Habits in videogames.


New member
Jan 16, 2010
Whenever I play GTA and sandbox style games, Just driving over and killing shit isn't fun enough for me, I like to create a story behind my character, who is he, practically roleplay...makes everything much more fun...except Saints row 2...you cant kill someone dramatically there.. I mean...yeah..I am a roleplaying freak


New member
Dec 22, 2009
I have the compulsive need to reload as much as possible, but also to have my amount of excess ammo be divisible by 4.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Chronic Reload Syndrome and checking whether or not a fireplace hurts you.

MHS_Birdy said:
I will always try to "mountaingoat" my way up placs that im not supposed to go for around 10 minutes,
This too.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
JakeTheSnakeMan said:
Marter said:
I will always try to keep my gun fully loaded. Even if I only take one shot, I'll reload.
Same here. I don't even think about it anymore. If I shoot, my finger automatically hits the reload button. When I watch other people play, it always bothers the fuck out of me when they don't reload. Its like, what happens when you meet more enemies and you have no freaking ammo in your gun because you're too lazy to push the button. GRRR. It bothers me so...
I have that habit as well.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I have too many habits in gaming. These are the main ones that come to mind.

I will always switch weapons frequently (thanks to counter strike)
If there is an option to, I will frequently scope in and out of my gun sights in fps's (except whilst sniping or in a firefight).
I am twitchy (I dont like stanying in a single spot for ages in any game) even if it means moving in circles
I have to break stuff to see how the game's environment handles it. (Eg: steamrolling through walls in Bad Company 2)
Oh and in RPGs I tend to overlevel to a point where sometimes it becomes grinding. Thanks to the Final Fantasy games.

With the habit of constantly reloading, I have dealt with that. If there is ANY indication of an enemy coming my way and I have over half my magazine loaded, I will refrain from reloading (A huge thank you to MW2 for this).


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Sep 2, 2008
I have this unfortunate tendency to use the most theoretically badass weapon possible, no matter how useless it may be in execution. For example, despite the fact that the Desert Eagles in MW2 suck, they just look so manly that I exclusively use them for my secondaries. Another example would be choosing to use a Spartan Laser in a custom Halo 3 gametype that entailed having 50% gravity and 300% speed, with energy swords as primary weapons.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
VS60 said:
JakeTheSnakeMan said:
Marter said:
I will always try to keep my gun fully loaded. Even if I only take one shot, I'll reload.
Same here. I don't even think about it anymore. If I shoot, my finger automatically hits the reload button. When I watch other people play, it always bothers the fuck out of me when they don't reload. Its like, what happens when you meet more enemies and you have no freaking ammo in your gun because you're too lazy to push the button. GRRR. It bothers me so...
I have that habit as well.
Same here.

Also, every time I go into the Craterside Supply store in Megaton on Fallout 3, I put a grenade in Moira's pocket, watch her explode, then load from when I entered the door. Every time. Never fails to be absolutely hilarious, since she is a total pain in the ass.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Well like most people said I reload all the time. To me it makes perfect sense, you could face a large ambush right around the next corner.

Also I tend to give running commentaries (In many games such as half life 2 I adopt the personality of a Russian courier, mainly so I can shout "PACKAGE DELIVERY!" every time I land a shot on an enemy, in Fallout 3 I acted like a laid-back Irishman "Ooh, a tape from when me dear pappy and muther were together, ah what a toim, what a toim" [Apologies to Irish people everywhere]), wink at helpful NPCs and watch the credits for every game I play EVER!


New member
May 3, 2010
imahobbit4062 said:
In open world games, I must make it to the highest building and plummet off it (assuming I have a parachute, or can survive the fall).
I do the same but as a way to test the game's physics engine...also, there's something amusing about watching what happens. Also, causing as much chaos as possible. I LOVE the bandana in RDR makes it cooler...though I normally just reload after I'm done anyways.


Apparently a Premium Member now
Mar 20, 2009
I just HAVE to check every room twice before I leave it again. Remainds of my Legend of Zelda period.

Also, As soon as a team-member dies, I take his weapons and other stuff. Even if it's in the enemy line of fire.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Marter said:
I will always try to keep my gun fully loaded. Even if I only take one shot, I'll reload.
I do this all the time, no matter what. I believe it started with Counter-Strike and I would always find my self in a 1v1 fire fight and die because my clip would be mostly if not completely empty.

In role-playing games, specifically JRPGs, I will level way beyond what would be needed for any encounter due to pretty much paranoia. That and I hate fighting anything more than once in a play through.

I am sure there is more but I can't remember anything else at this time.

Crystal Cuckoo

New member
Jan 6, 2009
I instinctively reload every time I reload (and thus end up dying in shootouts with more than two enemies).

I always read the manual in a game if it has one.

I spend HOURS customising a character if there are options to do so.

I spend DAYS working out the optimum combo in a game (for example, deciding which class would suit a Rogue best in WoW, or best Tonic combination in Bioshock).


New member
Jan 17, 2008
1. Chronic Reload Syndrome (seems to be rather common here)

2. Kleptomania-murder (seriously, I have a habit of running into a house or place in Morrowind, killing everyone through taunts (don't want a bounty now do we?), then stealing all their stuff and selling it to whoever, usually Creeper in Caldera)

3. Constant exploration (ANY game warrants this, even FPS games like MW2, albeit just for the intel)

4. Combo memorising (always in Mortal Kombat, I MUST memorise the most damaging combos, just to kick someone's ass with it)

5. Cover, constantly (wherever there is, even if it's just a small bit of cover for a coupla seconds, time to heal up and reload, then RUUUUUUUUNNNNNN!)

6. Constant saving (unless I really don't need to, then I still do it)

imahobbit4062 said:
In open world games, I must make it to the highest building and plummet off it (assuming I have a parachute, or can survive the fall).
I'm guilty of this, except it usually involves GTA IV and a helicopter above avery populated area, sometimes with the chopper upside down for extra-splatty propelled impact into the ground.

8. Being evil the first time round (doesn't matter if the entire game is meant to make you make the good side, I will tell that side to bugger off and murder my way through the entire populace of a town just for free EXP or gold (thanks, Fable!))


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Aug 28, 2008
Necrotisingfasciitis said:
I have a tendency to not use cover properly. I have little patience and apparently a desire to see blood shed, even if it's my own. So, if I feel there isn't enough action, I come out of cover and usually get my ass killed.
Glad it's not just me. I'm all for cover- shooters but it better be fucking fast.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Reloading when ever you´re not in battle is a very good idea and nothing i would call for a weird habit.
OT: Umm, following NPCs around(those that at least move)


New member
May 28, 2008
in open world games like the Elder Scrolls series and Fallout 3, I spend all of my time on side quests and exploration. I've been playing Fallout 3 for 20+ hours and haven't started the main quest. And on JRPGs I stock up to 99 of every healing item, even potions, no exception. Going to the final boss? you never know when that 50-100 HP restoration will be necessary. :)


New member
Jan 9, 2010
I certainly do the reload thing... makes perfect sense to me as long as it is safe to stop and reload... that one extra bullet could be one more kill... maybe 2 or more in some games with certain weapons!

The "Making a me" on any game with char customization, luckily it always seems possible to make a pretty decent rendition of me.

Also if I can make a Dark Elf or that games equivilent, I MUST be that race.