Has anyone ever changed your opinion on these forums?


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
No, but I'm always right.
What? I totally am.

In all honesty, I would say that my opinions have had minor changes on some topics. I see a lot more grey, but I also don't hate people that have opposing view points and will even defend them. Usually due to the fact that I can at least understand why a person might feel that way that isn't necessarily bigoted. Something which does seem a bit rare on these forums. Most people seem to feel if you aren't with them, you're against them.

I can't say I've ever completely changed my opinions based on something in these forums. I might have gone from not caring at all to caring somewhat more, but I don't think I've ever completely switched an opinion.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Indirectly. I've never been swayed by an argument itself, but arguments made here have made me do research that changed my opinions. I'm sure it's happened at least a handful of times, but the only one that comes to mind is gun control.


New member
Apr 1, 2012
IceForce said:
Do be aware that, while you might not seem to be changing the opinions of the person(s) you are debating with, you could still be changing the opinions of the casual third-party observer reading it.
Oh, I know. I've said many a time that the point of an internet debate is not to change the mind of the person you're talking to, but rather that of the audience, because it's a simple and immutable law of reality that if you are in an argument with someone on the internet, the other person will not change his mind. I said it on these fora not too long ago (I could dig up a link, if you want; it's in my post history somewhere) and was accused of arguing in bad faith because I was less interested in changing my opponent's mind than the minds of the people in the audience.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Yes and often. The combined knowledge of the Escapist is much greater than my own so often times something I did not know before will be brought to my attention which may prompt me to change my opinion on something. I also thank the person who enlightened me.


New member
Jul 16, 2011
It would change my opinion if it was easier to follow the forum here. The only way to track a topic I post is to leave it open in a tab and refresh in a few hour or next day.

Why they don't update it to disqus is beyond me, with disqus I can be in another site that also use disqus and see who posted on ANY of my post from ANY site and reply, one login, no hassle. Comments can be sorted by popularity, newest or oldest. Sometimes I feel like the escapist doesn't want us to have any meaningful discussions.
Oct 10, 2011
I can't recall any specifics, but plenty of people here have contributed to me changing my opinion. I try to keep an open mind about most things, especially what I don't understand completely.

There are very, very few things that I will claim I understand completely.


New member
Jan 19, 2014
On this forum specifically, no, but that could be because I literally joined just a few months ago. The internet in general, however? Yeah, I've changed my opinion on some stuff because of what I've seen on the internet. Some of it was the result of someone genuinely trying to change my mind on a subject, and some of it was the result of people being so revolting in their stance that they managed to convert me to the opposition, as it were.

For general examples, after debating on the various qualities of the works, I have opened up and accepted series that I had previously written off, like the Witcher, and animation and fanfic in general. On the other hand, the internet's also persuaded me to despise, or at least grow tired of, works I had previously adored - Homestuck, superhero movies. On the equality side, I've grown to realize, understand, and accept the general struggle transgender folk go through, whereas before they were more an offensively stereotypical caricature in my mind. The internet also managed to bring me over to the side of anti-feminism, once I saw how feminists hate, lie, and shame men into submission.

None of these changes happened quickly, mind you, and are generally the result of weeks of stewing and brooding after arguments I either took part in or simply witnessed. I think that's the general problem with internet debates. People expect that, once they convince they're opposition, said opposition will immediately capitulate and convert to their side. Really, I find that most people have to think an opposing argument over, sometimes for weeks, and accrue evidence of their own to support said argument, before they actually believe it.

verdant monkai

New member
Oct 30, 2011
Not really. But I am rather stubborn.

Any kind of disagreement on here turns into how people can subtly insult each other without getting a warning.

The way people deal with things like homosexuality and transgender issues has set me in my ways even more.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Yeah, occasionally. Usually not from the force of their arguments* but rather from the simple fact that I, like most people, know merely a trifle about most subjects and am perhaps an amateur expert on a handful of subjects (as expected from someone who has only been around for 22 years). So, people who are well-versed in other subjects occasionally bring new information to the table that will inevitably lead to an alteration of my original opinion.

tl;dr: certainly, though usually through providing me new data rather than through force of persuasion.

