Guys: Would you date / marry a powerful woman?


New member
May 10, 2008
Interesting huh? And rather controversial, yes, but I just had to ask because I've noticed that many women who are very intelligent or wealthy or both often point out that men are afraid of them and don't like to feel like the underdog in the relationship. Men in this position on the other hand rarely if ever point this out. If they have I certainly haven't heard about them, but I could name several celebrity females who have.

So here's the question, say the woman you are dating is always surrounded by media and publicity, the media doesn't care about you, they'd gladly push you aside if she is around to get a photo of her. Would you feel belittled or threatened by this or would you be happy with her success and shrug it off as part of what you went into when you both decided to be together? Or lets say she was a powerful business woman with plentiful businesses before you came along, she doesn't want your money, just your love and commitment as any good husband, again, would you feel overwhelmed or suddenly self conscious? How about an intelligent girlfriend who has been to uni, obtained several masters degrees and simply puts you to shame when she speaks, again, how would you feel? These are obviously exaggerated slightly for the sake of the topic, there are far more daily and normal circumstances of this just by being a strong minded female in an everyday world.

I'm asking because we live in world (that I find personally far better than it used to be) where women are far more stronger and independent, so these scenarios have become pretty common, but I don't blame guys for feeling threatened by it, after all, it's in our nature to have dominant personalities, it's kind of instilled in most of us at birth, so its a matter of re-adjusting to these new circumstances, some people find it easy and take on a submissive role and some prefer to be strong. And finding it difficult to get into a relationship like this shouldn't be seen as a bad thing, what it demonstrates in (I hope) most cases is that you simply prefer to be taking care of your partner and showing her all you can do as a man. To some guys, being submissive is a weakness.

My mum happens to be a VERY strong woman, and I'm thankful for that because she's made me strong too, my dad is submissive, but that doesn't mean he's weak, when the time comes, he doesn't tolerate nonsense, he changes pretty quickly and you soon start to see that he isn't anything as submissive as he appears to be 98% of the time.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
If it was love then yes of course I would. It's not a difficult choice at all for me.
Call me soppy if you want.


New member
May 18, 2009
So long as she considers me to be important to her and doesnt like belittle me e.g. i earn more than you etc therefore im better etc.

Not being included in like photos etc for publicity wouldnt bother me as it isnt my life.

So to summarise as long as they treat you normal then theres no problem.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
Apart from getting over the feeling of 'not being good enough' for her I'd be absolutely fine with that. I prefer dominant girls tbh.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
Whether you're in love is most important to me.

Still, I'd rather NOT have a woman with power, actually. I don't like media attention, whether I get it or she gets it or both. -.-


New member
May 11, 2010
To be honest, I think it's just an excuse that those particular women use when they can't find a partner. It's the equivalent of those guys that moan about the 'friend zone'; in both cases it's actually just that the members of the opposite sex that they are attracted to don't reciprocate those feelings and people feel the need to try and justify this to themselves.

To answer your question, it wouldn't bother me at all.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
I don't see how that is an issue?

Shouldn't it be the other way round, though? I mean...isn't the stereotype that you want to marry someone with wealth or power? A fairy princess is desirable, a fairy sales assistant, not so much.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Well I don't think I'd be too thrilled for example if I was pushed out of the way by paparazzi while walking with my girlfriend just so they could get a picture of her, but I like to think I could deal with it if she meant enough to me to be my girlfriend in the first place.
Jun 7, 2010
For the media and publicity thing, no. I'd be annoyed by having the entire press haunting our every movement together and fame does strange things to people. So no, i probably wouldn't like that. Unless she was like, Christina Hendricks or something.

As for being a successful businesswoman or super well-educated, I wouldn't really mind. Apart from the probability of her being too busy with all her big companies for us to have time together.

Interesting topic OP, give yourself a pat on the back.


New member
Jul 10, 2011
I would do it in a heartbeat. I'm kind of a feminist, so the idea of powerful women is, for me, very good news. Though, the the first example with the famous one would be kind of annoying. Still, love is love and all that.

Lord Legion

New member
Feb 26, 2010
I think it is mainly a problem of how hard it is to approach people like that. I wouldn't mind at all to have a very powerful lady companion, it is just that there is an aura they exude that suggests there is no place for anyone else around them.

So I guess that staying with one would be easy, getting to meet and know one would be more difficult.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Maybe the celebrity thing would bother me, but mostly for the fact that (as per your example) if people were pushing me around like that I'd lose it and make myself a celebrity for beating up paparazzi.

But the successful business woman or multi-degree genius? Hell yes. I'd much rather be a house husband for a loving woman than out in the working world if I could help it.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
Well if I like them I like them. What I'd find more of an issue is whether or not I find them patronising, because that would be annoying. In general though I think a powerful woman would be great, I'm not an especially motivated guy and I'd have no problem being a "house husband", I love doing DIY and cooking after all.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
I remember reading Atlas Shrugged and wanting to date Dagny. It would be intimidating to say the least. I would, but I know I wouldn't be able to pull it off.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I would probably be fine with it althought why would I be threaten by her success when my I'm not as successfull as she is? I mean I assuming like e.g. I work in a retail store while she get the limelight since she a actress or you implying something like we are both authors of different books but she is more sucessful than I am?
The only time I would be concern would be myself in that am I using her fame and fotune? Granted I'm not that type of person by I would wonder if I was living in her fancy house/ apartment and using her cash (if she allow it).


New member
May 10, 2008
UberaDpmn said:
Being powerful / alpha etc doesn't come into it. It's whether you like them or not.
True, but there's the question of "Do you love that person enough to endure all the shit and baggage that comes with a relationship?" It might be easy to say yes if you're not in that situation already, but when you are, your entire mindset may change and you may start wondering (especially if you come second to her career which takes up a good 80%+ of her life) if it's even worth it, especially when you could be poised with a decision to make, date the pretty woman who works behind the bar and really likes you, her job isn't demanding so you'd have a lot of time together to share and memories to make, or date the pretty woman who has a very demanding and stressful job and doesn't have time for sitting around or going to the park for romantic strolls etc.

Of course this is not always the case, so don't take this as a guaranteed example, but it does put things into perspective.