I am surprised Trek to Yomi even got on his blands list. It doesn't upset me, but whatever. You damn right Frontiers and Ragnarök ain't going to be on either of your bad or bland list. I will give Yahtzee that.The Best, Worst, and Blandest of 2022 - Zero Punctuation
This week on Zero Punctuation, Yahtzee recounts the five best, worst, and blandest video games of 2022, including Elden Ring & Saints Row.www.escapistmagazine.com
I will say that in defense of Gotham Knight and the superhero genre. I do agree that you want to feel like the superhero on the box when you play a game like this. But I disagree with Yahtzee in that I think Gotham Knights does a great job of making you feel like the people on the box, the problem is that the people on the box suck. Playing as Batman is kind of boring, it's worse when you're just playing as a crew of wannabe Batmans.
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