Gun Violence Task Force Calls For Research, Parental Tools


New member
Oct 11, 2010
Media manufactures gigantic crisis and saturates the airwaves with it for a couple months(Bonus points if it harms 'THE CHILDRENS!'), people demand politicians 'do something' which, of course, involves throwing money at a makework 'solution' that involves pointless laws, studies and/or kickbacks. Media then manufactures another crisis when people forget about the previous one, rinse and repeat.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Andy Chalk said:
"The entertainment and videogame industries have a responsibility to give parents the tools to make appropriate choices about what their children watch and play. It is clear to us that these industries take this responsibility seriously," it continues. "However, as new technologies emerge and new entertainment platforms are developed, Congress must continue to work with these industries to ensure that their efforts remain successful."
I'm not sure I'm reading this the same as everyone else, but what I got from this was that they are aware of the chalanges presented to parents by digital distribution and the fact that children no longer need to go tho a bricks and mortar store to pick up a game that may be inappropriate for them.

I personally don't mind the the call for further scientific especially since it calls for impartial studies. If we're certain that there are no impacts, fair and impartial research will likely bear this out.

Also, Honestly the more we know about how gaming impacts us on a behavioural and brain chemistry level the better off we'll be. This presents fantastic oportunities to improve game design by actually knowing how certain gamply elements affect us on a physical level.

Little Gray

New member
Sep 18, 2012
Jove said:
"The entertainment and videogame industries have a responsibility to give parents the tools to make appropriate choices about what their children watch and play..."


Seriously it takes you less than a second to look at the bottom right hand corner of the box to see the ESRB rating for a game. The parents have almost unlimited resource to research about any game their child wants to play.

Maybe I'm reading it the wrong way but I'm just sick of how parents still to this day get no blame for any actions they take. Then again, this is the same country that let criminals like Casey Anthony off the hook. -_-
Not all games come in a box.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
wombat_of_war said:
i know lets keep doing research studies until we find one that agrees with what we think should be the answer and ignore all the previous ones.

12,000 murders in one year? apparently its safer to be a soldier in afghanistan or during the iraq occupation facing insurgents and IED's than living in the usa
Slips and falls account for over 20,000 fatalities per year in North America. 500,000+ injuries from slip and falls. 500% more than injures from being shot

Just walking around is more of a risk to your health and safety than firearms.

And of course, no link is found, but they're gonna keep researching until they find one, no matter how thin that link is.


New member
Aug 13, 2012
"The entertainment and videogame industries have a responsibility to give parents the tools to make appropriate choices about what their children watch and play. It is clear to us that these industries take this responsibility seriously,"

I think the only way to make it more "clear to us that these industries take this responsibility seriously" is by replacing the cover art with the ERSB rating and the ERSB rating with the cover art. That way parents can see it before buying it and don't have to pretend that they are blind!!!


New member
Nov 15, 2009
DVS BSTrD said:
Hey you know what all gun violence has in common? Actual guns! Maybe we should do something that...
Hey you know what all violence has in common? People! Maybe we should do something about them..


New member
Mar 5, 2012
The tools are already there, between retailers' carding policies, sticker on the box, ESRB review online, and console parental settings. Parents have enough tools, most just don't care. And I honestly don't see why that's such a big deal; we know playing these games as a kid does not turn you into a horrible monster, from both the 30+ years of research not finding any conclusive link and real world statistics showing violence has gone down while gaming has gone up. If a parent buys their 12yo CoD, so what? Let's all focus on more important factors, like emotional support and improved education. I can guarantee you that exposing a child to the right conditions early on will do so much more good than keeping them from the "wrong" ones.


New member
Dec 31, 2010
So we have COMPREHENSIVE evidence and information, statistics, studies, and even the words of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force SAYING IN PLAIN ENGLISH "Guns are bad, and we need to keep them out of the hands of idiots and crazy people".

And STILL we have people pointing finger's at videogames and trying to say that "Guns aren't bad, it's the games that are making our kids go and shoot people".



New member
May 16, 2010
CardinalPiggles said:
the doom cannon said:
cerebus23 said:
100,000 prescription drug deaths yea guns are a crisis in this nation, keep pounding that whole epidemic thing till people believe it,
Agreed. But it for some reason ppl get their panties in a bunch when there's a "mass" shooting. Just because a shooting is violent doesn't mean the death is any more important than the guy who died across the street after accidentally overdosing on his medications.
I'm glad this seems like a fair approach to the topic of gun violence though. Nothing really stands out except for the usual buzzword "assault weapon" that nobody knows the definition of
I would have though it means, weapons designed for warfare, rather than weapons designed for self defense or sport. Sounds reasonable to ban personal usage of weapons designed for warfare to me. Maybe they could be limited to usage at a gun range, for which the gun range has to get a special license to house such guns.

