Has a game ever made you sad?


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Fallout: New Vegas...

*Boone's story...
Not only did he participate in the Bitter Springs massacre which killed hundreds of women and children but then later he was forced to mercy kill his preganant wife who had been enslaved and was tortured. He wanted to go save her but there were too amny Legionaries around and killing her was the only way he saw he could "save" her.

*Veronica's story...
Due to the Brotherhood's xenophobia they survive by pro-creating with each other, due tot his homosexuality is often looked down upon and for Veronica (who is gay) this meant she couldn't be with her love (who is heavily implied to be Christine from Dead Money). As she grew up Veronica was taught by Father Elijah who eventually became more and more crazy and obsessed that he abandoned Veronica and went about achieveing his own goals, lying to Veronica the whole time about what he was doing. Not only that but Veronica is also a very outgoing persona and if she travels with the Courier she sees what is happening out in the Mojave and wants to change the BoS. However, as shown in her personal quest no matter what she does and no whatever what proof you give, McNamara never changes his mind and for like the only time in the entire game Veronica actually puts all sarcasm aside and actually talks solemnly and with a very sad tone that there is no hope for the Brotherhood.

There are others in New Vegas but they're the most prominent.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
At the end of final fantasy IX when all the characters are talking about the huge impact the main character had on their lives. got me all teary eyed.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
pendragonown said:
The end of Mass Effect 2. I made a mistake somewhere and Tali ended up taking a bullet. Made me cry a bit.

on a separate note how do I put things in spoiler boxes?
[ spoiler ] at the start (without the spaces), [ /spoiler ] at the end (again, no spaces)


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Portal 2 when I go to the old test chambers. I felt a new kind of melancholy and sadness when reaching it... a kind of emptiness...


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Markgraf said:
The last hour or so of Crisis Core. There is no bigger tearjerker in gaming for me.
I just passed this game. I think it's the last quarter of the game because you get to play as Zack and see Sephiroth as a decent if kind of cold person. Then when you realize you're going to Nibelheim and EVERYTHING goes to hell.

But yes, I think watching the DMW start glitching out bit by bit just stomped on my heart. D:


New member
Jun 28, 2011
I still remember this from when I was younger. I was really starting to branch out in games and I was playing Starsiege on my pc. I finally completed it on the human campaign but at the end a main character dies.

I beat the games and was depressed that he died because I somehow built a bond with the character through my own player character. Odd because their wasn't that much dialog but it still got me. I still remember that feeling haha.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Isalan said:
pendragonown said:
The end of Mass Effect 2. I made a mistake somewhere and Tali ended up taking a bullet. Made me cry a bit.

on a separate note how do I put things in spoiler boxes?
[ spoiler ] at the start (without the spaces), [ /spoiler ] at the end (again, no spaces)

Thought of another one.
In saints row 1 and 2 where Lin and Carlos respectively died. I hate it when teammates die on you mid game.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010
Watching the ending credits of Fire Emblem and thinking, "Did I really just allow those guys to get massacred?"


New member
Sep 23, 2010
The 3 endings of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep were all pretty depressing, and even more so in the final episode.

Austin Howe

New member
Dec 5, 2010
This was the suprise of a lifetime for me, but the ending of Kingdom Hearts not only killed me when I was 12 (I didn't think it would. I felt a strong emotional connection to the characters, but I didn't think it was THAT strong), but I replayed it recently and, yep! No other ending makes me feel so alone by conencting me to my own values.

Yes, the thing that would make Sora more happy and far less lonely would be if he just gave up on his friend and lived with Kairi happily forever after, but he is forcibly torn away by the need to be a morally upright person and look for his friend, who is probably deseprately in need of him. (I would say Kingdom Hearts II reflects this.) The ending made me reflect upon the fact that, in the future, I will probably have to do things that will make me sad in order to do the things that are right. And that touch me, and hurt me, more than a little.

Austin Howe

New member
Dec 5, 2010
Fusioncode9 said:
The 3 endings of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep were all pretty depressing, and even more so in the final episode.
Alas, 'tis a prequel. See the TVTrope "Fight for the Happy Ending", which is what finally arrives at the end of Kingdom Hearts II.


New member
Jul 10, 2011
From WoW:
The deaths of Illidan and Arthas in The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King, respectively. Both were very tragic ends to equally tragic stories. All Illidan wanted was for his people to accept him as they accepted Malfurion, and Arthas only accepted the curse as a means to save Lordaeron, only to end up being the one to destroy it. He never really acted out of his own volition, being controlled by Frostmourne and the spirit of Ner'Zhul.

Minecraft also has an element of sadness to it once you figure out that your character is essentially stuck in purgatory.


New member
Jun 22, 2009
When I destroyed Megaton in fallout 3. I felt sad, Then I turned heartless from there on and killed everyone. Because thats who I am. A heartless bastard >:3


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Shakomaru said:
Same not as you said, but has anyone else played Where the Wild things are? It's actually a pretty good game. and the ending made me kinda sad.
this, this a million times.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
madwarper said:
Cry? Yes. Feel like a tool? Yes. But, not simultaneuously.

When Kaim's daughter dies, it was a bit of a tearjerker, and I'll admit I welled up a bit.
Then, as soon as the cut scene ended, I have to go do 2 fetch quests and a mini game to properly mourn her death? Not cool.
Not to mention the ending of the game too...

When Seth sacrifices herself to "kill" Gongora

I must admit, I shed a tear in quite a few games. Yes, even the infamous death in FFVII when I first played it.
One that really got to me was:
When Sora uses the dark Keyblade on himself to unlock Kairi's heart