Good and bad anime on netflix streaming?


New member
May 12, 2012
Netflix's catalog isn't very big when it comes to anime, but it's high def, so whatever. Trying to compose a nice list of good and bad anime.
Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood(Just a great anime)
Chaos;Head(starts out good but quickly gets stupid with a bunch of twists that have no effect, the psychological shit gets thrown out the window to turn them all into people with super powers. Don't watch this.)


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
FMA: Brotherhood is missing like the last episodes in Netflix which is annoying, well at least they aren't there in my account which really annoys me as I can't watch it on Funimation because that page doesn't seem to work on my PC, not sure why but it doesn't work.

I've also heard that Spice & Wolf is supposedly pretty good but they only have the second season which is really strange, I'd rather watch it from the beginning.

Trigun & Trigun Badlands, I like the show quite a lot and the movie is actually pretty good too.

Soul Eater is pretty good too, it wasn't too surprising but I liked it.

Samurai Champloo! is a pretty cool show, though admittedly I watched it a long time ago before there was Netflix so my memory could be fooling me.

I've also watched a couple of episodes of Ouran High School Host Club and it's pretty funny so far but it's a bit odd.

That's all the anime I've watched on Netflix I think.

Wait no I watched a bit of Legend of the Legendary Heroes and I found it a bit boring so I stopped after 2nd episode.


New member
May 12, 2012
Kaleion said:
FMA: Brotherhood is missing like the last episodes in Netflix which is annoying, well at least they aren't there in my account which really annoys me as I can't watch it on Funimation because that page doesn't seem to work on my PC, not sure why but it doesn't work.
Yeah, you're right. Still, they have 4/5ths of it.
Kaleion said:
I've also heard that Spice & Wolf is supposedly pretty good but they only have the second season which is really strange, I'd rather watch it from the beginning.
Seriously, what's the point of just having season 2 streaming? That made me mad too.
But yeah I'll have to check out trigun and samurai champloo.


New member
Sep 11, 2012
Heroic Age is really good, probably one of my favorite animes. A combination of space opera and Greek mythology.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
The anime movie Metropolis is absolutely excellent, and even manages to beat the manga it's very loosely based on. I recommend it partly because it's a fantastic movie in every sense of the word, and partly because the Swedish edition of Netflix doesn't have any other anime.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
Full metal alchemist is pretty good. Both brotherhood and the older one. Though I did prefer Brotherhood as a whole over the other.

Kaze no Stigma was alright. Nothing amazing, but pretty good.

Bad: Legend of the Legendary Heroes. This one had good art, and seemed like it was going somewhere, but really doesn't and the plot was pretty nonsensical. Would not recommend it.

Blood+ was also pretty bad imo.


Jun 5, 2013
Welcome to the NHK is decent. Hero Tales is also good. Eden of the East is worth watching. That's pretty much all I can recommend.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
All I can think of is FullMetal (forgot which one), Host Club, Soul Eater, Fairy Tail (I think?), and Metropolis... with the first three my friend showing me that he was currently watching them and the last one I just wanted to show the same friend because, at the time, he hadn't seen it...

Note: I do not have Netflix to deny or confirm these... but, my friend does... (So, there's that...)

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
British Netflix... haha, haha... no.

British Netflix has:

Eureka Seven
It used to have Eden to The East and The Disappearance. No longer.
Afro Samurai.
The girl who jumps off of really high things in a short skirt and yet never gets any panty shots because fuck gravity (The Girl who Leapt Through Time)

The rest


The entire anime catalougue


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Baka and Test
Rosario+Vampire (this one is a give or take for people)
Heaven's Lost Property
Yamada's first time (give or take)
Welcome to the NHK (they may have dropped this.)
Full Metal Alchemist
Soul Eater
Fairy Tail

Chaos Head
Chobbits (I tried to watch the show about three times and never got past episode 3)


New member
Jan 8, 2011
The Canadian version of Netflix has... more than I expected.

Of the stuff on there I've watched, I enjoyed:

Spice and Wolf
Welcome to the NHK
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Kaze no Stigma (it was Okay, not great.)
Ouran Highschool Host Club (guilty pleasure of mine; it was funny)

It USED to have Mushi-shi, which was Excellent. I wonder why it was taken off.

Stuff I haven't seen but have heard is good:

Eden of the East
Samurai Champloo
Fairy Tail
Soul Eater
D-Gray Man

The truly Bad that I've seen:

-Dance in the Vampire Bund - My friend made me watch this on the basis that I get to make her watch something in return, I have yet to decide how to enact my revenge.
-Chobits (I've heard it gets good but I can't get into it.)

