Halo Wars DLC Under Fire From Fans


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
The end of days for Video Games is nigh.

I tried to warn you all, but nobody listen to poor Zathras. Told you I did. Don't fall for new gimmicks like DLC and digital download games. But did anyone listen, no. Now you got monthly subscriptions on games that didn't even merit the purchase price, you pay for downloads that should be free, and have given game companies complete control over how, when, and where you can play your games, how many times you can install it, how many user accounts a game can have, and worse. Warned you, but nobody listen to Zathras. Not even The One.
I can't help but agree.
Gamers are really proving to be the least savvy consumers of all; quickly surpassing housewives. That's why furtuneoffs is going out of business and gameslop stock is doing splendidly. They're both the same kind of store: sell commonly found goods for premium prices to people who apparently don't know any better.

What we have to do is stop buying everything that's hyped up and actually find out what's in a dlc pack before buying it. The GTA4 dlc sounded like it was overpriced when we first got all the details and while playing it at a friends house, my suspicions were confirmed.

The real problem is that things are just going to get worse. Enough people will buy a few missions (that were just leftovers from development they needed to clean up) for $10, so they're going to try and charge you the same with even less to show for it. And it's going to get worse and worse until people stop buying it.

I really liked Saints Row 2 but the dlc they've been releasing is overpriced, so I'm not going to buy it; at least not until they drop the price.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
WolfLordAndy said:
TF2 stuff? :D
I wouldn't exactly fit that under the same category. You don't need to buy it, nor do you really get a choice in whether or not you want it. It's more like a mandatory patch.

Unless you have the 360 version.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
buy teh haloz said:
Whine all you want about the prices, dipshits. It isn't gonna get you anywhere! I had to pay for Mythic and Heroic for Halo 3 and I never complained. If you don't want to pay for something, that's your problem. Not the company's.
But if noone pays for it, won't it become the company's problem as well? And won't this give the company a bad name? This is a consumer market after all.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
xChevelle24 said:
buy teh haloz said:
Whine all you want about the prices, dipshits. It isn't gonna get you anywhere! I had to pay for Mythic and Heroic for Halo 3 and I never complained. If you don't want to pay for something, that's your problem. Not the company's.
You never complained because you're a hardcore Halo fanboy.

*looks at your name, and then looks at your picture*

Yep, definitely a fanboy.

For people who aren't fanboys and don't worship the over-priced, over-played, over-hyped, over-exposed Halo franchise, the price on the new DLC is ridiculous. But oh well, this is why I don't play these games.
It doesn't matter about franchise or anything. Really, I never cared about paying for the maps, and I'm sure the same people who bought the Halo 3 maps never said a fucking word when they bought maps for R6 Vegas or Call of Duty 4.

And trust me, I felt like I got A LOT of value from those maps. But that's just me.

Dr Pussymagnet

a real piece of shit
Dec 20, 2007
buy teh haloz said:
Whine all you want about the prices, dipshits. It isn't gonna get you anywhere! I had to pay for Mythic and Heroic for Halo 3 and I never complained. If you don't want to pay for something, that's your problem. Not the company's.
Of course you didn't complain about the maps. I sure didn't, and I don't think there were many people out there who did. But that's probably because those maps were actually worth paying 800 points for.

But these, on the other hand, are just new game modes and in my opinion, don't have as much value as the map packs. Normally I wouldn't care about having to pay for DLC, but 800 points just seems a little much for something like this.

I'm not saying they should make it free, just lower it to a fairly reasonable price. Maybe 300-500 points?


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
GonzoGamer said:
I can't help but agree.
Gamers are really proving to be the least savvy consumers of all; quickly surpassing housewives. That's why furtuneoffs is going out of business and gameslop stock is doing splendidly. They're both the same kind of store: sell commonly found goods for premium prices to people who apparently don't know any better.

What we have to do is stop buying everything that's hyped up and actually find out what's in a dlc pack before buying it. The GTA4 dlc sounded like it was overpriced when we first got all the details and while playing it at a friends house, my suspicions were confirmed.

The real problem is that things are just going to get worse. Enough people will buy a few missions (that were just leftovers from development they needed to clean up) for $10, so they're going to try and charge you the same with even less to show for it. And it's going to get worse and worse until people stop buying it.

I really liked Saints Row 2 but the dlc they've been releasing is overpriced, so I'm not going to buy it; at least not until they drop the price.
See, I come from a time and a world most people here won't understand...

