halo has pretty much become call of duty.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
so i've played five games of just regular ffa slayer on halo reach, and i've come to the conclusion that halo has pretty much just become call of duty. all anyone EVER plays is games that only use the dmr or the pistol and even when people are in different games all they ever USE is the dmr or the pistol. and always on one of three maps... it's really boring anymore. i'm considering just buying MW3 if only to get some use out of my xbox live gold account...
Apr 28, 2008
How is it much different from everyone using the Battle Rifle in Halo 2/3? And in Halo 3 people usually veto'd everything except Battle Rifle gametypes.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
What does this have to do with CoD?

what you describe happens in every single online shooter...as the player base starts shrinking players gravitate towards the most popular maps/gametypes until only a few are left.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
well what i mean is CoD is more realistic as in no shields, special abilities, or any of the unique sci-fi stuff that makes it halo. it's all just sprint dmrs and the pistols (unless your playing like zombies or griff ball or some game mode like that. but i really don't want a gimmicy game mode i just want some regular slayer with a bit of variety.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
Ok, I don't understand... How is it like CoD again? I've played CoD, and you cant just play the same maps, and noone certainly uses only pistols... And:
zorrandur said:
it's really boring anymore.
doesn't make any sense in the English language at all... Could you clarify you're opinions?
Also, isn't 'regular with variety' an oxymoron?


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Dude yOu got a quadruple thread going on .

OT: well people try to copy what is sucessfull . Like you say buy MW3 and have fun with the game everyone is copying . Or play something that isn't a shooter .


New member
Apr 2, 2010
The only aspect halo shares with Call of Duty is that you wield guns that you shoot people with. Also, you are be good was England language is.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Not the same at all. People mostly use those two weapons because they're the starting weapons. You can't pick what weapons you spawn with like you can in Call of Duty; depending on the gametype, in Halo you will almost always spawn with the pistol and either the DMR or the assault rifle. So of course people are mostly going to use them; it's up to you to get other weapons to use. But I've never seen people just stick to their starting weapons if they can help it; they find another weapon they like and grab it.

Perhaps the problem is that you're playing free-for-all. The team games in Halo are far better, especially if you can get a good team with friends and such. The diverse gametypes are a lot of what make Halo multiplayer so awesome.

The maps can be a problem, but that tends to be because people generally like only a couple. But if you switch up the gametype now and again, you'll be getting different maps and different communities that like different maps. Just switch up your experience a bit; of course it'll be boring if you get monolithic with your gametypes and play style.

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
Satsuki666 said:
silver wolf009 said:
I don't see what you're saying, and fix your writing please. It's borderline unintelligible.
What do you mean borderline unintelligible? That writing is definitely unintelligible. All I got out of it was that people in halo seem to think that it is a good idea to use the most powerful weapons.
I'm meaning to say that the argument is very hard to read/understand because of the way it's written.


Aug 25, 2008
Halo: is a sci-fi shooter that is colourful and allows you to command many different vehicles and power ups, arguably has more skill because it takes longer for people to die.

COD: Generic grey/brown shooter that is entertaining for a few weeks before people get bored/angry, however in it's defence it does have the best multiplayer basis of any game, it's just the people that play it.

They are completely different shooters, and the only thing they have in common is they are shooters and they are both in first person...


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Obvious troll is obvious? All Halo multiplayers have always been (in skilled gametypes) full of people only using the accurate headshotting weapons: DMM/BR/Magnum/Carbine/Sniper Rifles. This in no way makes it like CoD where the most used guns tend to be high fire-rate guns like SMGs and it is taken as read to camp at unless one is sprinting headlong around the map.


New member
Aug 7, 2009
Satsuki666 said:
silver wolf009 said:
I don't see what you're saying, and fix your writing please. It's borderline unintelligible.
What do you mean borderline unintelligible? That writing is definitely unintelligible. All I got out of it was that people in halo seem to think that it is a good idea to use the most powerful weapons.
I think there was something about maps too...

But really I've played 150 hours of Reach, only problem I ever run into are bad teammates and if you're complaining about people using the weapons in the game, that are on the maps, that the developer put there then why ARE you playing?

I use everything personally, grenade launcher, AR, snippy-snappy, shotty, pistol, rockets, grenades, plasma weapons even the spiker when it's on the map.

I should use the needler more though. Fear the pink mist. FEAR IT!


New member
May 5, 2009
If you're saying you don't like the samey-ness then welcome to the metagame. Once a multiplayer game reaches a certain point then the best builds or guns or tactics are revealed and everyone uses them.

Some games can avoid this with consistent updates nerfing anything with a severe advantage. Or if the game has enough variety that counters can be made. But the majority of FPS games will have 1 or 2 guns which are the best.


Winter is coming
Jun 13, 2009
Wouldn't Call of Duty be the new Halo?
Seeing as the Halo franchise got beat to death first by Publishers and now Call of Duty is in the middle (or maybe end) of it's beatings.

Lev The Red

New member
Aug 5, 2011
zorrandur said:
so i've played five games of just regular ffa slayer
that's your problem. FFA is an unofficial "hardcore" playlist. invasion is probably the best multiplayer playlist in Reach because it's dynamic. your kits change mid-game and force you to use different strategies as you preform objectives.
a good invasion game also requires teamwork. as spartans, you are automatically at a disadvantage against the elites. they have better weapons, more health, and can one-hit-kill melee you. your typical run-directly-at-the-other-person-till-you-get-close-enough-to-melee strategy doesn't work against elites because they'll kill you before you get close, or sweep you with their huge feet if you DO get close.

if you are playing a generic ffa or deathmatch game, then of course it will play similar to every other game that has the same game type. play a gametype that ISN'T in every other fps.


New member
May 17, 2010
I'm not quite sure I understand what the problem is? As I understand it at the moment you are complaining that Halo is to much like CoD because people use the DMR and Pistol in games?

Well as I remember when I used to play Reach the DMR and Pistol were a very good and effective Combo with the DMR and Pistol giving out a lot of damage the Pistol being more effective at short range and the DMR at long range so it would make sense to me if the setup works that people will use it you will find that in any game not just CoD and Halo.

Apart from that no the game type in multiplayer is very different in comparison, in Halo the key to winning is control of the power weapons and teamwork where CoD it is more to do with Killstreaks imho.