Gorgeous Next-Gen Unreal Tech Demo Would Make an Amazing Game


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Leaper said:
Aisaku said:
All I see is pretty lights... give me shape distortion, fabric warping and then we'll talk.
Could you elaborate a little? Fabric warping, as I understand, is in UE3 for ages, though games rarely use that. Mirror's edge used it fairly nicely, apart from that game I've only seen it used for promotional purposes like in some maps that were designed to show off PhysX capabilities.

And shape distortion? Dont really know what that is, if you mean stuff like dynamic water surfaces that creates water waves and stuff, then yeah, at the moment it really needs that kind of stuff.
What he probably means is the ability to deform meshes. Ie: warp or gouge surfaces, damage buildings, soft body physics etc. At the moment games that have these features usually hide the object and then load in a replacement mesh or use texture trickery to create a similar visual effect.

OT. That's pretty awesome, I like the style and I'd like to play it or watch a film in that style.
As a tech demo? Not really all that impressed. It's very detailed but it's so dark you miss most of the detail, if its there, and the focus is on the action not the engine.

Ask people what they think is beautiful or visually arresting and they'll reply things in the order of sunrises, woodlands, landscapes, streams, crystals, various animals.
Want to wow people on your technical visual capabilities give them natural complex scenes; even if your engine isn't that good the scene itself will give a positive bent to your tech. More importantly make sure it's all visible; you'r supposed to be demonstrating after all not pulling magic tricks.

Narrow, damp alleys give a sense and not a lot else. Do they want us to say "wow, Unreal engine looks fantastic - it can do almost anything" or "This demo is fucking cool"


New member
Jul 7, 2010
These tech demo's just make me mad as they demonstrate the graphics PC's could get if not hobbled by devs chasing console money.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
vrbtny said:
I think Unreal looks better personally.... CryEngine just looks too.... shiny.
Actually, i was just thinking that CryEngine is shinier and that Unreal looks very "dirty". I guess it's probably just a matter of taste but i like the shininess better, and to me personally this demo (the leaked shaky cam version) looked a lot better before i saw the CryEngine demo.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I thought it'd make a good game for a split second then thought about what the game mechanics would be like and then it became a very pedestrian notion. Finally I came to the conclusion that it'd make a better movie - no game is gonna recreate that level of badassery outside of a cut scene/quick time event.

I'd love to see that walker appear in a game though, it was genuinely unsettling (even if it's sound effects were ripped straight from the Matrix). Maybe a DLC enemy for Deus Ex? ;)

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
What is this, non brown/gray colors?! How dare you do that to the unreal engine, it's so unrealistic!

OT: A demo this dark clearly isn't showing us what things really look like, we can only really imagine...


New member
Jan 7, 2010
twm1709 said:
also, like in most games with UE the characters glisten a bit too much, looking more like plastic action figures than actual people.
That problem is worlds less noticeable in this, and it was raining so I expected a little of that.

OT: Looks cool. Proves that not all UE games have to have every single surface look like plastic, it's just lazy implementation that no one fixes.

(yes, things are shiny here, but they're also wet -- and they're less of the plastic shininess that I'm used to seeing in most UE stuff)


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
Not impressed at all. We've seen cinematics of this quality for quite awhile now, and that's all that was - a cinematic. A very slick and cool one, but nothing to get excited about.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
I work for Epic.

The 1080p video we released yesterday is direct capture of the real-time "Samaritan" Unreal Engine 3 demo.

It is 100% real-time, not a pre-rendered cinematic.

Thanks to those who paid so many nice compliments!

Korey Von Doom

New member
May 18, 2008
It really didn't look that great, I think the only thing that helped it was how damn dark it was, also I can't wait for graphics to get to discernible from real life so maybe people will focus on gameplay and story, but thats just crazy talk


New member
Jul 9, 2010
Leaper said:
Aisaku said:
All I see is pretty lights... give me shape distortion, fabric warping and then we'll talk.
Could you elaborate a little? Fabric warping, as I understand, is in UE3 for ages, though games rarely use that. Mirror's edge used it fairly nicely, apart from that game I've only seen it used for promotional purposes like in some maps that were designed to show off PhysX capabilities.

And shape distortion? Dont really know what that is, if you mean stuff like dynamic water surfaces that creates water waves and stuff, then yeah, at the moment it really needs that kind of stuff.
Speaking from a graphics layman's point of view, I would hope to see fabric on characters work as such, like showing someone being pulled by their shirt's collar. From what I've seen of dynamic fabric in recent games they've done isolated objects with fabriclike properties like banners and tapestries and a handful of isolated fabriclike items on characters, like Batman's cape. Not really the whole shebang.

Water has been done pretty well by 3d graphics nowadays, what I meant by shape distortion is being able to see buildings ripped apart, glass shattering, metal getting bent out of shape, being distorted by impacts. I know this may be way beyond what's really possible in home based computer graphics but if they're going to tout this as cutting edge technology, I'd rather see something new rather than a highly polished combination of what's already out in the market.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
s2dio said:
Wow... More time spent on making things pretty. Great. I'm sure these great engines will be put to good use in the next space-marine-face-shooting-multiplayer-cuz-we-have-no-story-ideas.

Someone does really great tech, makes a meh game using it and we move on and get wow'd during the next development cycle.
Rinse and repeat.