Sorry just thinking out loud there.
they have been banned here you cannot get military grade weapons in the USA without a class something license that is not easy to obtain, think basically you have to be in law enforcement or maybe some security lines where you can qualify to own a m16 or full auto ak 47 legally.

and its been that way since i dunno a long long time. when a politician says "assault" weapon it is a semi auto look alike with cosmetic appearances to m16s and ak47 but are fancy standard rifles maybe have slightly extended clips and the like certain scopes. but they are not assault weapons.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
I actually think we should all be welcoming these incoming sets of studies. WE all know that similar studies have been done to death for years with no conclusive results but the general public doesn't. When a study, directed by the President (who obviously has no interest in antagonizing the game industry, as Biden's meetings with ESA have show) come out they will HAVE to be payed attention to and there's no reason that they will be the kind of loaded test in the vein of that ONE GUY who Schwarzenegger used for all evidence in his M-rated ban proposal and was very clearly putting the cart before the horse.


New member
Jan 18, 2011
wombat_of_war said:
i know lets keep doing research studies until we find one that agrees with what we think should be the answer and ignore all the previous ones.

12,000 murders in one year? apparently its safer to be a soldier in afghanistan or during the iraq occupation facing insurgents and IED's than living in the usa
I was deployed to Iraq and got rockets shot at me and Ak's put in my face but honestly, you're more likely to die in a car crash at home than over there. We always joked saying "we had x number of vehicle related accidents at Fort Hood and 1 death in Iraq, it's safer to be in a war zone."


New member
Mar 22, 2009
cerebus23 said:
100,000 prescription drug deaths yea guns are a crisis in this nation, keep pounding that whole epidemic thing till people believe it,
Sylveria said:
Slips and falls account for over 20,000 fatalities per year in North America. 500,000+ injuries from slip and falls. 500% more than injures from being shot

Just walking around is more of a risk to your health and safety than firearms.

And of course, no link is found, but they're gonna keep researching until they find one, no matter how thin that link is.
These are both 'false equivalence' logical fallacies.

cerebus23 ignored the beneficial use of prescription drugs, which are orders of magnitude greater than the harm caused. (ie a 'cost / benefit' analysis or CBA)

This CBA is not true with firearms. [before you quote Kleck do some research into his methods]

Sylveria tries to equate a basic human function to a item that is mostly used for recreation, is not required for society to function and is used to inflict pain and death on OTHERS.

How many people are murdered each year where the murder weapon was the victim walking, tripping or falling (and not being 'pushed')?

If surfboards where used as weapons to murder ~10,000 people, and surfboards where used as weapons to seriously injure another ~70,000 and surfboards where used by 20,000 people to commit suicide, then the US would legislate against surfboards ().

The difference is that firearms are 'protected' by a vague clause in the US Constitution, just as slavery once was before we realised how repugnant it was.

the doom cannon

New member
Jun 28, 2012
CardinalPiggles said:
You would think that would be the definition. But many politicians seem to think civilian variants are also included within this "assault weapon" term. Ones that are semi-automatic only. If it truly means "weapons meant for military" then fine, but if it really means "anything that looks like a weapon meant for military" then that's a problem. At least it's a problem in my book.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Wait a minute, an actually logical and well put down report. Yay for research!
While it does not go into the opinion that i want, i didnt expect that, my views are quite extremistic.

Jove said:
Seriously it takes you less than a second to look at the bottom right hand corner of the box to see the ESRB rating for a game. The parents have almost unlimited resource to research about any game their child wants to play.
ESRB and any ratins in general are far from trustable. This is because they are set up by a bunch of people who while follwoing guidelines still are influenced by their opinion. and that makes it very very biased. Thouh i must admit ESRB is better than other media ratings. Still i prefer PEGI.


New member
May 16, 2010
TechNoFear said:
cerebus23 said:
100,000 prescription drug deaths yea guns are a crisis in this nation, keep pounding that whole epidemic thing till people believe it,
Sylveria said:
Slips and falls account for over 20,000 fatalities per year in North America. 500,000+ injuries from slip and falls. 500% more than injures from being shot

Just walking around is more of a risk to your health and safety than firearms.

And of course, no link is found, but they're gonna keep researching until they find one, no matter how thin that link is.
These are both 'false equivalence' logical fallacies.

cerebus23 ignored the beneficial use of prescription drugs, which are orders of magnitude greater than the harm caused. (ie a 'cost / benefit' analysis or CBA)

This CBA is not true with firearms. [before you quote Kleck do some research into his methods]

Sylveria tries to equate a basic human function to a item that is mostly used for recreation, is not required for society to function and is used to inflict pain and death on OTHERS.

How many people are murdered each year where the murder weapon was the victim walking, tripping or falling (and not being 'pushed')?

If surfboards where used as weapons to murder ~10,000 people, and surfboards where used as weapons to seriously injure another ~70,000 and surfboards where used by 20,000 people to commit suicide, then the US would legislate against surfboards ().