...the 80's.

Now we had this game called Warcraft II. You paid $60 for the game, and you got a COMPLETE game. No gaps in the game balance and unit lists, the AI was functional, there were two full-length campaigns and an additional four or five dozen multiplayer maps. What's more, the game came complete with a map builder, a free online multiplayer service, and tech support. When the game had aged a bit, an expansion came out (Pre-HighSpeed DLC came on discs don't ya know). The expansion was around $40, and came with two more campaigns, each equal in length to the original pair. Additionally, there were a dozen or so new units/characters, another two dozen multiplayer maps, and a new tileset for the map builder.

So, what to you get today?

Starcraft II is only coming out with one campaign, then you have to buy the second and third one separately. Dawn of War had only about 20 or so skirmish maps, and no map maker. Halflife's "Episodic" releases collectively don't even add up to the overall length of the original Halflife, let alone Halflife 2. WoW charges you for the core game, then a monthly fee for continual updates, but when said updates are significant, it's not just given to you, you still have to buy the fucking expansion.

Games now lack map builders (and it's not because of their complexity), fewer and fewer skirmish levels or multiplayer arenas come with each new title. Games are coming with less modes of play, the lack of CTF and the cut-down size of co-op in BF2142 being a particular sore spot with me. And DLC has replaced the time-honored tradition of releasing complete functional products.
You don't even have to go as far back as the 80s. I remember the first expansion for Jedi Knight (2?). It was a whole new game. That was a value.

I made the mistake of buying the last expansion for Dawn of War 1. I loved the game but that was such crap. We basically paid full price to add 2 new races to mostly recycled maps.

What really bothers me is the fact that a lot of these new games come at full price and have about as much gameplay as you can get through in one evening. Even if it's a good game, it should go for a budget price.

Maybe we only have other gamers (the pirates) to blame and the publishers pulling this crap is just the best way for them to make money but they have to realize that eventually the dlc is just going to get pirated too; if it hasn't already.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
GonzoGamer said:
I can't help but agree.
Gamers are really proving to be the least savvy consumers of all; quickly surpassing housewives. That's why furtuneoffs is going out of business and gameslop stock is doing splendidly. They're both the same kind of store: sell commonly found goods for premium prices to people who apparently don't know any better.

What we have to do is stop buying everything that's hyped up and actually find out what's in a dlc pack before buying it. The GTA4 dlc sounded like it was overpriced when we first got all the details and while playing it at a friends house, my suspicions were confirmed.

The real problem is that things are just going to get worse. Enough people will buy a few missions (that were just leftovers from development they needed to clean up) for $10, so they're going to try and charge you the same with even less to show for it. And it's going to get worse and worse until people stop buying it.

I really liked Saints Row 2 but the dlc they've been releasing is overpriced, so I'm not going to buy it; at least not until they drop the price.
See, I come from a time and a world most people here won't understand...

...the 80's.

Now we had this game called Warcraft II. You paid $60 for the game, and you got a COMPLETE game. No gaps in the game balance and unit lists, the AI was functional, there were two full-length campaigns and an additional four or five dozen multiplayer maps. What's more, the game came complete with a map builder, a free online multiplayer service, and tech support. When the game had aged a bit, an expansion came out (Pre-HighSpeed DLC came on discs don't ya know). The expansion was around $40, and came with two more campaigns, each equal in length to the original pair. Additionally, there were a dozen or so new units/characters, another two dozen multiplayer maps, and a new tileset for the map builder.

So, what to you get today?

Starcraft II is only coming out with one campaign, then you have to buy the second and third one separately. Dawn of War had only about 20 or so skirmish maps, and no map maker. Halflife's "Episodic" releases collectively don't even add up to the overall length of the original Halflife, let alone Halflife 2. WoW charges you for the core game, then a monthly fee for continual updates, but when said updates are significant, it's not just given to you, you still have to buy the fucking expansion.

Games now lack map builders (and it's not because of their complexity), fewer and fewer skirmish levels or multiplayer arenas come with each new title. Games are coming with less modes of play, the lack of CTF and the cut-down size of co-op in BF2142 being a particular sore spot with me. And DLC has replaced the time-honored tradition of releasing complete functional products.
Man, do i love warcraft 3 and the expansion.

four campaigns and a smaller introduction campaign + tons of maps + free lan and multiplayer service + map editor = Warcraft 3

Four campaigns + tons of maps + best bonus campaign EVER + new units = Frozen Throne

too bad warcraft 4 wont come out in the near future.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
So, the dev is being punished for being efficient at coding?

