Grand Theft Auto V AI Will Let Hell Loose When You Step Away


News Room Contributor
Apr 18, 2011
Grand Theft Auto V AI Will Let Hell Loose When You Step Away

Los Santos might as well be alive with children at the wheels in Grand Theft Auto V.

YouTuber Naswas [] discovered the AI in Grand Theft Auto V will go bonkers on the streets if you sit and do nothing.

Naswas says he left the game running for a few minutes while he got food. He recorded a rather ridiculous traffic jam in the time he let the game do what it wanted without him.

As the character sits in the car at a red traffic light, some non-playable characters display a fundamental misunderstanding of traffic laws. Suddenly people are making left turns when they shouldn't and cars are blazing ahead. Multiple cars crash into a bus and another car slams into the back of Naswas' car in the game. It's a green light, but everyone's moving, including a man who starts running through the street only to get run over by a camper vehicle. Screams and car crashes continue for the rest of the three minutes of video as the police start shooting and people confusingly run into vehicles. The grand finale is, naturally, Michael Bay-style exploding cars. Just another day in the game's fictional south California.

It just goes to show that the people of Grand Theft Auto V all need a babysitter on hand at all times.

Source: Kotaku []



New member
Nov 17, 2009
I think why it suddenly goes haywire is because of the sudden firefight in it's vicinity =P


New member
Sep 3, 2008
As far as I can tell, some cops got hit by a car and they flipped out and started shootin people? Then people started freakin out and runnin into the literal middle of the street to get away from the gunshots (which actually put them closer to the gun shots)

The best part was a minute in while the shootings died down, but cars keep tryin to use the intersection. Goin full blast into cars that they clearly should be able to see. As time passes cars still keep pilin up and pilin up until some cars take enough damage to just straight up explode.

I'm now goin to imagine this happenin constantly at every intersection of GTA games. Its all just massive pileups involvin shootouts with cops and people committin suicide by stupidity.


Not entirely serious, maybe.
Mar 24, 2011
roseofbattle said:
Naswas says he left the game running for a few minutes while he got food. He recorded a rather ridiculous traffic jam in the time he let the game do what it wanted without him.

As the character sits in the car at a red traffic light, some non-playable characters display a fundamental misunderstanding of traffic laws.

It just goes to show that the people of Grand Theft Auto V all need a babysitter on hand at all times.
It seems to me that the first statement is perhaps a lie by the user, and the resulting scene has been taken out of context.

In the first moment of the video you see the camera turn a funky color and an audio cue, followed by Michael saying "Traffic in the city!" this signifies a character change. Afaik, the game just doesn't change characters on you when you're not playing. So the player had to have changed the character himself just a moment ago.

The reason why that's important, is because when you switch characters, you'll often be put in control of characters while they're in the middle of something. And a very common occurrence when switching characters is finding them in the middle of an abnormally massive and chaotic traffic jam. Traffic jams like this just don't occur in normal play. The only other possibility is that the user started up the game and left the room while it was loading, and when you are put into the game, the game treats it as a Character Change, so this traffic jam may be the first thing you see when you begin the game.

Then one of the other random events that can occur in normal play, is the police in the middle of a chase/shootout with random criminals besides yourself. Which occurred during this traffic jam. Which caused all the drivers and pedestrians to display usual GTA behavior of going completely insane, only made far more ridiculous because of the special circumstance of the character change putting you in the middle of a traffic jam.

So in short: I am almost completely certain this didn't "just happen" as the user described it. It seems to have only happened because of special circumstances that take place during character changes, mixed in with some of the dynamic randomness that occurs in normal play, resulting in a hilariously insane scene. Gotta love sandboxes sometimes <3

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Tohuvabohu said:
The reason why that's important, is because when you switch characters, you'll often be put in control of characters while they're in the middle of something. And a very common occurrence when switching characters is finding them in the middle of an abnormally massive and chaotic traffic jam. Traffic jams like this just don't occur in normal play. The only other possibility is that the user started up the game and left the room while it was loading, and when you are put into the game, the game treats it as a Character Change, so this traffic jam may be the first thing you see when you begin the game.

Then one of the other random events that can occur in normal play, is the police in the middle of a chase/shootout with random criminals besides yourself. Which occurred during this traffic jam. Which caused all the drivers and pedestrians to display usual GTA behavior of going completely insane, only made far more ridiculous because of the special circumstance of the character change putting you in the middle of a traffic jam.

So in short: I am almost completely certain this didn't "just happen" as the user described it. It seems to have only happened because of special circumstances that take place during character changes, mixed in with some of the dynamic randomness that occurs in normal play, resulting in a hilariously insane scene. Gotta love sandboxes sometimes <3
Favorite random event after character change? Trevor's Scooter Brother madness... I never saw the meme it is based on, but its fucking hilarious anyway.

Leonardo Huizar

New member
Jul 1, 2012
Clearly they used white cis male gamers as a basis for the in game A.I., now if they were wearing tacky shirts then its justifiable because they are obviously trying to enable inequality.

