Grand Theft Childhood Author Pokes Holes in SCOTUS Research


New member
Apr 14, 2009
SnootyEnglishman said:
This is very informative and makes a lot of sense. Well let's see how the people who don't understand the gaming culture twist's this into their favor.
They don't use information or sense. They'll make up a line graph of bullshit numbers, bring up GTA, maybe mention Columbine or more likely The Virginia Tech shooting. If they're really modern they might mention games from an updated parents do not buy for your children Xmas list, which includes Manhunt 2, Devil May Cry 4, Call of Duty 4, and other games that came out over a two years ago you played beat and traded in.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Travis Higuet said:
Your explanation of conservatism is lost on me, as I am conservative (Or, at least, I lean more toward that side than the other) and know the basis of my own beliefs. I just found it strange that he, probably a republican and thus probably a believer in Fox news, doesn't demonize games like most of the other conservative newscasters. As such, this proves that Limbaugh has not only a brain, but can use it to think for himself and apply his own values to anything and form his own opinions.

And what you said about the music censorship doesn't fully apply to this situation, seeing as games get hate from all sides of the political spectrum whereas music only got it from the left side.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
It makes sense, it in touch with reality. Its likely the government will completely ignore it.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
As far as I can see, the study says 'Either you believe that video games influence children, in which case I'm saying the evidence says it does, and it actually reduces criminal and violent tendencies, or they don't have an effect, in both cases, gaming is proven to be harmless, thanks for calling, by the way, I hear there's a new thing called 'pop music' by 'the Beatles' corrupting the kids, I'd get on that.'


New member
Jul 14, 2008
Olson said:
Juvenile arrests continue to decline. Given the widespread use of video games among youth, include "Mature" rated games, we would expect to see some increase in crime statistics if such games were broadly harmful.
This, of course, doesn't necessarily have any relevance. There could be other crime-reducing factors powerful enough to compensate for the potential increase caused by violent video games.

That said, I do believe that Olsen is probably right, and that violent video games indeed does not lead to an increase in levels of violence among youths. It is just a shame to see an otherwise solid argument tainted by sloppy reasoning.