Then there's a whole bunch of stuff I don't have much knowledge about.

Dr. Cakey

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Black Butler (incl. Black Butler II): Slow, schizophrenic tone. Preferred the second season to the first, though I know most felt the reverse.
Blood+: A 50-episode story that could probably have been told in 2. A product of the worst period in Japanese animation: the early 2000's.
Chaos;Head: Actually only seen one episode, but trust me...RUN. Run and don't look back.
Chobits: There are people who like this show. There are people who really like this show. There are also people who believe the Earth is 6,000 years old.
Chrome Shelled Regios: Saw about a quarter of this. Fairly typical, bland, nothing especially stand-out about it.
D. Gray-man: Shounen in the vein of Naruto or Bleach, about equal to them in quality. Whether that's good or bad is up to you.
Dance in the Vampire Bund: Four words. Naked. Underage. Girls. Jesus Flipping Christ. I know that was seven words.
Eden of the East: If you enjoy four hour naps, this anime fits neatly into your schedule. Some people swear by this show, for some reason. Two movies finish the series (they're also on Netflix), which I understand are regarded as inferior.
Fullmetal Alchemist (2003 series): A very slightly inferior product to Brotherhood, the first FMA is nonetheless excellent and is a very different animal from its younger brother.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: The legend itself...not sure why it's a legend, but, eh, screw it. Legend it is. It's missing the last 12 episodes but Netflix hates you.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Sacred Star of Milos: Ed and Al in a two hour fight scene. Apparently hand-drawn and hand-colored or something? Not sure about that.
Kaze no Stigma: Saw this the first time and loved it. Rewatched it and, eh, I still think it's pretty good. Nothing more than that.
Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple: Hmmmmmm...I did very much enjoy it, but...meh, whatever.
Kite: On my private Top 5 Worst Anime list, Kite weighs in at #1. This is the censored version, if you're curious. Netflix also has Kite: Liberator, which I've heard is supposed to be a desecration of the original. Take that as you will.
Legend of the Legendary Heroes: A show with an awesome first episode that goes nowhere. Aw...
Moon Phase: Really? More lolis? I'm starting to think you have something of a fetish, Netflix.
Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne: If you like torture porn, you'll be disappointed, because Mnemosyne has way too little of that, and way too little of everything else, too.
Soul Eater: A shounen series full of personality with some very weak early episodes and an...amusing...ending.
Spice and Wolf: I've only seen season one, which was fantastic. Netflix only has season two. And, oddly, it only has it subtitled.
Trigun: Schizophrenic early half gives way to a rather beautiful second half. The way you're told virtually nothing and have to figure it out on your own is unique and very effective. Also includes Trigun: Badlands Rumble, which I haven't seen but I believe is basically a 90-minute action scene.

Haven't Seen:
.hack//Quantum OVA
Alakazam the Great (This movie is from 1960. Freaking 1960. That's three years older than televised anime. Kinda cool.)
AniMen: The Galactic Battle (I think this is actually Korean. And 3D. Sure, Netflix, put it here.)
B Gata H Kei - Yamada's First Time
Baka and Test: Summon the Beasts
Fairy Tail
Blade of the Phantom Master
Digimon Adventure
Dino King (gdi Korea)
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040
Ghost Hunt
Girls Bravo
Heaven's Lost Property
Hero Tales
The House (moar Korea)
Hulk Vs. (oh yeah, this is that Madhouse/Marvel/Funimation team-up thing, right?)
Initial D
Little Norse Prince Valiant
Mazinkaiser SKL
My Bride is a Mermaid
Okami-san and her Seven Companions
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Princess Jellyfish
Samurai Champloo (you should probably watch this)
Sengoku Basara
Squid Girl
Tenchi Muyo GXP
Tokyo Godfathers (this is probably good, seeing as it's by Satoshi Kon)
Welcome to the NHK
Yobi, the Five-Tailed Fox (and Korea plays us out...)

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
I would say Gurren Lagann but I noticed it had disappeared off Netflix mysteriously a few months after I had finished watching it. Come on, you know it's hard to find a decent quality dub version of any anime online at least give me Gurren Lagann.

Other than that there wasn't much to speak off. I think the UK version was just lacking in content.


