Good game with the WORST sequel


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Sep 21, 2010
Devil May Cry 2 did an amazing job of undoing all the hard work of the brilliant first game.
Brooding 2nd Character Lucia? Jesus, don't get me started.
There are worse sequels of other titles, but I was hugely disappointed with DMC2.
DMC3 Dante's Awakening on the other hand pulled it back and was excellent.


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May 11, 2008
Jimmybobjr said:
Final Fantasy X's Sequel, Final Fantasy X-2.
To be fair, it was a good game, good combat system, good ability system, just the plot was a bit odd. If it wasn't a sequal half of you probably wouldn't call it bad.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
veloper said:
Bible Doctor said:
KOTOR 2 was awful, just awful.

KOTOR is my favorite game.
Both games are very similar.
If 1 has shitty gameplay, then 2 has shitty gameplay.
It's not awful because of the gameplay.

2 is cut to bits, has one of the worst endings ever, is bug-ridden and looks worse than the first game.


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Sep 29, 2010
I'd have to say that the Final Fantasy franchise has slowly been deteriorating, FF1 - FF6 were all good for there time... FF7 - FF9 (and arguably FF10) were all pretty much on par.. FF10 is about where Final Fantasy started to get worse with every single title brought out...

I honestly think with a lot of games, that the sequels aren't worse... the developers just think "If they liked the gameplay of the first one, then if we repeat with a different story line they will like it again" which just isn't true. There are some blow outs though where the next game is a complete abomination though =(


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Aug 29, 2010
this isnt my name said:
Mass effect 2, mining instead of the mako, 0load screens instead of elevators, hammerhead instead of mako, watered down rpg elements. I agree with those who call it dialouge, if it wasnt for 3 being the last in the game, and me wanting to see things unfold I wouldnt get it if its going to be anything lke 2.
I liked fable 2 and ME2 = P. Mako and mining were both annoying and boring, no difference between load screen and elevator, again mako was annoying, both had watered down rpg elements so no real difference.

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
InterAirplay said:
maddawg IAJI said:
I wanna say Bioshock 2, but if anything, Bioshock 2 was a good game, just no where near as good as Bioshock 1 and it's only looked down upon because it let a lot of folks down.

That said, I wanna go with Modern Warfare 2. I enjoyed the original Modern Warfare campaign, I thought it was fun, enjoyable, challenging Veteran, good story and ideas. Modern Warfare 2 however just threw all that way and said "LET'S PUT IN MORE GUNS AND MAKE THEM GO BANG BANG!". It's story was really lackluster and the veteran is just a piss poor excuse for a difficulty.
Not to mention the complete absence of a coherent plot, and sort of intelligent messages or subtext, and the whole "brutal, gritty war portrayed as a bad thing" flying out the window in exchange for a bunch of macho men screaming "HOO-AH!" at each other.
Don't forget the man who painted a skull on his Ski Mask to make him look cool. Seriously, I wonder how many CoD fans screamed in terror when they saw Emile from Halo Reach.

OT: I also wanna add ODST into this thread. I did enjoy the disk with all the Multiplayer maps and everything (As did my hard drive) but for god's sake, there was nothing about it that warrented a 60 dollar price tag. I haven't felt that ripped off since I bought Brutal Legend.
May 25, 2010
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Prince of Persia: Warrior Within and Two Thrones yet. Oh well, I'll do it myself. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, UBISOFT?

Starcraft 2 disappointed me as well, but mostly because it's incomplete. It's not bad, although I wish it were. It would have given me a better excuse to be angry at it.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Woodsey said:
veloper said:
Bible Doctor said:
KOTOR 2 was awful, just awful.

KOTOR is my favorite game.
Both games are very similar.
If 1 has shitty gameplay, then 2 has shitty gameplay.
It's not awful because of the gameplay.

2 is cut to bits, has one of the worst endings ever, is bug-ridden and looks worse than the first game.
So the ending was bad and the gfx were meh (though I judge the gfx are comparable to the 1st and mostly copy/pasted from K1 anyway).
The only bug I ever encountered in K2 was the Telos academy dialogue bug that skipped the encounter with Atris and got you stuck. Bad, but hardly worst-sequel-ever-made material.

