Good Games


New member
Aug 20, 2008
I've noticed a recent influx of hatred for games that are actually fantastic. Why does everyone hate Fable 2? What exactly has it done wrong? I'm not going to stop you thinking what you want, but I'm asking why you dislike them. All this irritation has actually put me off my dream job of games journalism, which pisses me off indescribably.

Anyway, if you were to make a game, what would you put in it, and how would you cope when people hated it?

That wasn't rhetorical, I want a genuine answer here.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
I would make a pokemon MMO. If people complained I would listen and fix the problems. If they just downright hated the game, I'd try better next time.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
People really hated Urban Reign. But it rules. Best brawling game since Streets of Rage II, though its arena-based focus is different. I've probably logged over 150 hours on its multiplayer version.

mr mcshiznit

New member
Apr 10, 2008
People also really hated Assassins Creed. I really liked that game. At least it tried to be a little different.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
mr mcshiznit said:
People also really hated Assassins Creed. I really liked that game. At least it tried to be a little different.
I liked it too! Where on earth is the fault in leaping across buildings and rapidly introducing a concealed knife into someone's jugular vein? It's flawless!


New member
May 14, 2008
Here's a theory: People are stupid. Why else wouldn't they buy Beyond Good and Evil?


New member
Oct 23, 2008
I think that making games is like writing books. If you do it so that you will like it you can live with yourself.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
Cheesus333 said:
mr mcshiznit said:
People also really hated Assassins Creed. I really liked that game. At least it tried to be a little different.
I liked it too! Where on earth is the fault in leaping across buildings and rapidly introducing a concealed knife into someone's jugular vein? It's flawless!
I too love that game, one of the all-time greats.

I think people say they dislike good games as they are often popular and want to look "cool" and "indie" and try break away from the mainstream, often sacrificing their gaming experience to look cool.

For example someone might say they think that some indie oddball FPS was better than Fallout 3. Of course that's not really true but hey, at least they look like they're gaming experts and not just sheep!


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Some people feel the need to "hate" mainstream opinion, hence if EVERYONE says its good, clearly they're stupid sheep and the game must suck etc. It's the need to feel different and special, also many people exagerate minor gripes they may have on the evil opinion multiplier that is teh intarwebz.

It's like how people keep saying Halo sucks, no it doesn't suck, it's a good trilogy, it's fanbase sucks and the devotion to building Halo clones sucks, not the games themselves.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
I would make a game in which you go back and forth through time, only when you go back, you can change the future by destroying structures, the landscape, killing people, or doing really anything. When people complained, I'd basically ignore them, unless they had valid points on things that could be changed or improved.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Nobody in the world can make ANYTHING that will be liked by EVERYONE. Its impossible. People will like to play the games they are comfortable with playing. I LOVE Fable 2, I have already beaten once, and almost a second time. But I know people that hate it. I don't understand how anybody can hate it, but they do.

Just like how I can't understand how anybody can believe in the republican economic plan. At least 1 person will read that sentence and wonder how I could believe in anything ELSE. It's a difference of opinion, and in the end there really isn't a "right" or "wrong" answer, there is simply which answer, or in the case of this thread: which GAME, fits best into YOUR life.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
I personally don't think that it's a hatred of the games themselves but of what the games content is. A lot of it basically boils down to the fanbase, amount of advertising, and overall decency and content of the game. A good example is the GTA series, I personally can't stand it but a lot of people think that this game is awesome. Or the Halo series, again I can't stand it but aparently this game is a god-sent to gamers. (eh, go fig) What it all comes down to is your own preferences and how influenced you are from others opinions.


New member
May 9, 2008
If I were to make a game, I'd make a series based on the Dune books by Frank Herbert. There is enough content in those well-written books of his and of his son Brian's to inspire a whole series of games. I'd make both FPS and turn-based strategy games (because I prefer them to real-time strategy) from it like they did Lord of the Rings.

I'd cope with those who hated my games by ignoring any comments that were not constructive criticism. If they had genuinely useful comments to make about how I could improve the games, I'd take them into consideration. All the other "his games suck" kinds of comments would just be ignored.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
HSIAMetalKing said:
I liked Fable 2, but you have to admit it really started to lose steam towards the end.
Really? Story-wise I thought it picked up.
The Perfect World scene was positively jarring.

As for Fable 2, it can be really buggy at times. Sacrifices at the Temple of Shadows was horribly buggy for me in my latest (3rd) playthrough. Not to mention that 'awesome' Rising Sun glitch I managed to get.

Beyond it's bugginess though, I can't see why people would hate Fable 2. It was a fun game, if a tad easy at times, and it kept me interested. "Hate" is a strong word, I doubt many people actually hate it. Dislike perhaps, but hate? I think not.

Assassin's Creed, similarly. I enjoyed that. The ending was a, but the gameplay was sound for the most part and I enjoyed the exploration.

Gathering the flags can fuck right off though. I only used them to get auto-saves :p

FFX-2, i liked it, the game did things differently but apparently everyone i know and their dog hated it.
Yes i admit that the GURL POWAH is annoying but it was the specially kind of annoying that when you think of it later leaves a smile on your face.
Combat was fun, dress system interesting and the story-line was no worse than any other Final Fantasy games. My two main complaints with it were:
'Perfect Good' Ending where Tidus comes back. Makes no sense and pissed all over the feelings I got when he 'died' at the end of FFX. Annoyed me to no end.

And the girl power thing. That was just tedious and seemed like pointless pandering to make sales. Didn't rub well with me. I suppose the unnecessarily skimpy outfits annoyed me too as well now that I think about it, similar pointless pandering to make sales. I quite *liked* Yuna's FFX outfit and while I understand a change was required, they didn't need to give her hotpants and pieces of string to keep her chesticles in place.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
Richard Groovy Pants said:
Amnestic said:
HSIAMetalKing said:
I liked Fable 2, but you have to admit it really started to lose steam towards the end.
Really? Story-wise I thought it picked up.
The Perfect World scene was positively jarring.

As for Fable 2, it can be really buggy at times. Sacrifices at the Temple of Shadows was horribly buggy for me in my latest (3rd) playthrough. Not to mention that 'awesome' Rising Sun glitch I managed to get.

Beyond it's bugginess though, I can't see why people would hate Fable 2. It was a fun game, if a tad easy at times, and it kept me interested. "Hate" is a strong word, I doubt many people actually hate it. Dislike perhaps, but hate? I think not.

Assassin's Creed, similarly. I enjoyed that. The ending was a, but the gameplay was sound for the most part and I enjoyed the exploration.

Gathering the flags can fuck right off though. I only used them to get auto-saves :p
Only gathering the flags? The whole repetitive side missions get to fuck right off in my opinion.

Fabul 2 didn't sucked, it just got quickly overshadowed by Fallout 3. <3
Fallout 3 being the better game an' all.....


New member
May 8, 2008
I would cope people hating it by swimming in the money I made if it sold a lot and if it didn't I would go into denial and rant about how they don't understand my genius.