Greenlight Redlight


Fixed by "Monday"
Mar 28, 2010
I.Muir said:
Revnak said:
I.Muir said:
There are at least eight slender man ripoffs of varying lower quality, heres to hoping none of them get through
Say what you like about AAA companies, they do have to follow SOME sort of demonic code of standards and practices
I have personally voted down twelve of the damn things and I only get on once every couple weeks so I'm going to say your estimate is ridiculously lower than the truth. Seriously, fuck Greenlight. It is amusing, that's it.

And worse than Postal 2 has made it through. How about Euro Truck Simulator 2012? I bet that's a fucking gem!
Don't you mean portal 3?

At least 8 then is quite an understatement.

In any case it's their $100 loss and if Ive learned anything trawling the internet, it's that your average person does not seem to be bursting with an abundance of unique creativity. Even if they are they won't feel an opportunity to use it here.

A pity then that any good projects that might appear once every full moon go unnoticed buried under so many layers of shite not even an archeologist would want to go digging for it.
I was talking about the part in the rant where they pointed out that people voted for Postal 2. And otherwise I agree. I spend a lot of time going through that stuff and so far I have been thoroughly intrigued by one game, which was a horror game that quite easily may have been a Slender clone and I was merely deceived. Everything else was mediocre or worse. At the very least they were forgettable enough for me not to remember them now, but that may be do to the mounds of crap piled up on top of them.


Fixed by "Monday"
Mar 28, 2010
erttheking said:
Ah yes. People and their cursed different opinions.
I'm sorry, fifty Slender clones is not an opinion. It is bullshit. And I'm not talking about clone like your average shooter, I am talking about games that are fucking identical. All of them do the damn note shit, all of them feature the same villain and the same features, all of them suck. This is not, "oh, you're just ragging on people for liking different things than you." This is ragging on people for liking what amounts to shit piled on the rotting corpses of the innocent. This is bad stuff, and for some damn reason, people want it to exist, and people fucking love to keep making it. There was a damn bed simulator on there!


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Revnak said:
erttheking said:
Ah yes. People and their cursed different opinions.
I'm sorry, fifty Slender clones is not an opinion. It is bullshit. And I'm not talking about clone like your average shooter, I am talking about games that are fucking identical. All of them do the damn note shit, all of them feature the same villain and the same features, all of them suck. This is not, "oh, you're just ragging on people for liking different things than you." This is ragging on people for liking what amounts to shit piled on the rotting corpses of the innocent. This is bad stuff, and for some damn reason, people want it to exist, and people fucking love to keep making it. There was a damn bed simulator on there! do know that I was talking about the whole "democracy" bit right?


Fixed by "Monday"
Mar 28, 2010
erttheking said:
Revnak said:
erttheking said:
Ah yes. People and their cursed different opinions.
I'm sorry, fifty Slender clones is not an opinion. It is bullshit. And I'm not talking about clone like your average shooter, I am talking about games that are fucking identical. All of them do the damn note shit, all of them feature the same villain and the same features, all of them suck. This is not, "oh, you're just ragging on people for liking different things than you." This is ragging on people for liking what amounts to shit piled on the rotting corpses of the innocent. This is bad stuff, and for some damn reason, people want it to exist, and people fucking love to keep making it. There was a damn bed simulator on there! do know that I was talking about the whole "democracy" bit right?
Not really. I thought you were defending the whole thing. Still, their point is still true. Democracy's biggest flaw is that most people don't really know what is the right thing to do. Essentially, many people are just dumb. That is why representational democracy works better in many regards. Not all of course, just many.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
The rest seem bad, but what's wrong with "Clever Unicorn's Nautical Travels"?


