I think we're being had here.
The reason why I say this is because as soon as the game came out it was already flooding into wholesalers like "BJ's Wholesale Club" and selling for $31. You also saw copies (actual copies) going inexpensively over Ebay, not just from Hong Kong but other sources as well. I bought a shrink wrapped copy for like $10 via Ebay.
Trust me, something is going on, because it wasn't dive bombing like this because of a failure on sales, or piracy, it was too quick for that. It's because the producers dumped a whole truckload of cheap copies on the market.
As far as the audience goes, well I think the issue is that most people just don't see how you can do a Grand Theft Auto game properly with the technical capabilities of the system. The reviews mean less to people nowadays because reviews are bought. After the whole Gamespot "Kane and Lynch" fiasco I think the credability of reviewers went down the toilet and game companies are slow to realize that paying uber-bucks for reviews (even indirectly by buying advertisements on review sites) isn't going to pay dividends like it used to.
That said Chinatown Wars is a decent game, I only tried it because again I got it cheap through Ebay. Fooled around with it a little while waiting for my raid to get it's act together a few times (and I rarely do anything but stay focused on raiding even when things are slow).
It *IS* however overpriced like many DS games. Generally speaking it manages to be a fairly good compromise between the older 2D and the newer 3D Grand Theft Auto games. It's a huge mess in places, but as Yahtzee says, it manages to be a disaster in a good way.
The thing is though that as good as this is for a DS game, it doesn't have all of the stuff that is part of the GTA package that justifies the high price tag for other platforms. There is for example no serious music, no cool stuff on TV to watch, no ongoing talkshow loops (which are usually very funny) or any of that stuff which is part of the entire GTA experience nowadays. You simply can't put stuff like that into the DS, I understand that, but as decent as the game is I can't get around the feeling that they jacked the price up simply because of the Grand Theft Auto name.
The target audience for the DS is fine, no reason to argue about kiddie nintendo gamers or whatever. But I think the very nature of this game (GTA on the DS) has made people wary because it sounds impossible. The core game play is decent, but your also getting a no-frills version of GTA at a fairly hefty price tag. I for example would not think the game is worth any more than $20. But then again obviously if they were selling to wholesalers even the designers don't think it was worth more than $30, and apparently there are enough of them being shoveled out there that you can get a copy for around $10 with some patience.
I sort of suspect they intentionally took a dive with this game, to try and "prep the market" to show what they can do on the DS to make selling later "M" type games easier. Though why they are whining about it is beyond me.
For the record I play all generes of games to some extent, for crime games though I prefer "Saint's Row" since I'm all about the character customization. I guess it's me being an RPGer at heart. Being able to make my guy look the way I want scored a lot of points above and beyond what GTA has done so far. No "Niko Bellic" is ever going to be the equal to the criminal psychopath of my own imagination.