Gordon Freeman to Remain Mute


New member
Nov 18, 2009
To me, it seems pretty alright to keep Gordon Freeman mute. Games can fully well function with a silent protagonist as long as the game is built around that. Say, for example, they released God of War 3 with Kratos as a silent protagonist. It wouldn't work because the game is simply not built for him to get away with being silent and Kratos simply does not look right with his chains and white and red paint for someone to be able to put themselves in someone's shoes. Gordon Freeman on the other hand, is perfect. The Half-Life games were built around the fact that everyone around you does the talking and it really works. You can suspend your disbelief that M.I.T. graduate scientists can hold a gun better than any soldier and cannot talk and then go in for one of the most immersive games ever.

That said, there are games that are immersive but still have some lines. Someone earlier mentioned Saints Row 1 but I've never played that game so I'll use Crysis as an example. In Crysis, the military nanosuit wearer in your control only sometimes says anything, and when he does it's exactly what you'd expect him to say. He doesn't say anything unexpected or really heroic so it's easy to project yourself onto him.


Interzone Vagabond
Jun 10, 2008
"We haven't had a reason to change that. Most of what I've seen to date has been gimmicky and is entertaining for just a minute or so."

Unfortunately, Gabe didn't do the math and figure out that's exactly one minute more entertainment than Gordon provides.

I say Gabe Newell is the gimmicky one.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Nailing a personality and voice onto Freeman would be shit.

I think he's fine the way he is.

300lb. Samoan

New member
Mar 25, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
300lb. Samoan said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
300lb. Samoan said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Also, if they did ever give him a voice, hire Nolan North.
Ugh, kill me now. If there's anything in the world Gordon doesn't need it's the "one voice to rule them all".
That part was a joke.
PHEW! Ok, I kinda figured it had to be. Still, the rest of my "typical Valve fan-boy response #0006" stands proud. When I'm playing Half-Life, I'm in charge of the wise-cracks and I don't need Nolan North or Michael Ironside or any other douche-bag* challenging my authority.
*douche-bag here implies any VO artist more successful than me, which makes for lots of douche-bags.
What if Valve asked YOU to voice Gordon Freeman for the entire gaming world to hear, and said that if you don't...he'll just remain silent. Would you take the job?
If they wanted me to say the shit I say sitting at my computer desk/on my couch, I'd tell them it's better suited to a 2-star youtube video rather than the sequel to the GOTY 99/04/07. But hypothetically, if I got the call I couldn't possibly turn it down - too prestigious, certainly too much money considering I'm a broke loser at the moment, and I'd kind of relish the unique chance to be hated by the entire gaming world. I'd sit on panels at all the big convos, haters would throw insults and rotten tomatoes, I'd hold my arms wide and cackle loudly... then in my patent-pending Gordon Freeman voice I'd say something awful like "loud fat and ugly! this audience is like all of my worst fears COMBINED! Combine, get it?!? HUR HUR HURRR"


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Seriously, I like Gordon the way he is. As beens said before the fact that he doesn't speak lets the player more readily assume the role. Honestly, these are the same people who hate games for the main protagonist being "Annoying". You just can't win.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
I'm glad. I like that the story is portrayed to us completely by the support characters and how this allows them to become deeper. I also think it's genius the way Valve manage to create the illusion you're involved and are actually a part of the conversations happening in front of you between the other characters, even when you don't say a single word. Gordon Freeman isn't a good protagonist, and he's not supposed to be. He's just a shell for you to step into, to enjoy the actual characters through his (your) eyes, which are some of the best characters in gaming, especially Alyx.

Now. A message to all gaming websites, magazines and TV shows. Next time you get Gabe Newell in for an interview, ask him better questions... I can think of one right now: What the hell is happening with EP3???


New member
Dec 23, 2008
Well good. He'd be a worse character if he talked.

I can count the number of characters on one hand who I didn't immediately start shouting at them to shut up.

Garrett of thief, Shepard of Mass Effect... that's about it. Oh, and Tommy of Prey once he actually realised that shit is officially fucked up and decides that xenocide is the best solution.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
It's a good thing that gordon doesnt speak, just imagine how much longer ep. 3 would take if they had to add another thing to it.


New member
Feb 23, 2009
I agree with keeping him silent anything they would do would only be disappointing and trying to tape on a voice and therefore a personality would just come off weird at best.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Good to hear that Valve's sticking to the tried and true. But more importantly, is anyone else surprised that Valve is actually acknowledging Half-Life's existance? Between this and "the next half-life will be scary", maybe Valve is actually considering working on Episode 3.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I imagine that Gordon Freeman holds up signs with the things he wants to say, like Wile E Coyote.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Onyx Oblivion said:
Treblaine said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
I am sorry to hear this...

Oh well, Gordon himself is a TERRIBLE character. No personality or anything...He is the worst kind of protagonist. A silent one who everyone in-game likes for no reason as though he used to talk to them and they developed a close friendship.

