Halo 2 HD Remake May be Underway


New member
Jun 23, 2008
I think a lot of people are about to remember (very abruptly) just how bad Halo 2 actually was. Once you hit the first Arbiter level, it's all down hill (the first few Chief levels are actually pretty good).

Also, the multiplayer in the remake would probably be in the Reach engine... THANK CTHULHU! Halo 2's multiplayer was pretty miserable also. Whoever fired first got the kill, and just like campaign everything looked/felt like cardboard. It was easily the best multiplayer experience at the time, though (almost 10 years ago). I liked the icons above your team mates heads, and wish they'd kept it just like that in all the incarnations.

Overall I think this is incredibly unnecessary. Halo 2 has not aged well, from gameplay to graphics to story, just EVERYTHING. It felt VERY rushed, and I doubt a new coat of paint will fix that.

What's the expression? Shiny shit still tastes shitty?
Aug 25, 2009
I like this.

I especially like it because it heads off the inevitable comments right now that will come in a decade's time.

'I want my Halo remake' would probably have become the rallying cry around wich fanboys gathered. Since by then FFVII would be twenty years gone surely they'd be able to move on? Given the diet of an average Final Fantasy player most of them will be dead soon enough.