Hacktivists Force Pause in Australian Net Censorship


Jul 31, 2008
This is exactly why, like it or not, we need people like Anonymous around.

I may not agree with everything they've done, but I do agree with a lot of it. I think it's important that regular people can come together and protest attempts to censor the internet like this.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Hurray! Child Pornography gets to live and It's soooo- Waaait a minute.

Funnily enough when I read more about this internet filter and the fact that only Interpol is allowed to actually put sites on it... You know I don't think it's such a bad idea.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
CommanderKirov said:
Hurray! Child Pornography gets to live and It's soooo- Waaait a minute.

Funnily enough when I read more about this internet filter and the fact that only Interpol is allowed to actually put sites on it... You know I don't think it's such a bad idea.
That's just one of the proposals... Best of any put forward, admittedly, and if people are so fucking anxious to get this filter bullshit in place then it's about as good as it's going to get because it avoids the moralist fuckwit crusaders.


New member
Dec 16, 2009
Donnyp said:
So wait....Stopping people from looking up child porn is bad? Now i may not be a genius but last i checked child porn is a horrible thing and if that is what they are blocking i am all for it.
Do you have to do this in every related thread? You've had plenty of people explain their concerns to you and you just keep right on trolling, I'm only responding to you because unfortunately I felt I couldn't report you because at a glance it wouldn't look like you've done anything to earn it. Relax on the "kiddy porn" crusade, have some pancakes, heck maybe you've found your calling as a conservative politician. Just take a break mate.


New member
Dec 16, 2009
Sizzle Montyjing said:
I think that these illegal websites should just be brought down.
Or is it more complicated than that?
Because i do agree that if this was to go through, levels of censorship would only escalate.
Yeah Australia already gets a bad rap for its conservative nanny state censorship and it's not without reason, internet censorship is a very frightening reality for those of us who are aware of this fact.

Also, the filter will just be ineffective and useless.
It will impact their customers. For example -connection speeds.
And assuredly lead to its own slew of technical issues, making other tasks more difficult and time consuming (for the company)
For a simple URL filter, there are countless SIMPLE ways of bypassing it.
It's not protecting the innocent from these websites, because if they're not looking for it they likely won't find it, in my personal experience I've never come across websites of that nature. And as I said, if they were looking for it they could get there with ease.
I'd hazard a guess and say that most of that material would be shared via Peer to Peer distribution, but that's merely speculation because I don't know shit about it.

Which leads me to my final point, and the reason I quoted you particularly, you are correct, it IS somebody's job to scour the internet and shut this shit down. I'm pretty sure there are people working on that day in and day out. I think the main problem they have is jurisdiction, although I'm not aware off the top of my head of any countries who do allow the abuse of minors, you know, outside of America's wars (BURN!...)
I jest, I jest. No seriously that was a rather dark joke, my sincere apologies America.

A mandatory internet filter is just not feasible, it's a waste of time, money and resources, not to mention it disadvantages both the consumer and the company itself. I do find it odd that the government scheme got shut down after mass outcry and then 12 months later ISPs turn around and try to pull this shit anyway with Mr. Conroy standing behind them. I'm so sick of our politicians, they're all fucking atrocious at their jobs, wish they'd throw some of their phat lewts our way instead of trying to tax the absoulute FUCK out of us to support their dodgy schemes.

I'm just depressed because the cost of living in this country is going up, up, up and the little people are taking it from every direction right now.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Donnyp said:
So wait....Stopping people from looking up child porn is bad? Now i may not be a genius but last i checked child porn is a horrible thing and if that is what they are blocking i am all for it.
That's what their sales pitch was, the truth is these guys just got the legal right to circumvent freedom of speech, so whatever they wont like will be censored and they got every right to do so, that is the sort of shit they pull in China.

This is what these internetz vigilantes are good for, is freedom can only be kept with anarchy then so be it.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
Mr.K. said:
Donnyp said:
So wait....Stopping people from looking up child porn is bad? Now i may not be a genius but last i checked child porn is a horrible thing and if that is what they are blocking i am all for it.
That's what their sales pitch was, the truth is these guys just got the legal right to circumvent freedom of speech, so whatever they wont like will be censored and they got every right to do so, that is the sort of shit they pull in China.

