I don't know how you even jump to that interpretation but whatever. I see where you're coming from, but that's why it's best to unionize, get together, or something. Prevent crap like this from happening. Streamers big and small can unite together if they wanted to. They have that power.
The problem with unionizing is that they aren't actually employees of anything, therefore they can't unionize for any sort of regulation.
Unless you mean just ban together and refuse to stream or do content until publishers let up, in which case is only viable for the millionaire streamers. Any medium to small time streamer will not be able to hold out with bills to pay. The only hope would be that the gaming public would see this is a terribly bad look and cause a lot of problems for the publishers. Though boycotts rarely work, as people are fickle and don't hold up to boycotts very often. What is likely is you see a lot of protest against it while the public still buys the games they want to play.
Streaming in general is one of those things that i can't fathom anyone doing for a "career" unless they've reached a level of support that can sustain them forever if it all vanished in an instant. So many streamers with less than 1000 viewers who do this for a living are crazy to lean so heavily into it. Hell think about all the girls that have no personality or life skills beyond looking good for a camera who are on a incredible short timescale of support from the crowd. Once the audience starts to fade, there is no talent or potential to keep things afloat. Only hope that they make enough money to retire off of quickly otherwise where does a streamer go?
Look at DarksydePhil for example. He is managing to barely squeak by with an audience who essentially hates him and a limited number of whales that keep him going. He has been teetering on collapse for ages now and it's only a matter of time before the streaming well dries up. At which point this almost 40-year-old man has no job skills, no savings, no talent, no hireability, and is screwed when the stream dies. Many many many many other streamers of middling success are in the same boat.
Stream as a hobby and make what you can off it, but do so with another job until you are absolutely sure your audience has blown up to the level in which you can retire when it all goes away, because it will. Nobody is popular forever.