And people always whine about the price of DLC: ever notice a case of someone saying HEY! This stuff is at a really cheap price! No need to complain!


New member
May 19, 2009
Yep, this sounds like a dick move. HALO is done (like players didn't know that when they realized HALO3 was solidly mediocre). It just needs to be buried in its space coffin and let Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare series take the FPS reigns of awesomeness.

But, on topic. Future DLC should take after Fallout3 and actually make good, new updates with new content that keeps players coming back for more.

Beffudled Sheep

New member
Jan 23, 2009
Khell_Sennet said:
GonzoGamer said:
You don't even have to go as far back as the 80s.
Never said you had to go back that far, just that such a time is where I am from. It's a weird and troubled time, when the longer a man's hair, the more chance he plays metal. It was a time when Internet was dialup, pornography came in magazines, and movies were on strips of photomagnetic film. On the plus side, rap was non-existent and cellphones were the size of bricks, and could only be used for making phone calls.
Ahhh... those were the days.

This does seem a bit too much for this amount of content. Oh well, soon they will be charging us 2000 MS points for a single, glitchy, unfinished map. Then the gamers will rise up and overthrow the greedy game company empire and will start anew, with new, finished and reasonably priced games and dlc.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Khell_Sennet said:
See, I come from a time and a world most people here won't understand...

...the 80's.

snip snip
Reminds me of the 90's.
Yeah, I remember when expansion packs were worth the scratch you put down on them. Like Corkscrew Follies for Roller Coaster Tycoon. That had twice the content for half the cost. :D

I hate DLC. New content is what sequels are for.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
GonzoGamer said:
You don't even have to go as far back as the 80s.
Never said you had to go back that far, just that such a time is where I am from. It's a weird and troubled time, when the longer a man's hair, the more chance he plays metal. It was a time when Internet was dialup, pornography came in magazines, and movies were on strips of photomagnetic film. On the plus side, rap was non-existent and cellphones were the size of bricks, and could only be used for making phone calls.
You're right. Hell, even this gen has a little dlc that's worth it: shivering isles was like a whole 'nother game.

You forgot to add to your things we miss from the 80s:
Teen movies were actually good.
Tom Waits was creating a musical saga about a guy names Frank.
George Lucas had integrity.
And rap existed; it just wasn't a bunch of annoying crap written to satisfy the performer's ego.


New member
Nov 16, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
GonzoGamer said:
I can't help but agree.
Gamers are really proving to be the least savvy consumers of all; quickly surpassing housewives. That's why furtuneoffs is going out of business and gameslop stock is doing splendidly. They're both the same kind of store: sell commonly found goods for premium prices to people who apparently don't know any better.

What we have to do is stop buying everything that's hyped up and actually find out what's in a dlc pack before buying it. The GTA4 dlc sounded like it was overpriced when we first got all the details and while playing it at a friends house, my suspicions were confirmed.

The real problem is that things are just going to get worse. Enough people will buy a few missions (that were just leftovers from development they needed to clean up) for $10, so they're going to try and charge you the same with even less to show for it. And it's going to get worse and worse until people stop buying it.

I really liked Saints Row 2 but the dlc they've been releasing is overpriced, so I'm not going to buy it; at least not until they drop the price.
See, I come from a time and a world most people here won't understand...

...the 80's.

Now we had this game called Warcraft II. You paid $60 for the game, and you got a COMPLETE game. No gaps in the game balance and unit lists, the AI was functional, there were two full-length campaigns and an additional four or five dozen multiplayer maps. What's more, the game came complete with a map builder, a free online multiplayer service, and tech support. When the game had aged a bit, an expansion came out (Pre-HighSpeed DLC came on discs don't ya know). The expansion was around $40, and came with two more campaigns, each equal in length to the original pair. Additionally, there were a dozen or so new units/characters, another two dozen multiplayer maps, and a new tileset for the map builder.

So, what to you get today?

Starcraft II is only coming out with one campaign, then you have to buy the second and third one separately.
I stopped here:
This is like saying that you get only half of the campaign in Warcraft2.
You know that the other two parts of SC2 will be full expansions, that means not only a new campaign but also new maps and units?


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Rules should be free in patches. New maps, units or storyline expansions should cost money. Here endeth discussion.