On the up side and apart from the ending, I think the story and dialogues were less bad than the original.
Which is worse: a story with a rushed ending or a worse story overal?

I don't really care. Gameplay is mediocre in both and the rest is close, which to me makes it a mediocre sequel to a mediocre original in my book.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Definitely Burnout Dominator. A lazy effort.
And Guitar Hero 5. It was as if Kotick had programmed it himself. Even the cover was a lazy, half-assed attempt.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
veloper said:
Woodsey said:
veloper said:
Bible Doctor said:
KOTOR 2 was awful, just awful.

KOTOR is my favorite game.
Both games are very similar.
If 1 has shitty gameplay, then 2 has shitty gameplay.
It's not awful because of the gameplay.

2 is cut to bits, has one of the worst endings ever, is bug-ridden and looks worse than the first game.
So the ending was bad and the gfx were meh (though I judge the gfx are comparable to the 1st and mostly copy/pasted from K1 anyway).
The only bug I ever encountered in K2 was the Telos academy dialogue bug that skipped the encounter with Atris and got you stuck. Bad, but hardly worst-sequel-ever-made material.

On the up side and apart from the ending, I think the story and dialogues were less bad than the original.
Which is worse: a story with a rushed ending or a worse story overal?

I don't really care. Gameplay is mediocre in both and the rest is close, which to me makes it a mediocre sequel to a mediocre original in my book.
The plot is incoherent in a number of places and of the major quests in the game is cut halfway through (the HK factory) with no indication that you can't get any further.

KotOR has a simpler plot, but it handles it with finesse and is widely considered to have one of the best twists in gaming.

KotOR 2's twist is ruined in the menu screen, and hinted at with the subtly of a jackhammer. I.e. Kreia is going to betray you. (Kind of).


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Woodsey said:
veloper said:
Woodsey said:
veloper said:
Bible Doctor said:
KOTOR 2 was awful, just awful.

KOTOR is my favorite game.
Both games are very similar.
If 1 has shitty gameplay, then 2 has shitty gameplay.
It's not awful because of the gameplay.

2 is cut to bits, has one of the worst endings ever, is bug-ridden and looks worse than the first game.
So the ending was bad and the gfx were meh (though I judge the gfx are comparable to the 1st and mostly copy/pasted from K1 anyway).
The only bug I ever encountered in K2 was the Telos academy dialogue bug that skipped the encounter with Atris and got you stuck. Bad, but hardly worst-sequel-ever-made material.

On the up side and apart from the ending, I think the story and dialogues were less bad than the original.
Which is worse: a story with a rushed ending or a worse story overal?

I don't really care. Gameplay is mediocre in both and the rest is close, which to me makes it a mediocre sequel to a mediocre original in my book.
The plot is incoherent in a number of places and of the major quests in the game is cut halfway through (the HK factory) with no indication that you can't get any further.

KotOR has a simpler plot, but it handles it with finesse and is widely considered to have one of the best twists in gaming.

KotOR 2's twist is ruined in the menu screen, and hinted at with the subtly of a jackhammer. I.e. Kreia is going to betray you. (Kind of).
I don't think that Kreia being a Sith and a nasty old crone ever was a plot twist or meant to be. It was obvious early on and never a big secret.
The surprise is in why she was helping you.

Still a mediocre game. Both.


New member
May 21, 2009
im gonna go with fable 2. the first one was one of my favourite games, and the second was just plain awful, i only ever completed it once, and that was only because god dammit i bought it and i was gonna fucking play it. I've tried playing through it again a few times but it just isnt even enjoyable. Oh and it managed to look worse than fable1, despite fable1 being on the last generation of consoles.


New member
Jul 11, 2010
People dislike KOTOR 2???


Worst sequel i have played...?

Hmmm... Final Fantasy X-2

Edit: hmmm it appears i have been ninja'd

Well in that case... dammit i can't think of anything

Duke Nukem forever. Yahtzee can shove it up his ass