silverbullet1989 said:
So by labeling me a pc fanboy who cant be reasoned with your making yourself sound better how?
1. It's "you're." I normally don't play with grammar, but you make so many typos in this one post that my browser actually sighed when I clicked "quote" and it had to spellcheck you.
2. Who said anything about making myself sound better? Oh, you. Nobody else. Hmmm.
It's quite possible I don't care one bit.
but until tht happens were gonna get swamped with games like call of duty, recycling the same game on the same engine year after year, but im sure you would like that -_-
See, it's kind of hypocritical that you get offended by being called a fanboy, but rail about me for things I don't support. "your [sic] making yourself sound better how?" Come now, don't preach what you can't practice.
I mean, it's bad enough you're blaming samey shooters on the hardware, but "your" sure that I would like something I've demonstrably stated I don't like. In this very thread, no less. That, my hast friend, is fanboyish behaviour. The kind of rabid fantaticism that says "if you're not with us, you're against us." Worse, it says "If you are not with us, you are the polar opposite and stand for everything I despise."
So...Aside from demonstrating fanboyish behaviour and double-standards, what have we established? That the same samey shooters which permeate the PC as well would magically change if consoles were updated, despite the lack of any real need to change. Well, that makes sense.
Except I bet we're going to get swamped with games like Call of Duty, recycling the same game on the same engine every year, just like before.
-Yearly iterations generally demand corner cutting. COD is exempt, as it really is every other year per developer.
-Most of the effort is going into visuals, not systems. This will likely mollify the fanboys, though, as it has in the past.
-Call of Duty and similar titles sell phenomenally. There's no real reason for effort.
-Lazy programming is a big problem.
-The last few major titles with PC as the lead platform still had many of the same problems.
It's convenient, perhaps, to blame consoles, but there are a lot of problem you ignore in the process. The toxic nature of the yearly dev cycle being one of them. It's one of the driving reasons for "cutting corners."