New member
Dec 10, 2012
It seems like Cakey pretty much listed the entire anime catalog for the US, so I'll just pick up anything remaining that I've seen:
Dr. Cakey said:
Haven't Seen:
B Gata H Kei - Yamada's First Time
I didn't see this on Netflix so I'm not sure what level of censorship they have on it...but I'm going to guess "high". A comedy about a high school girl trying to lose her virginity while sorting out her feelings about the guy she wants to bone. I feel like they could have made a more serious and probing (heh) show out of this premise (a la Kare Kano), but it does alright with the comedy route.

Blade of the Phantom Master
I really liked this one, a one-off movie based on a Korean-animated show. At one point there was a powerful kingdom who employed spiritualists to regulate the actions of tyrannical nobles, but that kingdom was defeated and the spiritualists are now free agents. The plot follows one of them as he tries to figure out what to do next. I loved the animation style and the tone of the story, plus the English voice actors did a damn good job.
Digimon Adventure
I watched the dub of this show when I was a kid and it was on Saturday morning cartoons, so it will always have a place in my heart and on my shelf. That said, I've heard that the dub substantially changed quite a bit of the plot and characters, but having never seen the original I have no comment there. A group of children get taken out of summer camp and thrown into the Digimon world in a dimensional anomaly, each is paired with their own 'mon, and they try to get back home. I liked it, but it was more of a kids' show (the dub was anyway).
Hero Tales Just no. Save your time, don't bother. Generic shounen crapola poorly executed in animation, voice acting, pacing, and plot. Just garbage.
Hulk Vs. (oh yeah, this is that Madhouse/Marvel/Funimation team-up thing, right?)
It's alright, just Hulk fighting a bunch of Marvel universe people split into 2 half-movies. I liked it, just a bit of dumb fun not to be taken too seriously.
Mazinkaiser SKL
...speaking of "dumb fun", holy shit this was great! It's a spin-off movie of Mazinkaiser, which was itself a spin-off of Mazinger-Z. Picture what would happen if someone dumped Heavy Metal, Guren Lagann, and a ton of 80's hair metal bands into a blender and hit the "pulse" button. I'm sure it would have made more sense after seeing the rest of its source material, but fuck it: it's great right out of the tin if you're into any of the component parts and has a cool aesthetic regardless.
Okami-san and her Seven Companions
Ehh...take it or leave it, it's a slice of life about a high school club that is basically the school's Mafia: they help you out with whatever problem you bring them, they expect a favor at some unspecified point in the future. The main plot is about an awkward dude who sacks up over the course of the story and gets the girl at the end.
Ouran Highschool Host Club
A reverse-harem situation with a lot of good-quality humor. If you're looking for something light and humorous, highly recommended. Otherwise, stay well clear.
Samurai Champloo (you should probably watch this)
Agreed, you should probably watch this. From the same studio as Cowboy Beebop, a story of a girl trying to find a particular samurai in feudal Japan with two samurai accompanying her. Just as Beebop was jazz-influenced, this is influenced by hip-hop. The art and aesthetic are great, the soundtrack is wonderful...but it's just not quite as good as Beebop was. Definitely watch it once, any subsequent viewings are dealer's choice.
Sengoku Basara
I watched the first few episodes of this as it was being made, but then lost interest. I think it's somewhat based on an actual war in Japanese history, but my weeaboo cred isn't sufficient to say much more than that. Otherwise it's a feudal military anime following two opposing generals who remind me a bit of Mugen and Jin from Champloo. Not much more to say about this one, if you like goofy, brolic action then it might be worth a look.
Squid Girl
Admittedly I do have a taste for light, humorous shows, and it definitely comes out here: I. Loved. This. Show. It's funny, the characters are just goofy as shit, the theme song is hilarious (first one anyway), and it's just an all-around fun watch. A squidgirl (they never really get into it, just roll with it) washes up on a Japanese beach one day and becomes friends with the staff a boardwalk short-order restaurant. She states that her goal is to dominate the surface world, but she never really makes much progress on that. Either way, very funny and I recommend it (subtitled version anyway, no idea about the dub).
Welcome to the NHK
I've seen a good number of anime in my day, but this absolutely sailed to the higher echelons of my favorites list on the first viewing. A socially-withdrawn 20-something shut-in (a hikikimori, for the weeaboo-inclined among us) tries to relearn how to interact with the world through the intervention of a high school girl that takes an interest in him. This show really gets the mass of neurotic insecurities, self-doubt, paranoia, and general fucked-upness of someone who is an absolute loser in high school and never really recovers from that, in addition to giving a very accurate look at the inner workings of the mind of someone in that position. As a warning though: if the above doesn't describe you at some point in your life, you probably won't get very much out of it. I call it the "Evangellion effect", where someone watching the show who hasn't been seriously depressed at some point in their life just isn't going to get it and won't enjoy it very much.