This isnt new or news. This happens in GTA3, Vice, & San Andreas from what i remember.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
I love that the firetruck explodes <10 seconds after arriving and there's a single fire fighter walking away calmly.


Not entirely serious, maybe.
Mar 24, 2011
Imperioratorex Caprae said:
Favorite random event after character change? Trevor's Scooter Brother madness... I never saw the meme it is based on, but its fucking hilarious anyway.
Lol that's probably my favorite too. I followed that poor bastard almost halfway around the map laughing like an idiot when it first happened.

You know, I had no idea that R* actually based that on something. Apparently on this:

Now that I've seen this, everything is even more hilarious haha


New member
May 5, 2014
shintakie10 said:
As far as I can tell, some cops got hit by a car and they flipped out and started shootin people? Then people started freakin out and runnin into the literal middle of the street to get away from the gunshots (which actually put them closer to the gun shots)

The best part was a minute in while the shootings died down, but cars keep tryin to use the intersection. Goin full blast into cars that they clearly should be able to see. As time passes cars still keep pilin up and pilin up until some cars take enough damage to just straight up explode.

I'm now goin to imagine this happenin constantly at every intersection of GTA games. Its all just massive pileups involvin shootouts with cops and people committin suicide by stupidity.
GTA: Detroit.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
This reminds me of a cheat combo I used to do in San Andreas. Insane driving and armed civilians, and one other. Basically the entire city went up in flames. I even wrote a short story about it.
I mostly did it to see how long I would survive from going one end of the city to the next. It was a lot of fun.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Tohuvabohu said:
Now that I've seen this, everything is even more hilarious haha
I'd looked it up later because I was curious if it was original or not, but even as a tribute it was awesome. I'm hoping they added some new random things to the newer versions.
I like that GTA V brought some of the older humor back that was honestly absent from IV. Its not as over-the-top, Saints Row took that mantle up well enough. But any GTA entry needs that odd humor, which is why as much as the story of IV is touted as pretty good, I felt it was the weakest entry in the series (though Gay Tony did bring up the quality of that game).
Here's also to hoping they release at least one story expansion at least as quality as TBGT.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
crazygameguy4ever said:
this isn't new..i've seen this same thing in a lot of open world games.. it's called bad AI programming
AI is designed to get impatient and ram the car in front of them, because if its a cop car guns start firing and you get situations like this.

In other words, working as intended, carry on.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I think insurance cards in Los Santos say something like,

In the event of an accident, reverse your vehicle and then plow into the other vehicle multiple times. If this does not cause the way through to become clear, exit your vehicle, draw your firearm, and open fire."

I also had a hearty laugh about the fireman standing on the corner after the fire engine he arrived in bursts into flame and explodes. "Well... That's unfortunate."

I do have to give credit on one detail, though: the game didn't immediately assume that because there was carnage, the player must be responsible. That particular AI SNAFU has been around for a while.

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
This is a good example of why games with emergent gameplay and NPCs that are expected to do things other than just attack the player would benefit from some sort of "AI Director" style system that keeps all the NPCs in the immediate area relatively under control. Their individual AIs are not capable of handling themselves if things start to escalate.

Callate said:
I do have to give credit on one detail, though: the game didn't immediately assume that because there was carnage, the player must be responsible. That particular AI SNAFU has been around for a while.
Story time: When I played the original BioShock, I occasionally ran into situations where a Big Daddy would aggro on me for bullshit reasons, but it was always fairly apparent why. Years later, I watched the Video Games Awesome team play through the game in preparation for Infinite, and on two separate occasions a Big Daddy would show up completely out of nowhere, eyes already glowing red, and attack them. After mulling it over for the longest time, I figured out what must have happened: A rogue splicer that had spawned in the area had triggered either a security camera or a turret that the player had hacked, and the Big Daddy had been caught in the crossfire.

That case could have been easily avoided by simply not giving the Big Daddies some sixth sense about whose side a machine is on in the first place, because it's not really a useful thing for them to know. Based on my experience with the sequel, I suspect the developers got wise and took it out.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
It's not really a "sudden random bit of chaos". If you actually pay attention to the clip, you notice that there is a gunfight in the street around the player, and that's the point at which the npc's start freaking out. They rush around traffic, people start running into the street at random directions, almost as if they were scared to get shot and were panicking. So yeah, I think it's actually a pretty believable reaction based on what the clip shows.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
people keep saying this is nothing new but i left my game running on the ps3 version all the time and i never returned to anarchy
or the police gunning down innocent civilians

Happyninja42 said:
It's not really a "sudden random bit of chaos". If you actually pay attention to the clip, you notice that there is a gunfight in the street around the player, and that's the point at which the npc's start freaking out. They rush around traffic, people start running into the street at random directions, almost as if they were scared to get shot and were panicking. So yeah, I think it's actually a pretty believable reaction based on what the clip shows.
yeah it did seem like the cops you could see were also getting shot by someone else

I remember in saints row 2 if you shot a vehicle the npc driving it would go nuts and speed off in a random direction even going off-road and plowing into pedestrians this also included planes which routinely landed at the airport only to take off again for no apparent reason, but if you shot them they would speed off and run into a nearby hanger