GOOD things about the latest series of Doctor Who...


New member
Sep 7, 2011
So lets get this straight and say im not blind to all the problems with the latest series, I can understand where most of the hate is coming from, I just feel people have been so wound up with the mid season finale and so on, that they've not realized this has been one of the best series the show has ever produced....ill give you some reasons why below and lets use this thread to discuss what was good about the series...

1. Every episode was different and exciting
The first two series of the new Doctor Who in particular had a kind of generic format that many episodes stuck to, very much simply a case of different aliens same story. The new series has been different, every episode has been so fresh and rather than focusing them on MONSTERS, they each tell an exciting STORY. Some highlights for me were meeting the TARDIS, the hotel full of nightmares and the quarenteen episode. Also if you're wondering what I mean by this generic formula then id re-watch the James Cordon episode, its a perfect example but about the only one i can think of in the latest run.

2. The Locations
This really shouldn't need much explaining, but this series has been a really visual feast for the eyes, we've been to so many exciting places that returning to earth felt almost as exciting. Also we've had locations more exciting that the monsters than inhabit them, the hotel of nightmares was a great example. I still cant get over the finale, area 51 in a pyramid, london full of hot air balloon cars... just wow

3. Rory
what can i say, he's amazing

4. An over-arching story line that actually matters
Ok, so I know there were problems with this one, but lets put them aside for a moment and look at the positives. I want to demonstrate this by comparing it to the over-arching stroyline of season 2, the word didnt even mean much, just happened to be the location of the last episode, a boring office block. This time it was a personal journey for the doctor, actual character development as he slowly lost faith in himself, throwing his companions out of the tardis...even the viewers started to lose faith in the man who has saved the universe more times than we can imagine, and then in the final episode he was reminded, and so were we, why we loved him. The highlight of that episode for me was when River gave the doctor back his faith in himself. i was genuinely moved.

ok, I could write more...but your turn, hope some of you agree xD


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Plan10FromSpace said:
area 51 in a pyramid
It was Area 52, btw.

And I agree. I think it was the weakest series so far in Moffat's run, just didn't feel as exciting as Series 5, or even Series 6 part 1. That doesn't mean it was bad, at all. It was still excellent, and better than 99.9% of TV shows out there. For example, I didn't look anything up on YouTube like trailers for the next episode, but I was doing that all through Series 5. It was just a bit...boring. Just a bit, though. During the episodes, I was having a great time, but after that, while waiting for the next episode, I was far more interested in other things. Like Torchwood series 4.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I enjoyed this series, and fully agree with every point, but I gotta say, the plot was a bit too similar to the last series - people believe he's gonna destroy the universe(s) and so plan to kill/trap him. Inadvertadly, time is destroyed, creating an alternate reality which is time's equivalent to a death spasm, which can only be resolved through the doctor's death. however, he miraculously escapes through his genius and survives to rock another day... you gotta admit, it's basically a more emotional version of last series.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
The writing is genius. I've heard about as many quotes from this series as the other five combined. A lot of people didn't like Closing Time, but the dialogue made it so worth it. Otherwise there would be no Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All.

