Hardest Video Game Bosses

Ursus Astrorum

New member
Mar 20, 2008
Higurashi said:
Michael_McCloud said:
TheFace said:
OOOH... How could I forget...

Sephiroth - Kingdom Hearts II

Still can't kill him... Can't even wound him. And I've played about 5 hours of after game play. Just levelling up.
You all do realise this is what the spoiler brackets are for? Y'know.. since they're called "spoiler" brackets? *sigh*...
Aye, I know what they're for. Tips and tricks is not one of them. I didn't give away any of the plot, nor did I post a complete walkthrough on how to beat him. I just gave out a couple of things that I did to help in a battle against a boss in a two year old game. There's nothing talking about his reaction after you beat him, or the subsequent scene after that. Just a couple of his attacks and a tip to use timing were named.

Now, if I were to say that
Sephiroth shrugs off the three-and-a-half hours of damage you did to him as if you'd just slapped him lightly on the wrist before having a short cutscene with Cloud where the two clash swords for a second and disappear,

then I would need a spoiler tag.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
Michael_McCloud said:
then I would need a spoiler tag.
Mm.. I obviously do not agree, but that goes without saying. It's just too much detail about him for me to not think it should be kept in spoilers. Again, goes without saying. There are no actual guidelines on this, so this is just my opinion. Uh, again. I guess you felt the need to defend yourself in the thread though, so I might as well reply here. Next time though, could you use the PM system if you're not going to post anything relevant to the thread, or at least use spoilers? Thanks.

WhiteFangofWar said:
2) Spikey Tiger from Secret of Mana. He's got magic and you don't. He can spend over half the fight out of your reach peppering your party with fire and paralysis magic free from harm unless you're good with the bow and he's not targeting you. When he finally DOES get off the damned ledges he will always slam down on you in 'ball' form to damage you and knock you out for a good 5 seconds, again hard to dodge for you even if you forget about charging up and just run, absolutely impossible for your CPU allies. You will typically take 100+ damage divided amongst your party for every 30-40 you inflict on him!
His upgraded recolor 'Blue Spike', while still tough, is nothing compared to this beast.
A good extension of what I said. He was one mean mofo when you meet him. Nothing you meet before him comes even close, even if the evil chairs can be really dangerous if you don't know how to handle them, but that goes for many fiends.
You do have more ranged weapons than the bow, but his magic is overpowered on ya back then. And his attacks.. yeah, the ball attack, like you said. Damn spammer.

Another hard boss would be one from Tales of Symphonia. Most bosses have the potential to be hard if you do not apply the correct tactics. I don't remember if it was Forcystus or Kvar who had two of those laser drones whatchamacallit with them, but that battle was pretty hard if you didn't strike them down fast as hell.
There's also the girl in the prison who turns out to be some kind of demon. Damn she's powerful.
The Sword Dancer is not exactly easy either. Abyssion would probably be the hardest, but I haven't battled him; only seen videos of people doing it.
Oh, and Kuchinawa. Man..


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
The Shadow of the Collossus bosses on the first run through, nothign worries you more then being flung around while not knowing what the hell you're going to do when the grip runs out...


New member
Jan 31, 2009
Hogger. Nah Im joking. The one Ive faced? Uhhhh...I dont know about the hardest but one tough one I faced was this Plant thing in Jack and Dexter.


New member
Jan 12, 2009
Ollie596 said:
BenMcMichael said:
I find it easy to beat him tbh, i just enjoy it. either sniping him all stealth like or sneaking up on him equally stealth like. you need to get his attention work out where he shooting from, find a way to sneak up to there crawling and slow walking, use heat vision to watch for foot marks, get close hold him up and tranq him, do it 3 times and you get the best camo in the game followed by the mosin nagant if you can do it all the way through with the tranq
Prehaps i just suck at being sneaky in a MGS game lol since its a stealth based game, the first time i played i was so confused on what to do spent 10 minutes listening to Zero expecting him to say plug your controller in the second port so he can't see what your doing!
It is easy, me and my friend did it just by spamming the Torque Bow on him, killed him before he could reach us.


New member
May 1, 2008
I was nine years old.
I had discovered Final Fantasy IX.
I loved it.
Took me two years to beat Gizamaluke.
I go back and beat him in one try. But he was still the hardest boss ever.

Honourable Mentions:

Frank Hogan from Fallout 2 (Until I discovered the turrets)

The Fear from MGS3 (Not hard per say, but trying to tranq him is annoying...)

Also, I founs The End super fun, though time-consuming.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
I don't know if anyone remembers one of my favorite games: FFTactics

The boss in Riovanes Castle, one who could summon Titan and crush 3/4 of your team in the first 5 turns, ridiculous. You had to get LUCKY to beat that boss battle, you couldn't really even train.


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Xskill said:
The last Boss in FFT
Really!? I don't want to sound arrogant or anything but I've never even had a character get 'wounded' let alone die on Altima. I almost always manage to kill her in 3 hits or less (and no I did not grind like crazy to get like that). I would say that Velius was harder by a lot.

The Demon Wall in FFVII was really difficult to fight the first time I played through FFVII but that's because I was about 10 or 11 and thus was an fucking idiot. The second time I played through that game (which was this past summer) I beat him on the first try without having to use a single reviving item.

Hardest boss fights I can remember:
Drackkt (I think that's how you spell it) from Dragon Warrior Monsters 2.
Miguel from Chrono Cross.
The bosses of NWN on single player.
The 2 purple, electric worms from Ninja Gaiden for xbox (still haven't beat 'em)
...and finally, that fucking giant laser-shooting turtle from Shadow of the Colossus. It just wouldn't walk over those fucking geysers.


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
Writerling said:
I was nine years old.
I had discovered Final Fantasy IX.
I loved it.
Took me two years to beat Gizamaluke.
I go back and beat him in one try. But he was still the hardest boss ever.

Honourable Mentions:

Frank Hogan from Fallout 2 (Until I discovered the turrets)

The Fear from MGS3 (Not hard per say, but trying to tranq him is annoying...)

Also, I founs The End super fun, though time-consuming.
This justy reminded me of my first hardest boss.

I was around about 10 or so years old, i was playing FFVII, i was stuck on Hundred Gunner and Helli-Gunner in the shinra elevator for two years, i finally got passed him and i can't get past Gi Nattack in the Cosmo Canyon Caves three years i couldn't get passed that guy, and THEN someone let's me in on the fact yuo can kill him with phoenix downs...


New member
Feb 4, 2009
The Old Man/Master Monster Tamer in Dragon Warrior Monsters on GBC. Holy crap that dude is ridiculously hard. Three of the best monsters in the game, all covering each others' weaknesses and all at max level. I still haven't beaten him.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Alma from Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox. That boss has so many different cheap attacks it's not even funny.


New member
Apr 5, 2008
Dracula/Death combo at the end of Dawn of Sorrow for the DS on hard Max 50. Of course that may be because I just suck at games.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Henry from No More Heroes. It took me almost a full hour to take him out on the highest difficulty.


New member
Apr 21, 2008
Jasper in Psychonauts. (The fat critic)
In fact I'm stuck at him right now.
Dunno if it's just me but damn is he hard

I was just now going up in rank to, like, 45 and got all things in the store when the game crashed and I raged