Guys are jerks. But girls...?


New member
Sep 25, 2008
artanis_neravar said:
Mariena said:
MarkDavis94 said:
Although in that picture that guy comes across as a bit of a stalker, so I don't blame that girl for trying to avoid him
That's what I thought as well.

"You've been trying to get something done with me all these years. And each time I have rejected you. Get the hint!" .. even though accepting tickets then taking them away for herself is pretty bitchy.
Even though she was might have been manipulating him the entire time? saying things like "OMG you got me tickets?! That's amazing thank you! You are such a great friend how could I ever survive without you?" Things like that lead a [certain type of] guy on thinking that he has a chance and he will keep trying till he has either had enough or she finally tells him that he has no chance.
Eh, if someone says she'll go to the toilets for 5 minutes then doesn't come back .. I'd interpret that as a "get the hell away from me, I'm tired of you".

Throwing away those cards? "Oh god, not this guy again .. "

I mean, the kid was begging to a teacher to be her science partner? Desperate, much? o_O

I can see a desperate kid like that to be easily taken advantage of. Clearly the girl is a *****, but that guy just sounds like a creep.

honestdiscussioner said:
Of course girls can be dicks . . assuming we're speaking metaphorically of course. It's humanity, not maleness, that causes dickishness.

Damn, that facebook post was one solid burn. I don't know of an aloe or healing balm that would heal that. Seriously, even if magic was real the best healer would look at that and say "Nope, nothing we could do".
Didn't look like a burn to me. It looked more like a confession that he was desperately trying to get something from her. Sure, it also shows that she's probably a manipulative *****, but he didn't do himself any favors by exposing himself like that.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
In middle school, a girl told me she had a crush on me just so she and her friends could make up a story about how I molested her. This caused me to be completely alienated by the school that set a standard of social isolation I still haven't been recovered from. On top of all the girls that I didn't know pretending to "confess there love for me" over the phone with all the "ewwww gross" in the back ground, and all the girls that spent time telling me how ugly I was, girls can be very, very mean.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
drisky said:
In middle school, a girl told me she had a crush on me just so she and her friends could make up a story about how I molested her. This caused me to be completely alienated by the school that set a standard of social isolation I still haven't been recovered from. On top of all the girls that I didn't know pretending to "confess there love for me" over the phone with all the "ewwww gross" in the back ground, and all the girls that spent time telling me how ugly I was, girls can be very, very mean.
I guess what the stereotype comes down to... Male bullies beat you up and steal your lunch money. Female bullies make you feel downright awful.

Male -> physical?
Female -> mental?



New member
Nov 18, 2009
You know, I wish I could say "well guys will at least be strait forward about being a dick." But thats not really true, some guys can manipulate in a way similar to the ladies, and quite possibly just as effectively.

So I guess what I'm saying is... Yeah, most guys will be up front about shit, but always watch your back, male or female.

Not that I'm saying that justifies how MANY women will mind-fuck you over something incredibly petty.


New member
Jun 4, 2011
The worst another guy's has done to me is punch me in the face (Funny story that actually, but another place)

The worst a girl has done to me is crush my faith in human beings in general and fuck my head up even more than it previously was, including causing a increase in my already crippling trust issues.

Draw your own conclusions.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Why do we always have to see the bad in people? Sure girls and boys can be unkind, but most are actually good people each of whom has a sort of unwritten manual that you must use or else they'll take advantage of you or someone else. Finding out how to treat other people is essential and can be quite fun. Once you have found the sort of persons you like the company of, it will be no great matter to find them again.

I feel my typing in English has changed much after reading a lot of Jonathan Strange and mr. Norrel

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
Mariena said:
drisky said:
In middle school, a girl told me she had a crush on me just so she and her friends could make up a story about how I molested her. This caused me to be completely alienated by the school that set a standard of social isolation I still haven't been recovered from. On top of all the girls that I didn't know pretending to "confess there love for me" over the phone with all the "ewwww gross" in the back ground, and all the girls that spent time telling me how ugly I was, girls can be very, very mean.
I guess what the stereotype comes down to... Male bullies beat you up and steal your lunch money. Female bullies make you feel downright awful.

Male -> physical?
Female -> mental?