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Souplex said:
The rest seem bad, but what's wrong with "Clever Unicorn's Nautical Travels"?
On the off chance you are being serious... look at the title again. It's an acronym.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Revnak said:
erttheking said:
Revnak said:
erttheking said:
Ah yes. People and their cursed different opinions.
I'm sorry, fifty Slender clones is not an opinion. It is bullshit. And I'm not talking about clone like your average shooter, I am talking about games that are fucking identical. All of them do the damn note shit, all of them feature the same villain and the same features, all of them suck. This is not, "oh, you're just ragging on people for liking different things than you." This is ragging on people for liking what amounts to shit piled on the rotting corpses of the innocent. This is bad stuff, and for some damn reason, people want it to exist, and people fucking love to keep making it. There was a damn bed simulator on there! do know that I was talking about the whole "democracy" bit right?
Not really. I thought you were defending the whole thing. Still, their point is still true. Democracy's biggest flaw is that most people don't really know what is the right thing to do. Essentially, many people are just dumb. That is why representational democracy works better in many regards. Not all of course, just many.
Democracy is broken
That is all


New member
Sep 6, 2011
Vigormortis said:
canadamus_prime said:
Yeah, I've looked through the stuff on Greenlight and found very little I'd actually want to green light.
I'm in the same boat.

If only because the only games I was truly interested in seeing Greenlit were, well, already green-lit.

(Project Zomboid, anyone?)
I haven't played Zomboid in months, but it was worth the money. I loved it, but it did get a bit boring after a while. I think my longest survival was a few weeks, and then I built a blanket rope to go out a window as an escape route and I miscalculated and it ended about 2 floors up and I fell to my death. I havne't played since they changed the animations and such, so I'm sure a lot has been done.

I do recommend the game to people, though, it's well worth it.

Edit to add on topic thoughts:

I like Greenlight, but I tend to say no to a lot of things because I honestly wouldn't play them. I think they need an extra button that says "This looks good, but I won't play it" because I feel like an awful person when I turn down genuinely good ideas. Not that I always do, but I also feel like saying yes to everything that looks like a good concept and is coming along well isn't the right way to vote either.


New member
Sep 9, 2011
I swear people ***** just to *****. Greenlight is a great system even if it got off to a rocky start and still has a ways to go before perfection. Just because some elitist assholes think they know better than everyone else doesn't mean they do.


New member
May 18, 2010
I love the face in the last panel.

The $100 entry fee did little to stem the flow of Slender clones, and I'm ashamed to say that I voted 'yes' to a few of them.


New member
Mar 4, 2011
This perfectly encapsulates my entire experience with the "indie revolution". Sure, there were some good games made out there, but they were vastly outnumbered by the stampede of obvious clones from every person with the slightest bit of coding knowledge deciding they were going to be *real* game developers.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Hey why the hate against Postal2?
[sub][sub]I like Postal2... [sub][sub]and yes I'm ashamed about this :( [/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]


New member
Mar 2, 2009
"And thats the problem with democracy: other people", a HUGE smile grew on my face :) I hate democracy, I know "demo" stands for people, but I believe that's a lie, it stands for "demon" and demons are democrats because they love chaos.


New member
Jun 9, 2011
Grey Carter said:
Greenlight Redlight

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. "

Read Full Article
This joke don't work! 100$ fee! Recycled comment!
But seriously apologize to "Octodad: The Dadliest Catch" and "Stanley Parable:Redux"! Because I don't like your portrayal of retail releases of super indie mods/games.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
SteewpidZombie said:
They should implement an 'Idiot Contingency Plan' into Greenlight. Have Steam only allow original or reasonably good ideas onto Greenlight (Obviously striking down anything that's just a re-post or copy/paste of another game) and have abunch of TERRIBLE/Fake games on the list. Anyone who votes for an absolute crap game will have their house neutralized from outer-space with Steam's 'Death-Ray' which I'm sure they have by now.

Just to clarify, I'm not calling a lot of Greenlight games crap. But I've seen enough 'Original' (sarcasm) ideas that are already released as other games. Because as we all know, simply color swapping characters DOESN'T make for an original game.


New member
Sep 7, 2012
Well, that sums up a lot of my feelings about Steam Greenlight pretty well.

Given, there are certainly a lot of good games that get Greenlit. I'm really happy that Giana Sister: Twisted Dreams got Greenlit.

But there's also a whole lot of junk that not only would I not buy, looks pretty amateurish in all the wrong ways.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Random slight thread necro: I know that song lyric reference at the bottom. I can't remember what song though, part of me is thinking it's Killswitch Engage but I'm not sure, it's going to be stuck in my head forever now.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
TheRightToArmBears said:
Random slight thread necro: I know that song lyric reference at the bottom. I can't remember what song though, part of me is thinking it's Killswitch Engage but I'm not sure, it's going to be stuck in my head forever now.
Gallows - Cross of Lorraine