*(that's not to say some Escapists can't argue well; it's just that I have refined my own arguments on most subjects over time so in terms of pure logic I don't feel there are many issues with my stances on anything)


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Colour Scientist said:
CloudAtlas said:
I turned from a person who was rather apathetic (at best) towards homophobia, racism, sexism, misogyny and related social issues to a person who, well, is not apathetic anymore.
Pretty much this.
I've always considered myself a feminist and cared about equal rights and discrimination but I was quite passive about it because I never realised so many people held such worrying or problematic views.
Yeah kind of this.
I also thought a lot more of the negative stereotypes surrounding nerdy people had little to no basis in reality but sadly I was wrong.

And also I've learned a bit more about the whole relationship between America and guns, even if I still don't understand it.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Sometimes it happens yes.
Mainly in stuff I'm not so informed on and only have sleight information/knowlsedge and base something on that, then when someone gave a bit more info in a certain area of expertise, that has changed my mind or view of something :)


New member
Jan 2, 2014
Probably, but only after several posts and without my knowledge that it was happening. And I probably didn't completely change my mind, but only considered the other person's opinion to have more value than I did beforehand.

Mostly when I come in here with an agenda, I don't try to change peoples' minds completely. I only intend to plant seeds of doubt within their currently held opinion. Then I let the rest work itself out.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Now that I think about it... absolutely never. But then I don't have many strong opinions and even then they are VERY strongly held, but not things I would argue about on a forum. So I doubt many could change my opinions.


New member
Apr 6, 2014
A very long time ago on these forums yes indeed, however I can't recall what it was.
I think what attracted me to these forums at the time was that there were people much more intelligent and wise than me, or at least this place felt like a good discussion could be had without the usual internet mayhem.

I can't remember my old account but I've decided to return with a new one many years later.
There is some catching up to do for myself and who knows, I might return to this thread to tell you what an escapist changed my mind on.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
verdant monkai said:
Not really. But I am rather stubborn.

Any kind of disagreement on here turns into how people can subtly insult each other without getting a warning.
This, pretty much for me. It's also why I tend to post on here rather infrequently. I have no problem with people having differing opinions of mine, it's just the underlying level of snark you can get on here that usually causes me to pause and delete my reply before posting.

OT, there have been a few times this forum has been of use to me, mostly is finding some lesser-known titles to play and the like. However, when it comes to the big bloated 30-40 page threads about game sexism, or 30fps vs. 60fps, or AAA gaming, or whatever the "piss and vinegar" subject of the week is, all I know is that I steer clear of 'em.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Twice that I can remember;
- it was other Escapists who illustrated to me the differences between the idealized depictions of men & women in media (see sexualization vs violence in VGs thread this very weekend).
- I never accepted that "****" as a pejorative was sexist until I noticed the similarities between my own thinking on why it wasn't and the arguments I read here about why calling people "gay" wasn't homophobic.

Also, gun control discussions here have significantly softened my own opinion. Although my fundamental position is unchanged there are definitely legitimate arguments on the other side (and a great many assholes making indignant noises on both).


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Constantly (alright, maybe not THAT often).

I know a lot of people hate message boards because they feel like they are just talking at someone who will never change their decision no matter what gets brought up. They could be arguing that the sun is actually blue; you could provide them with visual evidence, scientific evidence, and you could fly them up there yourself to show them that it's not blue but they will STILL refuse to change their mind.

Take solace in this; I do not do that. We would be here for a while if you wanted me to tell you every time a debate changed my mind. A few examples though is that my thoughts on piracy have...softened (not for it still but not totally against it either), my views on bullying have softened after my old thread became a super nova [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.407480-Poll-Do-you-want-an-apology?page=1], and smaller changes like opinions on games and whatnot.

So know this; if we're in a debate and you think I'm not listening, I am. You may still not change my mind but I will give you a fair shake at it if you get into a verbal sparring match with me.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
There was one-
Back in the birth of MLP:FiM, there was a thread about the show and someone mentioning how the "G1 Pony fans" don't like the bronies which I view it as a hipster remark, that is until someone mention it more like they were the real fan of the fandom of the old and then some new people jumped in and it became mainstream. I can't worded it exactly but it did changed my view since it got me to related to the situation since I'm a G1 Transformers fan.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I wouldn't say that I have ever experienced a moment where suddenly a view or opinion I held has been washed away in favour of a different viewpoint, however, the debates that erupt in the forum threads do offer me insights into the views and thought processes of other people which gives me perspective on my own views and sometimes offers challenge to them. This in turn influences the development and evolution of my opinions, sometimes strengthening my convictions, other times leading me to rationalise my views in light of the insight I have obtained. So indirectly yes.