This is what these internetz vigilantes are good for, is freedom can only be kept with anarchy then so be it.
That's an awfully big jump to make from censoring child porn to the destruction of freedom of speech.

Australia does have a bad track record when it comes to what to censor and what not to but that doesn't mean they're never right. Until they actually try block some questionable things I'm not going to assume that's their grand master plan.

And the internet vigilantes? If this lulzsec abomination is what comes of Anarchy then you'd have to be right fucked in the head to consider that your best option.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
I would like for the websites that Telstra says it will ban to actually be blocked because that is just sick, but alas it should be up to the individual to make those choices and as we all know give a mouse a cookie and....


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Donnyp said:
So wait....Stopping people from looking up child porn is bad? Now i may not be a genius but last i checked child porn is a horrible thing and if that is what they are blocking i am all for it.
Did you know that porn featuring flat or small-breasted women actually counts as CP in Australia regardless of the woman's actual age? No really, despite being absolutely ridiculous it's true. So apparently for me to be photographed nude would be as bad as to photograph some five year old nude. Thanks, Australia. Thanks.

Awexsome said:
Australia does have a bad track record when it comes to what to censor and what not to but that doesn't mean they're never right.
Questionable track record? Look at my above point. Australia is outright AWFUL at determining what should be censored or not! I can't think of a developed nation that's WORSE at it.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Awexsome said:
Mr.K. said:
Donnyp said:
So wait....Stopping people from looking up child porn is bad? Now i may not be a genius but last i checked child porn is a horrible thing and if that is what they are blocking i am all for it.
That's what their sales pitch was, the truth is these guys just got the legal right to circumvent freedom of speech, so whatever they wont like will be censored and they got every right to do so, that is the sort of shit they pull in China.

This is what these internetz vigilantes are good for, is freedom can only be kept with anarchy then so be it.
That's an awfully big jump to make from censoring child porn to the destruction of freedom of speech.

Australia does have a bad track record when it comes to what to censor and what not to but that doesn't mean they're never right. Until they actually try block some questionable things I'm not going to assume that's their grand master plan.
They are abusing lack of laws on games to censor everything they don't like yet you find giving them an actual legal right to censor internet is not objectionable?

And the internet vigilantes? If this lulzsec abomination is what comes of Anarchy then you'd have to be right fucked in the head to consider that your best option.
Never said anarchy was the best option, just that it takes trolls to troll the trolls, and it takes a rabid dog to fight the rabid dogs.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
Mr.K. said:
Awexsome said:
Mr.K. said:
Donnyp said:
So wait....Stopping people from looking up child porn is bad? Now i may not be a genius but last i checked child porn is a horrible thing and if that is what they are blocking i am all for it.
That's what their sales pitch was, the truth is these guys just got the legal right to circumvent freedom of speech, so whatever they wont like will be censored and they got every right to do so, that is the sort of shit they pull in China.

This is what these internetz vigilantes are good for, is freedom can only be kept with anarchy then so be it.
That's an awfully big jump to make from censoring child porn to the destruction of freedom of speech.

Australia does have a bad track record when it comes to what to censor and what not to but that doesn't mean they're never right. Until they actually try block some questionable things I'm not going to assume that's their grand master plan.
They are abusing lack of laws on games to censor everything they don't like yet you find giving them an actual legal right to censor internet is not objectionable?
Those were two different entities mind you.

The government and their ineptitude is what causes the games to be denied rating and effectively banned while the companies are the ones carrying out the internet censorship. Frankly if the companies started going too far with the censorship the government could actually stop it from happening.

I'm just seeing way too much being assumed from a couple bad moves by Australia to think they're going to go all Big Brother overnight.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Blitzwing said:
It isn?t. That stupid story is fake there?s no bane on small breast?s.
I'd like to believe you. Can you leave the thread & rejoin without misspelling 1st grade words? It really harms your credibility.

Breast size IS considered, and many laws in australia are beyond ridiculous.

Blitzwing said:
You can't oppose something based on the argument that it might be abused because them you would oppose everything.
No, but do we have to tolerate something that is almost certain to be abused and actively harms anyone who tries to use the internet? (Via slow downs directly proportionate to the number of sites censored)