trust me, I'm a Doctor.
Jul 30, 2013
I picked GH yesterday as part of a Humble Bundle. It was alright. If I had bought it for $15, I imagined I'd be very pissed, so I understand where the criticism is coming from.

Making it a CS map? Well... It's clever. I hope it has a few easter eggs.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
Zontar said:
Playing that map in the game will bring more fun and entertainment then Gone Home is capable of accomplishing.
While I didn't hate Gone Home THAT much... this.

I am hoping this map gets ported to demolition. Hostage mode never did it for me in any CS game. Shooting down terrorists that are trying to blow a safe in the basement or just blow the house up. That is my cup o tea.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
The_Darkness said:
From that third image (and the map description), I am now imagining Katie (Gone Home's PC) arriving home, opening the front door, seeing the dead body of some terrorist in the lobby and thinking "Well, shit..."
That's actually the plot. Turns out, all of Katie's friends are gun nuts and have obscene amounts of guns, grenades, and body armor lying around.


If this can be used for GMod, this map will be perfect for TTT or GMod Murder.


New member
Aug 26, 2014
This idea reminds me a lot of this [http://www.dorkly.com/video/58404/gun-home] video


New member
Jun 14, 2012
An Ceannaire said:
I will never understand the hype surrounding Gone Home. It was awful, yet is feverishly defended by some for being "progressive" and "clever".
Having been gifted the game and then playing through it a day ago, I can safely say that it was entertaining with lots of wasted potential (gameplay wise) and I wouldn't have paid more than a buck or two for it were it not gifted to me.