The difference is that firearms are 'protected' by a vague clause in the US Constitution, just as slavery once was before we realised how repugnant it was.
that clause is not vague by any stretch of the imagination, look at the times the people that wrote the clause lived in, they just got out from under an oppressive government that tried to take way their firearms by law and by force, we fought a war over that if you recall, saying the founders intent in a is vague when they say congress shall make no laws that abridge that right in any way shape or form is being purposely obtouse, we can argue the well regulated bit till the cows come home the fact of the matter is we have plenty of laws on the books that ban real assault weapons and noone not the nra noone is calling for that to be lifted. we have laws the prevent mentally unstable and felons from getting guns, we have laws that keep felons from getting guns.

so you can retcon the constitution any way you like but do not try to pretend the founders intent is vague. it is pretty well common sense how the founders intended most things, look at the men look at the times they lived in.

did you know that they wanted to make the preamble life liberty and the protection of property? you know why they left property out? because the south considered slaves property and if the bill of rights or constitution specifically said property that would give legal protection to slavery.

slavery was a concern for our nation from nearly day one, but it was hard to just get out from a war with britian and then turn around and immediately gone to war over slavery the nation would have utterly collapsed before it got started.

you surfboard argument is silly because by the fbis own statistics baseball bats and knives lead guns in random violent crime, where is the outcry to ban baseball bats because people like to hit other people with them? where is the outcry to ban fast foods and junk foods because of the obesity epidemic in this nation? run a CBA on that.

how about we talk about how well our war on booze and war on drugs have gone historically, one we gave up and the other we been fighting the same war for decades with ever increasing costs to the nation in law enforcement legal and jail costs, now you want to ban guns it take it?

excluding the intent of the founders entirely how would you get guns off the streets?

would you raid everyones home to search for guns? would you close down interstate commerce and treat each and every border like the mexican border? how would you close the robust drug channels into this nation? those same channels that are rife with weapons due to our war on drugs and all the money involved in it. jow would you stop that? you do not think drug cartels would be all to happy to sell real ak47s tac9s and all sorts of hardware on our streets happily? do you think they will screen people for mental stability? do you think they will care at all when every criminal is armed to the teeth and people are dying. would you spend the several trillion dollars to secure our 1000s of miles of coasts and borders?

and why is this even an issue really? because some psychopath created an autrocity? so we change the whole society on the chance that some crazy person might do something crazy? someone that gasp broke the law numerous ways because he was insane? wanted to go out in a blaze of glory?

if anything i think it should speak to the sanity of advertising schools as gun free zones, i cannot recall being allowed to carry a gun to school when i was a kid, it was kinda common sense if you were you know sane, there might have even been rules about it for all i know but we did not need signs all over the school declaring that noone may carry.

maybe we should discuss school administrators and local law enforcement working together on a voluntary basis to take gun safety training and target shooting and allow administrators and teachers to possibly carry so we do not have a school full of sitting ducks for any random psycho that chooses to break the law and kill people.

at lest that would be something feasable than the next war on we want to crusade or the next bunch of rights you want to sign away hoping the government or police will protect you from all the scary things out there. and infinately less expensive then taking guns off the streets and all the things and rights you would have to just toss out to make a gun ban, drug ban actually work.

but feel free to run a CBA on getting firearms out of our nation realistically. i am sure the cost would be in the 10s of trillions, we can just pile that onto our health care and 16 trillion in debt while we are at it, yes more government is what we need yes sir.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
All I got from the line about the media in that was "We haven't found any evidence, so we're going to conduct studies until we get some."
Who's willing to bet that the "study" that says video games cause violence is incredibly biased.

Cry Wolf

New member
Oct 13, 2010
the doom cannon said:
cerebus23 said:
100,000 prescription drug deaths yea guns are a crisis in this nation, keep pounding that whole epidemic thing till people believe it,
Agreed. But it for some reason ppl get their panties in a bunch when there's a "mass" shooting. Just because a shooting is violent doesn't mean the death is any more important than the guy who died across the street after accidentally overdosing on his medications.

You get the difference between self-inflicted and murder, don't you? The reason people suggest that guns should be subject to further restrictions is because they're use to kill other people involuntarily, and make doing so much easier than any other method. Theres a reason the media also gets up in arms over suicide due to bullying yet ignores suicide due to the subjects own actions.

Jove said:
"The entertainment and videogame industries have a responsibility to give parents the tools to make appropriate choices about what their children watch and play..."


Seriously it takes you less than a second to look at the bottom right hand corner of the box to see the ESRB rating for a game. The parents have almost unlimited resource to research about any game their child wants to play.

Maybe I'm reading it the wrong way but I'm just sick of how parents still to this day get no blame for any actions they take. Then again, this is the same country that let criminals like Casey Anthony off the hook. -_-
"Parental Tools" in this context sounds more like educating parents on how they're suppose to be doing their job, rather than - well, I can't think of what else it could mean in the context.