Dr. Cakey

New member
Feb 1, 2011
bearlotz said:
It seems like Cakey pretty much listed the entire anime catalog for the US, so I'll just pick up anything remaining that I've seen:
Dr. Cakey said:
Haven't Seen:
B Gata H Kei - Yamada's First Time
I didn't see this on Netflix so I'm not sure what level of censorship they have on it...but I'm going to guess "high". A comedy about a high school girl trying to lose her virginity while sorting out her feelings about the guy she wants to bone. I feel like they could have made a more serious and probing (heh) show out of this premise (a la Kare Kano), but it does alright with the comedy route.
Just for the edification of all the folks out there, the anime on Netflix is uncensored - exactly the same as what you'd get if you bought the DVDs, I mean. I know because I watched an episode of Sekirei

...what were we talking about again?


New member
Dec 10, 2012
Dr. Cakey said:
bearlotz said:
It seems like Cakey pretty much listed the entire anime catalog for the US, so I'll just pick up anything remaining that I've seen:
Dr. Cakey said:
Haven't Seen:
B Gata H Kei - Yamada's First Time
I didn't see this on Netflix so I'm not sure what level of censorship they have on it...but I'm going to guess "high". A comedy about a high school girl trying to lose her virginity while sorting out her feelings about the guy she wants to bone. I feel like they could have made a more serious and probing (heh) show out of this premise (a la Kare Kano), but it does alright with the comedy route.
Just for the edification of all the folks out there, the anime on Netflix is uncensored - exactly the same as what you'd get if you bought the DVDs, I mean. I know because I watched an episode of Sekirei

...what were we talking about again?
Au contraire, man with no hair: I submit into evidence as exhibit A, Kite. There are 2 release versions for the US, a 60 minute version and a 47 minute version. The longer cut is rated for ages 18+, and the version on Netflix is 47 minutes. As for what they cut...
Sawa's handler, the crime scene investigator, was sexually abusing her the entire time she was under his watch. They hint at it in the Netflix version, but they show it explicitly in the uncut version. Fun fact: those scenes mean that the movie is considered child pornography in Norway, and it's banned entirely in that country.
*Edit: spelling

Caleb Ashley

New member
Jan 16, 2014
I have to disagree with alot of you, specifically about chaos; head. I thought it was a very well made, interesting show. It had alot of real world scientific ideas and theorys in it, intertwined with an intriguing story, I had two gripes with it. 1 being The side characters can come off as bland, and some even have what seems like rushed back storys, still enjoyable just could have used extra care. 2 being the ending, which left me with questions that I knew wouldn't be answered. Other than that I would recommend it, it was a enjoyable, sometimes even thought provoking show, which also spawned even better later series. If you like science and interesting storys I recommend it (and please give it a better chance than a couple episodes, it's not tv where you miss things or have to wait for more episodes, it's netflix, there is nothing but impatience stopping you and you can give it a better go than that.) Sorry, I know this is just my opinion but I felt it was being bashed quiet a bit, not trying to be rude or anything of the sort.

Caleb Ashley

New member
Jan 16, 2014
Also, animes I have enjoyed on netflix -

Full metal alchemist

Full Metal alchemist: brotherhood

Soul eater

Welcome to the NHK


Eden of the east

Ghost hunt

Kaze no stigma

Baka and test


Attack on titan

Fairy tail

Heavens lost property (Surprisingly interesting story later on lol)

Rin: daughters of mnemosyne

Kenichi: the mightiest disciple

and a few others but I think I went on long enough xD.


New member
Feb 10, 2014
Attack on Titan.... is a masterpiece.
I was truly amazed.
Samurai champloo is great along with both FMAs, (although i would lean towards brotherhood for manga accuracy purposes)
Eden of the east is funny, but if you listen to every single piece of dialogue the whole thing gets really intense. i saw it for a second time but payed attention instead of having it in the background and was impressed.
Fooly Cooly is great, but i think it should have been longer. they could have make it 12 episodes
Angel Beats ended up being pretty great. Its got that kingdom hearts kind of feel with how they talk about souls and hearts and stuff but i mean... the writing was better than expected.
Initial D is only good if you like cars. I mean, anyone can like need for speed but initial D is way more in depth with the technology of the cars than with the relationships of the characters and the racing action
i dont know about bads. i cant get over attack on titan right now to think about bads.


New member
Dec 21, 2011
Still waiting for Netflix to come to Australia, anime will be my go to thing since anime is expensive to buy in shops for the very few that actually sell it.