Has anyone else spent enough money on certain games, that you're actually embarrassed to admit it ?

Commissar Sae

New member
Nov 13, 2009
I put way too much money over the years into warhammer 40k. I had a lot of fun with it, but now it's sitting in my parents basement in storage until I can find the time to bring to split up everything in those boxes to resell them on ebay. I'll probably keep the odd model I converted heavily and like, but I can't see myself playing again and it has gotten far too expensive now.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
FPLOON post="18.872118.21874826" said:
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Collector's Edition
That was over $150 bucks (minus pre-order down payment) wasted on a game that was so bad that not even my more skillful cousins could get passed the first level... It was like shooting at sponges and the bullets going through the sponge's holes most of the time...
"That's right, ************! I haven't forgotten about you!" says FPLOON to the game in question, his finger on point...

Other than that, the phrase"actually embarrassed to admit it" is not something I would personally describe, but the phrase "you wish you can get your money back" still comes to mind from time to time...


Lurker in the shadows
Feb 3, 2011
I'm thankful that I never figured out how much I have spent on League of Legends, but I imagine it beats all my other games. Not too bothered by it since I have been playing pretty consistently for 5ish years. Spent the first year on it with friends laughing at the thought of spending money on a free to play game, and then that first skin caught my eye and the dam broke.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
I only have ONE regret buying a game:


Super Cool Intro Video which it is memorable, but shitty gameplay and annoying enemy AI.


Regular Member
Feb 26, 2014
Well, I refuse to pay microtransactions either in f2p or sold games and I refuse to pay subscriptions. I don't care how good WoW is, I'm not paying the price of other good games every month And I have no idea when I will be playing team fortress again si I stay away from the skins too. The only games that I spend a lot on are strategy games, mostly civ5 and CKII and to a degree EUIV. Those games release 100's of dollars of DLC. Even then I wait on discounts for a lot of the DLC.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
I spent over $100 for my Sniper unusual in TF2. But it's sort of my dream hat that I will never trade away, so I thought it was worth it. Before that I had a cancer unusual that cost $15.

Also spent like $60 on a Strange Festive Sniper Rifle. I already had a Strange Sniper Rifle that was Hale's Own, it's not like I paid for anything but a slightly looking, much more expensive skin. Then I did the same thing again when Gun Mettle happened, bought another $10 Strange Sniper Rifle skin.

I would love to get a Strange Villain's Veil for Sniper, but those cost around $10. I'd love to get an Australium SMG, but I can't verify spending ~$30 on a secondary I hardly use, when I already have two other Strange SMGs (because I bought a Strange Gun Mettle SMG), all for making jokes about CoD when I pull it out.

Plus there's things that I subconsciously want but decided to put an end to because of cost. An Australium Sniper Rifle is nice, but those cost ~$80, and I prefer how my Festive looks. A good Unusual Villain's Veil is over $100, closer to $200 honestly, and of course I'd go all-out and make it strange for another $10. I still want a Professional Killstreak Kit for my Sniper, but those kits are usually $40+ and I'm not a huge fan of killstreak items.

My dream Sniper loadout (my Green Plasma Snaggletooth, a flashy Unusual Strange Villain's Veil, Prof. Killstreak Australium Sniper with Strange Parts Headshots, Prof. Killstreak Australium SMG because why not, and my melee which actually does not exceed $1) is around $400. I've spent $200 dollars on it already. That's not counting that half the stuff I've bought before don't fit into my dream loadout.

That's actually my biggest investment in a game, and I don't terribly regret it since I love TF2 that much.


Aug 19, 2015
This is turning out to be a pretty interesting post for me.

I posted initially, perhaps regretting some of my past purchases...and now I'm getting tempted to spend some more money on the games that all you kind respondants have mentioned.

The Warhammer 4K. Are those the collectable figurines that I've seen in the rare "gaming shop" that I've passed. I always thought that I'd like to buy a few...just because they looked so cool.

TF2, which I found out after I Googled it, is Team Fortress 2. It seems to be really popular with the people that responded.

I'm 61 years old, and I think that I would probably last about 1 minute in an FPS with you young guys.

Thanks for all of the replies. It seems like this is nice comunity for discussing games - maybe even more.



Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
I spent $4 to get the Batman Beyond suit in Arkham City. I paid $.99 for the Strong World costume for Luffy. I spent a hundred extra dollars for the Borderlands 2 Ultimate Loot Crate edition. ($230)
And at least around $50 on TF2 things over the years, but I don't play anymore.

I also got Duke Nukem Forever for free in a "buy five get six free" deal. I still feel I paid too much.

