Hardcore Will Adopt Kinect First, Says Microsoft


New member
Nov 4, 2008
If it's going to evolve to anything like this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2g94xQmtHw - then I'll buy it :D


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Pyode said:
Wow, I didn't expect that. I was expecting some one to be threatening my house with fire.

You've mentioned the reason I'm not upset about it in that post of yours. Kinect isn't mandatory for the control in video games. I understand why dev would be turned off of the Wii, the motion control was the primary means of control and the graphics and such were dated. Making it a pain in the arse to develop many brilliant games. However this isn't the case with the 360 or the PS3 so some thing like this should be mandatory for most games and shouldn't affect the production of "Hardcore" games.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Ganthrinor said:
Baby Tea said:
Ganthrinor said:
Also, controller Enhancment shit like this is always a bad idea. Didn't we learn anything from the Power Glove and the Wiimote?
The Power Glove I can understand, but the Wiimote?
The main controller for the console that outsold the crap out of the other two?
The main controller for the console that has Nintendo swimming in money filled pools, and then drying themselves off with more money?
The main controller for the console that introduced gaming to a who massive group of people who otherwise would have never bothered?

That Wiimote?
Just checking.
Yes, the controller for the system that panders to the masses with terrible games.

Yes, the controller for the system that turned Nintendo into whores.

Yes, the controller for the system that lets mouthbreathing fuckwits claim to be gamers.

The Wiimote. Vibrating Motion-Dildo of "Hey This Game Controls Like Shit".
What an insightful and positive attitude you have there!
How are Nintendo whores for making games that people buy and enjoy playing with controls that are an attempt to freshen up the games market?
Why is "pandering to the masses" such a bad thing, and isn't microsoft, sony, ubisoft, EA, blizzard and everyone else doing it already?
What is the qualification to be a "gamer" other than playing games, which the wii is fully capable of?
Why do you assume that all casual gamers are mouthbreathing fuckwits?


New member
Aug 17, 2008
Kinect as the exclusive controller: $150 bucks (or whatever it will be) for something that won't do the control I want for the games I want to play.

Kinect as a control enhancement: $150 bucks (or whatever it will be) for something that I could as easily or more easily do with a button press on my existing controls. I'd sooner shoot myself in the head than buy Kinect so I can wave my hand in the air for a second to for example pull a lever than just press a button on the controller I am already holding.

The only way I'd ever get Kinect is if it came FREE with a game I wanted. (for sake of an example, say Fable 3) Even then I don't know if I'd ever use it.


Apr 28, 2008
I guess it's time for all the console players to get on to the PC scene!
Microsoft is going to push Kinect on you, Sony is going to push Move - the only place you're going to be able to play games without motion controls is the PC.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
who the hell would get Elder Scrolls on a console? I'm serious about this. That is retarded.

I feel foolish because the author mentioned it I thought there was a trailer or some news on it. Turned out there wasn't. FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!1


New member
Apr 9, 2010
It will appeal to the hardcore, with it's family friendly such as virtual pet, Kinect sports, and Kinect workout (Way to contradict yourselves there guys)