You know ... it is true to a point that sometimes rage can go too far ... but there's another side to that story: I've been playing dota since the map fist came out in the dark ages of warcraft 3. There are rules to player behaviour and there's a certain etiquete when it comes to playing dota, and sadly number 2 is INFESTED with ... casual idiots who don't give a shit about the game's history. I've lost count of the number of times some stupid kid will go into captains mode and then say something like "gib me zeus, me pro zeus". And time and time again I have to explain that captain's mode is for people who know ALL the heroes, that you don't say "gib me whatever the fuck" you play what the captain picks! AT most you can say "I'm good offlane/mid/supp/carry/jungle". AT MOST. But no, aparently common sense and DotA etiequete are gone. Replacing them are morons who DEMAND they be satisfied with they chosen hero even though that hero sucks ass and would get butt-raped on his lane or they go and fuck up he entire game for everyone.
And then there's all these smart kids and their SS, WK, WD and all that ... In my day we called them what they were: Leoric, Rhasta, Relay, Nostromo, Nevermore (I can keep going but I'll stop) ... but then again, I come from a time where it took real passion to play this game. And sadly this game lost it's most vital feature ever: Vote kick! Why in Lucifer's name don't we have VK? So you know, in case some cretin kid decides to take his leoric mid and steal farm and xp from Night Stalker and make i so both of the are underfed and useless and cost us the fucking game because mortred was free to farm our supports all day long and no one could touch her ... why can't I kick the fucker, march his ass to base, or better yet play him on bot and my cent top at the same time? Why could we not get rid of trolls and retards? It was so easy back in the day: -vk [insert name of idiot here]. BAM!
And you know, I get it: sometimes you win, sometimes you loose. But you know what? I don't mind loosing versus a superior team. Bravo to them and I'll learn and improve. But when I loose because my team spent it's entire time feeding themselves to the enemy like morons and I'm the only guy with a decent score and 2 items while on the other side 2 hard carries and a tank are sharpening divine rapiers and smilling at me and fountain camping my retarded team-mates ... I have all the right in the world to explain to you cretins in detail how much you fucked up and to tell you to go back to your noob frendly games and stop playing dota for ever. I hate loosing without even a chance at a fair fight.