Halo 3 Beats Out GTA IV, Portal, Wii Fit For Edge Innovation Award (Keep this mature)


New member
Aug 7, 2008
I can't add anything that hasn't already been said.

It's not innovative, it's refinement. It's nothing new and the fact that they are giving the award to them based on that clearly shows they are out of the loop. There have been tons of other games that have done multiplayer better than Halo, but the fact is Halo was really the first multiplayer game a lot of people played. So to them, 'wow, it's so innovative'.... No, it isn't. But that's not to say it hasn't been done well, it has.

I'm trying not to discredit Halo, but there is absolutely nothing innovative about it. Every thing that Halo does has been done before. In some instances, done much better.

A good chunk of people who play halo decried PC gaming as nerdy back in the day. So because it's on the Xbox it's suddenly cool? You don't show up at half-time, get a point and claim you won the game. If you think Halo is innovative then you really missed the boat. There are other games out there besides it and I suggest you try them before handing out brass.


New member
Jun 23, 2008
ElArabDeMagnifico said:
Oh btw, what is this "edge" thing anyway?
Edge is a UK gaming magazine [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edge_(magazine)]. Note the irony of the "sample cover" in the wiki article.

But there are alot of publications called Edge [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edge], so I could be wrong.

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
This is as bad as G4's recent Gphoria awards where Halo 3 won game of the year over MGS4 and COD4. But atleast MGS4 only lost by 40 or so votes, to a game that never should have been included in a game of the year for 2008. (Their rational being that they were counting from August of 07 to August 08. They should wait till December to hand out such an award really.)

Janus Vesta

New member
Mar 25, 2008
If you don't mind I copypasta'd this onto this site [http://anime-downtown.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=275&start=0] to spread the word. I linked them here and made it clear it's a copypasta. Anyway, talking with my cousin (huge Halo fan) even he doesn't think it deserved the award.


New member
Jun 7, 2008
Agreed. Halo 3 is not innovative in any area. Why anyone gives it GOTY is beyound my understanding. It is good, just overhyped. I dont think any shooter in the past 5 years or so has been innovative, except maybe Portal, but I never played it.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Reading the Kotaku comments only reinforces my belief that all the people who defend this truly have only started playing multiplayer games with Halo. They cite so many reasons why it won, but fail to realize that these are all things that have been done before.

Multiplayer games over TCP/IP and LAN have been around since the early 90's. Not since 2001. Halo is finally catching up to where multiplayer has been for YEARS. Yes, catching up. Should I give it a gold star?

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
The reasoning of the editors really does not make sense. I still can't figure out how UT3 didn't win based on their own criteria, or even TF2 or Resistance for that matter.


New member
Nov 2, 2006
I understand why they gave it, Since it caters to some of the Newer FPS Players or people who just enjoy Halo Multiplayer.
But i woulda thought GTAIV, Loved that game.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
scottkirch said:
I understand why they gave it, Since it caters to some of the Newer FPS Players or people who just enjoy Halo Multiplayer.
But i woulda thought GTAIV, Loved that game.
Uh... So? Does that make Halo 3 innovative? Not at all, in fact, that makes it less innovative.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
mjhhiv said:
Ryuuken said:
I'm sorry...Halo 3 more innovative than Rock Band?

no...just NO
Rock Band wasn't innovative either...
Bite your tongue sir - the continuous weekly updates of DLC was pretty unprecedented
Sure, sure. I expected I'd get some argument going here.

The idea behind Rock Band is a total rip-off. Innovation is when a game comes up with something that no one has ever seen before in terms of game play, at least to me anyways.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Joeshie said:
Tru3_Blu3 said:
I understand why it has an innovation award: The Theater mode and Forge.

While I know all of you PC fan boys will flame me for mentioning those two pieces of content, but you have to understand; for consoles to have the ability to record gameplay, take pictures of gameplay segments, and customize your own maps with Custom Game mode making and Forge, it's quite amazing.

Another thing that you PC fan boys will complain about: Forge is nothing but a Gmod 0.5. At least it isn't freaking glitchy or difficult as Gmod; and at least you can do something with your Forged creations, which is uploading it to Bungie.net.

Once you create something with Gmod, you can't do anything but create a video about it or take a picture of it. If you want people to play your Gmod(ed) map, then you have to work your filthy ass off in SDK, which is NOT fun compared to Forge and Custom games.
Just so you know:
Timesplitters had the ability to create custom maps.
Skate, which came out before Halo 3, also had the ability to record gameplay.

I don't think any of us (well, most of us) will disagree that Halo 3 did innovate in some areas and at the very least, improve upon areas that others had created. The problem ultimately comes down to it beating out other games for the title. Games like Portal, which had revolutionary new gameplay, or Wii Fit, which allowed you to track your stats and progress of your health in a video game. Why they even placed GTA4 on the list is way beyond me.

What value do we place on certain parts of innovation. It's clear that Edge felt that innovation in a small segment of a game outweighed innovation in an entire segment of game, which raises the question of which kinds of innovation are more impressive or important.
The two games that you mentioned, however, didn't take their contents seriously unlike what Halo3 did. If you combine all of the contents in Halo3 together while having friends, it's simply phenomenal. The only reason why people bought Halo3 was for it's single player and multi player, only to see it become boring later on. That is because those people never gave the game a chance. They ignored Forge and Theater as if it was nothing, making Halo3 go down hill in award ceremonies.

It shows how dim witted we gamers are.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
mjhhiv said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
mjhhiv said:
Ryuuken said:
I'm sorry...Halo 3 more innovative than Rock Band?

no...just NO
Rock Band wasn't innovative either...
Bite your tongue sir - the continuous weekly updates of DLC was pretty unprecedented
Sure, sure. I expected I'd get some argument going here.

The idea behind Rock Band is a total rip-off. Innovation is when a game comes up with something that no one has ever seen before in terms of game play, at least to me anyways.
And did Halo 3 do that?
Not at all... Like I said before.