GTA IV or Saint Row 2?


You matter in this world. Smile!
Feb 22, 2009
Played both, preferred SR2. Mainly because a cockney-accented psychopath throwing himself in front of cars for money, crashing planes into busy metropolitan streets, and making "wanker" gestures to provoke old men into trying to punch him out never gets old.

GTA4, on the other hand, features a man who can be shooting random passers-by in the face one minute and secreting concentrated guilt from every pore the next. Plus I had to keep adjusting the brightness on my TV so I could actually bloody see what I was doing.

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
GeoPB said:
rowan-thats-me said:
hmm, SR2 is starting to sound better, as I only really want one to mess about with freinds with
Then you definatly want SR2.

GTA IV's Multiplayer is shocking, in my opinion anyway.
Depends though on if he wants to play with more then one friend.

I found GTA IV was better. I found myself really enjoying Saints Row 2 at first. Everything was fun and entertaining, characters were great, and it was all around anarchy. However, I got bored with it after a while. GTA IV on the other hand, has me keep coming back. With Lost and the Damned, I find myself repeatedly coming back to have more gang wars and such. However, since you have a PS3, that DLC is excluded from you. However, don't discredit it just for that. I still find myself coming back to GTA IV periodically since the police really felt like a challenge to dodge and avoid in that game. I liked having epic car chases though the city, and since the map was so big, it was different everytime. Also with the ability to get away from them via good driving, made it feel more like a chase then it did in Saints Row, where it felt like they just followed me.

In my mind Saints Row 2 is good if you want some immediate fun and carnage. However, if you want a game that'll last you a while and that kept pulling me back in, get GTA IV.


New member
Sep 1, 2008
HardRockSamurai said:
First of all, make a poll next time. You're about to be bombarded with Saints Row 2 fanboys, and a poll helps ease the pain, trust me.

As for your question, it depends on what you like.

If you want to play a game with a good story, interesting characters, and depth, get GTA IV.

If you want to play a game with a crazy story, wild physics and cartoon-like action, get Saints Row 2.

I don't care what anyone thinks, I love both games equally.


New member
Mar 12, 2008
Saints Row 2 has no depth or longevity. I prefer GTA4 for it's story, characters, and more refined gameplay.

I don't get people who play GTA/sandbox games "just to screw around and blow stuff up." I mean, it's a bit like buying an FPS and then replaying the first level over and over again, or buying an RPG and doing nothing but fighting random battles in the first dungeon. Don't you people get bored? Don't you want more content?

If I just want some random, mindless action I'll play Asteroids or Space Invaders.


New member
May 21, 2009
HardRockSamurai said:
First of all, make a poll next time. You're about to be bombarded with Saints Row 2 fanboys, and a poll helps ease the pain, trust me.
you where so right it´s like you are a psychic


New member
May 16, 2009
Saints Row 2. GTA IV sucks balls. SR2 has so many good qualities like customization and more freedom and not having to drag around your fatass cousin or your always high Jamaican friend or your ***** of a girlfriend

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
I preferred the story and characters in GTA IV, but I enjoyed the actual gameplay of Saints Row 2 more.

In the end, my vote goes to Saints Row 2 - it was fun enough to see through to the end, GTA IV was not.


New member
Jan 30, 2009
My vote goes to gta4, also I can't see how people get annoyed by the characters.

I'm guessing from what the majority of the comments on this thread says, you'll go with SR2


New member
Sep 11, 2008
Saints Row 2 has Neil Patrick Harris as a white reggae DJ for a modern rock/pop radio station. 'Nuff said.
Jun 8, 2009
Saints Row 2 is more like GTA San Andreas or rather, more akin to Vice city. GTA 4 is much more realistic in terms of mechanics, and you can maintain relationships with your friends, but your rampages of destruction will be all-too frequently interrupted by people phoning you up asking you to do some side diversion like dating or going bowling. Great if you're into that kind of thing, bad if you just feel like blowing stuff up. I'd go for Saints Row if, like me, freedom to do whatever you please is absolutely paramount. The story isn't too bad either, and at times just plain hilarious. GTA 4 is more realistic, has just as good a story (If not better by all I've heard) but you'll feel like you have a fun-choking chain around your neck at times. Saints Row pisses all over itself however by forcing you to do the side missions to proceed at times (Though these are pretty darn fun in themselves, one mission involving the infamous spraying of manure on houses and another getting paid to blow stuff up. Another is being a pretend cop and getting to brutalise criminals with weapons ranging from bats to... get this... HOMING MISSILES... A lot more fun than bowling with your cousin in my book, but once again, you may like the deeper relationship side. Go for GTA4 for a fairly serious, engaging drama which still has its zany roots, but for total freedom to set the city on fire I have to recommend Saints Row 2.

mad benji89

New member
May 4, 2009
alot more fun and you can do alot more in the game its just everything that gta 4 should have been but saddly wasnt =[

Time Travelling Toaster

The Toast with the 'Tache
Mar 1, 2009
SR2, just so much more fun than GTAIV I just don't like realistic games like that, I prefer games that encourage you to fuck about :D


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Saints row 2 has alot more to do than GTA i think as theres fun activitys and the missions are pretty fun as i found GTA missions a bit generic


New member
Jun 8, 2009
Em its a case of taste you want quick "pick up and play" fun go with saints row, or if you want a detailed plot involving moral choices go with gta. Its the same with prototype and infamous, you want stupid fun go with prototype, you want story go with infamous.