Good games, horrible main character. When a headcrab named Lamarr has more personality then the hero, you've got a shitty hero.

Maybe he should talk Saint's Row 1 style. Like, a single line at the end of every major landmark in the story.


But why are you holding them to the same standards and expectations as movies? like that the protagonist MUST be well fleshed out and deep, what you are asking for is like more characterisation in a book told from the 2nd person perspective!

WHY oh F***ing why can so many people get the idea through their heads that Gordon Freeman is DELIBERATELY left an empty shell so that he is easier to inhabit.

How films and books do it: develop the character of protagonist to EMPATHISE with them

How games do it: Give the illusion that you ARE the protagonist so you can more deeply immerse in the world

The more voice acting you give your protagonist, the more automatic actions, the LESS CONTROL you give the player, the more if feels like they are just a director ordering an actor around. if you don't FEEL that you ARE the character in the story then the game has failed in doing the one things games can do and that movies/books cannot.

Plenty of games let you FEEL like the character in the story, even with speaking protagonists, and also in a linear game series like Half Life, you can't really feel like you have any control, anyway.
No, I'm going to try to be polite but I feel the rage rising because I can sense the tide and I can tell people are just gravitating towards Hollywood style conventions of protagonists, that is all right for some shallow console game like Uncharted.. but NOT HERE.

And sorry, you may be able to control conversation trees of Shepard in Mass Effect but you don't inhabit the character, at best you feel just like a director of a film, you are just controlling someone else's performance. It ends up more like and Real-Time-Strategy, you just get disconnected.

I mean just consider the more "hard-core" Bioware titles like Dragon age, which although giving you conversation trees keep your character mute.

This is SO INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT for Role Playing Games where the entire purpose is feeling like you inhabit the character and the only way to achieve that is to have as much control if not absolute control over every DEFINITIVE thing they do.
See when characters speak, even with the control you have in Mass Effect, there is so much in precisely how and what you say which you cannot control, the more automatic thing your character does the less it becomes you being the character and more you just observing them. And talking from a 1st person perspective is just WEIRD! A voice coming out of our own head that isn't yours, saying things, not necessarily the way you want them said.

Dragon Age Origins has a good compromise, you can control what you said but it is mainly short, direct and objective questions purely for the purpose of getting the NPCs to say the things you are interested in and not to force any characteristics on your own playable avatar.

I'm not saying Mass Effect is a terrible game because it gave Commander Shepard a soul, it's there isn't room for two.

One thing I wished they'd do with the GTA series is since they have taken to giving the protagonist really interesting characteristics they should address how they say and do a lot of things to other NPCs yet when the cutscenes end they may do something completely contradictory once the player is given control again.

I'd love it if Nico Bellic admitted in cutscenes he didn't know why he did some things, like as if something else was controlling his compulsions. The story could hint that the old career criminal has gone quite insane, with a split personality partially taking over that did not care who dies, if Nico dies and sees death and destruction as a game with no consequences... and it would be implied that this psychotic alternate personality is YOU the player.

Of course to you the player it is all just a game, but imagine what the characters in the game would think, this guy ploughs through pedestrians as if they are just straw men, they talk compassionately on one hand then go on a killing spree just to see the blood splatter.

Well that's the way I see it, the GTA series is quite literally schizophrenic insanity, I'd just love it if the games plot could explore that.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
While I agree with Valve's decision on this (Gordon is me goddammit, keep him quiet), I'm not entirely certain it's the most immersive approach available. The Mass Effect games have always kept me more involved and make me feel like I actually am Commander Shepard because of the choices I'm allowed to make and the fact that I can behave exactly as I would in that situation. As great and as immersive as the Half-Life series is, I don't really get to change the story one bit. I don't get to choose how my character acts past "How should I take this scumbag down?" and while it certainly works, it doesn't really allow me to inhabit Freeman as a shell.

Also, rather off topic but what's with all the hate for voice actors in this thread? :(


Another Regular. ^_^
May 22, 2008
I honestly like Gordon the way he is.
Plus, as others have said, if he talked now, I wouldn't know what to think.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it." <= This pretty much covers my thoughts on the topic.

And as a character himself? I'm not entirely sure what to think... I like him, though.
I mean... If I'm thinking of him as more than just an "empty shell" for me to inhabit, for whatever reason I might need to think of him in this way... I'd definitively say that "I like him".

If he began to talk... It would need to be done so very well at this point, so as to offset the fact that everyone's favourite mute main character... isn't so "mute" anymore.

Plus, despite some of the caps... This guy here makes some really good points, particularly in the 4th, 5th and 6th paragraph of this post.
Treblaine said:
I guess what I'm saying is... If he started talking, fine. But it better not be too much, and it better be done practically perfectly.
However, I'd prefer him to stay just the way it is. It's working wonders so far. :)

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
The point is that his silence makes it easier for you to become him. I think he's fine this way, too.