Great masterpieces... that suck!


New member
Jun 23, 2010
I was tormented by the work of H.C Andersen, just because he is a man of the contry and 2005 was is 200 years anniversary.
I like his fairy tales but i really hate when people get so worked up about unimportant things. TT


New member
Jul 6, 2010
This thread should be called, "How young and uninformed of your own history are you?" or "How mad does it make you that a lot of people like something you don't like?".


New member
May 24, 2010
This relates to most things that people have posted here, sorry I picked your post mate, it was just easily accessible.

Most masterpieces are grounded in their influence on their respective medium and on world culture as a whole. Whether it is for better or worse, any piece that has altered the landscape is, as if by default, considered a masterpiece. I'm not saying this is in agreement or not, just stating a fact.

When it comes to Watchmen, it was one of the first attempts to create a "serious" or "gritty", comic book with traditional superhero-like figures. (Yes, Watchmen is a comic, that's how it was originally presented. The "Graphic Novel" was a compilation of 12 separate issues.) Most of the material we talk about on The Escapist would not exist if Watchmen didn't attempt to alter the landscape of pulp-fiction-esque material (video games included) from camp to grim.

It just seems as if most peoples' claims are short-sighted. While some works of art may not stack up to ones that follow, they may have seriously influenced the art to be produced in the future. Is Mozart's music as good as Gustav Mahler's? I don't think so, but that doesn't make Mozart shittier than Mahler. Mozart shaped the landscape of music forever. Without him, there would be no Mahler to speak of.

To use a more familiar example, I've gotten the impression that most people on The Escapist enjoy prog-rock or some variety of metal music, and lots of them tend to bash the Beatles. I'm not saying that they can't have an opinion of their own, but, seriously, without the Beatles, we wouldn't have any of the rock music that followed them. They essentially invented the concept of the rock band. I think we need to at least respect that if nothing else.

Mondai Randy

New member
May 15, 2010
I don't get the love for Catcher in the Rye , just a whiny kid complaining. I've never been a fan of poetry or most plays either (the language from old plays is just hard to understand and no one in the present talks like that anymore).

I also don't get the love for Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin , they were good , but not music gods like most everyone thinks


New member
Dec 22, 2010
I like Catcher in the Rye, sorry but I think it is good.
But The Godfather, I absolutely hate all three films, they are bloated and just boring in my opinion, I am not some action freak that can't understand a film without explosions but these three films are just boring and laughable.

Super Toast

Supreme Overlord of the Basement
Dec 10, 2009
Most Anime. I don't care how much you adore Neon Genesis Evangelion, or Code Geass, or Elfen Lied. Because I hate it. Strangely, I do like Cowboy Bebop and Black Lagoon. I'm not sure how that works...


New member
Jan 27, 2009
I found Tom Sawyer to be quite bland, though on hindsight I think most 6th graders wouldn't have enjoyed it anyways, no idea what goes through teachers' heads these days.

I never got sucked into FF7, keep in mind I'm not bashing it, but I never found it to be the masterpiece that so many people claim it is. In fact many of the final fantasy games don't seem to be as good as people say. That said, I loved Final Fantasy Tactics and FF9.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
I don't like the Great Gatsby, because it was boring as hecknuggets.
Or Catcher in the Rye, because it was just... annoying. The characters were all terrible, and Holden was a moron.
Or Romeo and Juliet. It's just not an enjoyable play to watch, or read. Hamlet was a bit better, but I really don't have a thing for Shakespeare's tragedies.
Speaking of which, Othello pissed me off, yet I recall liking it a bit. It was better written than both Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.

On a different note, Beowulf (the epic poem) is one of the best things I have read ever.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
As epic as 1984 was, i hated the novel so very very much for existing (if that makes any sense at all)
And pretty much any ye olde' english literature bores me to tears