Has anyone else spent enough money on certain games, that you're actually embarrassed to admit it ?


New member
Mar 31, 2010
You naughty naughty boy for buying from goldsellers OP, /slapontheface(I mean it)!

That said, MMO's are also my biggest offenders. Though I've never gone crazy.

1) Age of Wulin: buying into stupid RNG lottery systems hoping to get some good skills. Also just keeping up with the XP pills and rented mounts and whatnot from the cash shop could cost a pretty penny. Think it did cost me like 50 euros per week in the period that they had the XP pills thing going on.

2) SW:TOR / Aion / GW2: mostly buying cosmetic fluff that I sometimes didn't even end up using much.

3) A non-MMO and one I /facepalm for still: Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. Again one of those stupid RNG lockbox systems. But I really wanted a few specific characters. Did I get them in the end? Nope!
Certain I spent 100-150 euros on them.


New member
Nov 3, 2013
I traded in Fatal Frame, Disgaea, Silent Hill 3, and a couple of others to buy Silent Hill: Homecoming for the 360 for $60 the day it came out.

I will never forgive myself.


New member
Sep 15, 2011
I bought a 4-pack of Starforge that I was planning to pass out to some friends. Then it turned out Starforge left early access in the same crappy state it started in. I still have 2 of those copies in my steam item box, just not worth handing out.


The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
Not money so much. Maybe time. For three solid years the only game I ever played was TF2, clocking in somewhere around 1900 hours. More than a working year spent on that game. Fuck me I hate that steam tracks time played.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Evolve, technically I didn't spend any money on it myself, buy my friend owned me money and instead of being paid back I had him get me the monster edition. It was fun for awhile but then it suddenly went not fun and stayed there and now I have an over priced piece of software stuck in my steam list.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Over the years when I was REALLY into it (going on every day for hours on end) I spent about 700$ on TF2, always on keys or one time a bud and then trading for what I actually wanted. That was a golden age though, since you could get keys for half price via Russians. Probably the only time Russians came in handy in a game instead of being the dreaded encounter like they are in EvE.

Speaking of EvE, bought 2 plex since I wasn't aware you couldn't just use steam wallet funds directly to buy game time and needed a credit card, meaning I had 40$ in my wallet doing nothing. Turned into a waste since I only spent a few months in the game before leaving and I don't intent to go back to it in the near future.

A non-gaming example is anime. I spent 600$ at a convention earlier this month on DVDs and Blu Rays, and 400$ at the start of the summer, plus a few times of going out to buy a copy or two every now and then sporadically. I have no idea how much I've spent on the stuff in my lifetime, but I have no doubt it's around the 5000$ mark or above it.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
I pre-ordered Watch_Doges. Yeah. I usually try my best to get the good deals, but something in me simply snapped with this one, dunno why or how.

Also I got BioShock: Infinite for about 35? when it was new but I've yet to play a second of it.


Tentacle God
Feb 28, 2012
I bought the first Season pass for Borderlands 2, which turned out to be a waste since I only managed to complete one of the DLC's- the other 3 having bored me to death. I've also bought pretty much all the Sims 3 expansion packs for my sister over the course of several years. Every Christmas or her birthday I've just bought one of the ones she didn't have. I've only played the Sims 3 for about an hour.
Other than that... I paid for a months subscription to Runescape- just one month, mind- and also 'donated' to a minecraft server to get some benefits such as god mode and flying. To be fair at the time I was spending a few hours a week on the server and got pretty invested so it seemed like a decent trade off.

Laser Priest

A Magpie Among Crows
Mar 24, 2011
I mean, if I was embarrassed to admit it, I probably wouldn't be admitting it.

However, I did buy Bastion three times. I don't regret it, but I also don't plan on telling people if I want them to trust me with money.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
"You have spent approximately $657.05 USD in the game after this card set was released."

That's what Steam says for me about DOTA. To be fair I've been playing DOTA on/off since 2013, so it's not like I spent all that in one weekend.

Then again that's still over half a thousand dollars into a free to play game. Oops

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
I dont spend money on freemium games..ever I also find them mostly unsatisfying if you do not hence why I hardly ever play them. I love Magic or used to and spent a reasonable amount on it but nothing I would call extortionate. In the end I just played with my friends and we put pieces of paper with other cards names on inside the wallets to make any deck we wanted for next to nothing.

Tourny play I only do sealed deck as that is fairly cheap and I enjoy(ed) the challenge. My friend got me Magic the gathering Online which I have never played (not buying virtual cards) especially after they got rid of the excellent Encyclopaedia they were doing before to replace it with that garbage.

As for buying games multiple times I have bought FFVII 5 times so far the original PC one I could not even play as my comp was to crappy but I never knew that at the time. I do have a fair few unplayed games staring me in the face hence why I am buying very little atm.

I al;so spent a fair amount on warhammer back in the day but stopped after their prices started to go silly and their content became very light weight.


Jun 5, 2013
Steam sales? Eh. I don't spend too much money on video games. Not to the point where I'm embarrassed, anyway. Skyward Sword felt like a waste of money, as I haven't finished it. That really goes for most games I buy. If I purchase it nearly full price, and hardly play it.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
I wouldn't say embarrassed, but I wasted £200 on the first 5 Assassins Creed games even though only number 2 was any good. Also bought Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 brand new for £35. 5 hours of gameplay and a couple of angry forum rants about being ripped off later, I decided I should start researching game length before I buy.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
I spent a few hundred plus dollars on a mobile card game, Ayakashi, over a couple year period. It was shuttered in April by Zynga after a few months of inactivity and their customer support telling everyone "Everything's fine, we're not shutting down, keep on spending that money."

Not particularly proud of it, but I was in a guild I regularly talked with on Line and...I really liked the card art.

Needless to say, I'm not making the same mistake again. I'm honestly still surprised at how much I wound up spending on the damned thing...even though I KNEW it was stupid to do so because I KNEW about the business practices mobile games get on with.

Just sort of wound up viewing it as a "subscription fee" like with an MMO or something.


Fuck. Zynga.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
I spent about 60? in a flash f2p mmorpg. I had a good time so I'm not really embarrassed to admit it.
On the other hand, I spent 60? on preordering Diablo 3 and my friends still laugh at me.


Aug 16, 2012
I used to play a Facebook game called Dream World which, in retrospect, was/ is awful. At the time though I thought it was great and put £30-40 into it which totally wasn't worth it. It's not spending thousands on a game but I've never had that much disposable income and even today £40 is quite a chunk of money to me.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
I'm ashamed I dropped around fifty dollars on Mass Effect 3's various multiplayer equipment packs. Wasn't worth it. I didn't even play the multiplayer all that much...

I'm not ashamed to say though, that I paid $250 for a PS4 Fallout 4 Pip-boy edition on eBay. I got lucky and found a vendor that had 5 of 'em set to buy it now. I can't wait for November!


New member
Sep 4, 2008
jademunky said:
crono738 said:
He is terrible at managing his money?
Or fantastic at it. I certainly do not have $120 of disposable income to spend per month on an MMO. Or rather, I do, but would have no other money to spend on entertainment or beer.
This is also entirely possible.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I spent a lot more money than I perhaps should have on Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. That game was fun and there was lots of cool and interesting content, but the whole random pack thing was designed to exploit people for money and I fell for it hook, line and sinker.