Ayen Matthews

New member
Aug 23, 2015
No. Money has always been tight in my family, so I gotten used to waiting for prices to come down before I bought something. Though I don't always remember how much I paid for certain games unless the price tag is still on them. Some times they ruin the case when you peel them off, so I just leave them alone.


Nunc est Durandum
Aug 19, 2014
I bought a copy of colonial marines.
Without a discount.

Don't look at me!
The shame, the shame!


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I'm up to $500.00 spend on Marvel Puzzle Quest.

I'm not particularly proud of that figure but I can justify it to myself in the following ways:

1) I've barely bought any games since playing this which substantially reduces the cost of my gaming hobby. MPQ makes up 90% of my gaming hobby.

2) I've deliberately worked a few extra hours at work to partially offset these costs.

3) Steam shows me at 5486 hours played. A figure that's incredibly misleading since I use it as a social network as much if not more than a game but the fact remains I'm getting value for my money.

That aside it's still embarrassing because it's a lot of money and I could have easily remained free to play comfortably after spending $200.00. The rest comes from a desire to skip ahead of the intended progression system of regular play. IE) I want to use Hulkbuster now rather than gradually build him up over 6 months.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
Not a video game, but I have spent a worrying amount of money on Warhammer 40,000 miniatures in my time. It could be worse though; I could have enough money to buy things off Forge World. I'm also pretty sure I'll end up buying the special edition of the next Fire Emblem.

Adeptus Aspartem

New member
Jul 25, 2011
I spent a huge amount of money on MTG and a smaller amount on LoL, but i'm not embarrassed to admit it. I got so much mileage out of both games and MTG has also gave me an insanely close circle of friends that sticks together for nearly 13 years now.
In the case of MTG it's a few thousand bucks and if i count the travels we did to GP's probably even about +10k, but as i said over the course of 13 years. And alot of the value is still around in the form of cards which i could easily sell for around +5k probably.

In LoL i spent around 300 bucks for skins. But strangely enough it's the only game i do it. No Tf hats, no CS guns, no DotA/Hots skins - just League.

The only thing i'm embarrased to admit is that i payed 250$ for a pseudo-Kickstart Closed-Beta-Access for Hellgate: London. And the Lifetime Account afterwards. Derp.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
I used to put a fair bit of money into this little gem:

I also bought Steel Battalion(that mech game with the $100 controller)

And my next big expenditure is going to be on the upcoming Muv-Luv Kickstarter since they included one of my suggestions as a backer reward.

I guess what I'm saying is that I'm a sucker for mecha.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Hmm, for videogames, no not really. Sure my Steam library is huge, but the vast majority was bought with massive discounts and I'm playing most of them.

I was however slightly ashamed of my impulse purchase of the D&D 5e Dungeon Master's Guide. Not that it was a bad purchase, but because A: I was out of spending money that month and B: I could've easily gotten it for ?20 cheaper somewhere. Buuuut noooo I just had to have it right there and then. Yeah that wasn't a good idea.

Similarly I sometimes bought some Magic the Gathering cards I should not have bought at that particular time. But I manage to keep my spending on that hobby remarkably in check so I don't feel too bad about that. I suppose it helps that I play EDH/Commander which is the cheapest format.
Sandsifter said:
The Warhammer 4K. Are those the collectable figurines that I've seen in the rare "gaming shop" that I've passed. I always thought that I'd like to buy a few...just because they looked so cool.
40K Miniatures aren't really collectible, only every now and then they'll add a new unit, and only very very rarely you'll see a new army. The latest one they added, earlier this year, was the first new army in over ten years. If you're not either in the painting and building of them or in the game itself, or both, it's not really worth it.

TF2, which I found out after I Googled it, is Team Fortress 2. It seems to be really popular with the people that responded.

I'm 61 years old, and I think that I would probably last about 1 minute in an FPS with you young guys.
Ehh, you'd be surprised. It's less twitch-based than most FPS games actually, not even remotely as twitchy and high octane as, say, Quake or Unreal. With indirect damage classes like the Soldier and the Demo, or support classes like the Engineer and the Medic it's remarkably easy on slower players.

And it's free, so that makes the barrier to entry quite low. The trick is finding some good noob-friendly servers.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
No game really, I very seldom buy stuff in games with real money, addons or such. Never bought a skin in LoL with real money, never bought decks or something in HeartStone, never put real money into Lotro.
I haven't even bought any of the DLC for HyruleWarriors or SmashBros... I usually buy the game, and very seldom get anything else for it. And if I do, then it has to be really worth the money (according to me).

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
STO has kind of gotten out of hand for me, at the stage where I have been buying ships that cost £25+ just for the fancy traits some of them come with and to add to my on screen ship collection.