Louis C.K. Put it best. A guy can kill you. Women can make you kill yourself XD

The Long Road

New member
Sep 3, 2010
Cheshire the Cat said:
Yeah. And to be honest, I prefer when guys are dicks. At least guys will come to your face and insult you. Chicks tend to be more backstabbing and always act as if they are the victims.
Makes ya just wanna hit em in the face with a crowbar and dump their bodies in a ditch somewhere...
Wait, did I say that out loud? >.>
It doesn't matter, just don't tell them we dumped her in a drainage ditch off Route 59 next to a cornfield.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
ravensheart18 said:
I'd get rid of that example. In that example the girl wasn't being a dick (with the exception of "I'll be back in 5 minutes") the guy was persuing a girl who was obviously not interested. He tried to buy her with gifts, and was silly enough to give her tickets and assume she would ask him instead of being a man and buying tickets and then asking her to go with him.

To the actually quesiton, of course both guys and girls can be jerks.
I think its a fairly decent example.

What that example is showing is that the girl is complaining about "guys being dicks", while a perfectly good non-dick guy was being ignored by her, meaning that she caused her own grief by being a dick herself.

BTW Thread-
Guys are dicks
Girls are bitches
Thats the way the world turns.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Yes. Guys are dicks, girls are bitches. (oddly how that's not really symmetric). There have been plenty of times were females have been just as rude or mean or a dude to me.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
Anyone with a younger sister, or just a sister, will know what mean, evil bitches girls can be sometimes. I'm just grateful that there's at least one who likes nerdy shit and Iron Maiden like my sister.

Unfortunately my sister moved schools and is incredibly upset because all the shitheads at her school took the piss out of her saying she wants to be a environmental lawyer specifically protecting sharks. Personally I would've called out the girl who said she wanted to do charity work for down syndrome sufferers for being selfish because she only wants to do it because her own brother suffers from it.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Mariena said:
drisky said:
In middle school, a girl told me she had a crush on me just so she and her friends could make up a story about how I molested her. This caused me to be completely alienated by the school that set a standard of social isolation I still haven't been recovered from. On top of all the girls that I didn't know pretending to "confess there love for me" over the phone with all the "ewwww gross" in the back ground, and all the girls that spent time telling me how ugly I was, girls can be very, very mean.
I guess what the stereotype comes down to... Male bullies beat you up and steal your lunch money. Female bullies make you feel downright awful.

Male -> physical?
Female -> mental?

Basically, its like in this video

"Male childhood will be about physical abuse, shame and regret
Which means that female childhood will be about emotional abuse, shame and regret"

usually bullies stick to their own gender, for some of us there is a cross section.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
After reading most of the comments, i bleive that alot of people may have got the wrong end of the stick. The question wasnt posed mearly to jsut go "YEAH GIRLS ARE DICKS!!"" But rather to simply disband the awlful steriotype that all guys are dicks (at least thats how ive inturpreted it)

Seriously, if i had been given £1 for everytime if heard girls moan about how all guys are dicks, i would have more than enough money to buy this website outright. (not to say all girls are like this, this whole comment will be based on my own experiences and of other sources i trust)

For instance, as a guy, i seem to have an uncany knack for quickly being able to tell if a guy ive recently meet is going to be a total jerk or not, but girls on the other hand (again, in my experience) seem to work allong the lines, there more the guy seems to scream total arsehole, the more the girls seem desperate to give themselves completely to him. Then suprise suprise, they get hurt by him, and precide to spend the entire next few weeks moaning how all guys are dicks, based purely on the fact that the have the worlds worst observational skills -_- seriosuly just stop it

On that quote by Louis C.K, that sums up my expericence in life perfectly. The worst thats happen between me and a guy is a bit of a punch up, after which we became near enough best friends.
Girls in my life however, have succesfuly fucked with my mind so much that im now emotionaly detacted alot of the time, and have rather large trust isues, which needless to say, annoy my current gf, who has done nothing to deserve my mistrust, something which i hate i do.

SO yeah everyones a dick, but in my experince girls are far more effective at it.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
The Great JT said:
Everyone is a bastard to everyone. There.

To quote the wise Foamy, "everybody sucks! All the time!"
This, all people are capable of being assholes. In regard to this situation, maybe the guy was exhibiting creepy stalkerish behaviour, but if instead of taking the gifts the girl just sat him down and explained 'look, I'm just not interested in you' then it could have ended then and there. But yeah, both genders are capable of doing some sadistic shit to each other. People suck.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
at list were upfront abut
pepole be upfront when your not upfront you your slef know your worng


New member
May 2, 2011
Yeah course women have mistreated me and same can be said for me to them. Anecdote: last girl i was friends with had a bf and wanted me to be a "emotional boyfriend" still ant over her yet >.<.