Hackers Attack OFLC Website


New member
May 13, 2008
Mask of 1000 Faces said:
I'm suprised the site shut down. How hard is it to delete a message and resume normal operations? Maybe he went a little farther and they're just not telling us. *shrug*
No backups.

Anyway, he's a cracker not a hacker, and he is doing nothing to further the cause.

"FREEDOMZ"? Thanks a lot douche bag.

God-damned amateur. Probably found some script kiddie SQL in a search form. I hope he gets caught and quartered for his bullshit prank, and stuffed in some pound-you-in-the-hello prison so he learns to grow the hell up when he wants to protest.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
I really don't see how people can applaud this guy.
Firstly, the choice of target means that it's pretty much guaranteed to be a protest to the anti-R18+ travesty, not the national filter.
Secondly, it's not the OFLC's fault that we have no R18+ rating, it's Michael Atkinson's (may he rot in hell).
Finally, all this has done is progress the "nerd" persona that Atkinson himself has stated [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/90078], and given him yet another target to attack.
Expect a smartarse statement from Atkinson within the week.

If you really want to protest, set up camp outside his house with pitchforks and burning torches... okay, admittedly that would do nothing, it would just look awesome. :)

Mask of 1000 Faces

New member
Feb 28, 2009
Gitsnik said:
Mask of 1000 Faces said:
I'm suprised the site shut down. How hard is it to delete a message and resume normal operations? Maybe he went a little farther and they're just not telling us. *shrug*
No backups.

Anyway, he's a cracker not a hacker, and he is doing nothing to further the cause.

"FREEDOMZ"? Thanks a lot douche bag.

God-damned amateur. Probably found some script kiddie SQL in a search form. I hope he gets caught and quartered for his bullshit prank, and stuffed in some pound-you-in-the-hello prison so he learns to grow the hell up when he wants to protest.
Heh, touche.

And heck, if we're torturing him, we may as well just get medieval. Maybe a minute or two in an Iron Maiden would make him take life more seriously.


New member
Sep 27, 2008
AI've been following this OFLC story for awhile thanks to Australian Gamer. I think this is the one thing America has a leg up on the rest of the world. Sure, we're fatter than the rest of you, but we can say and see whatever we feel like even if it's full of violence or hatred or sexuality. This OFLC shit would never go down in my country.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
I'm telling you guys: Australia needs to have a revolution. Not only will these sorts of problems be solved, but the rest of the world will think a lot more of you.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
pleh, Britain's politics have gone down the drainhole anyways with taking away our freedom and human rights (and so has the media for overly hyping up the bloody topic of politicians spending stuff on their second home yes we get it now shut up and stop forcing them out of their jobs!), filtering the interweb will just be another stone in the sea at this point...


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Azeban said:
AI've been following this OFLC story for awhile thanks to Australian Gamer. I think this is the one thing America has a leg up on the rest of the world. Sure, we're fatter than the rest of you, but we can say and see whatever we feel like even if it's full of violence or hatred or sexuality. This OFLC shit would never go down in my country.
Okay fair enough, but you're hardly the only country.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Onmi said:
TsunamiWombat said:
Onmi said:
I'm getting pissed off the govourment wants to filter the internet, sorry but We aren't going to become China, I'll start a fucking protest if I have to.
Your not allowed to protest, they'll throw crocidiles at you.

But fear not, for Steve Irwin will return to save you in Austrailia's darkest hour and pull the sword from the stone.
Croc's? pfft. Who would fear a croc when you have THIS on your side

I speak for most of us i think when i say........WTF!!!!???