Has anyone here ever been scared of a family member?


New member
Jan 19, 2012
I have one ***** aunt who everyone is worried that one night she'll get drunk and have the idea to burn all our houses down out of spite (there's a rumor that she actually did burn down her ex-husband's house).

On a lighter note, I have one cousin who would stab me in the ribs with his fingers all the time when we were younger. 18 years later and I still flinch all the time when he moves his hands too fast

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
My own father (which I broke all contact with since I was 14) he treatend to burn our house down.


Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
One of my Granddads freaks me out, but then I have a legit reason for that (Which I promised my mum I wouldn't tell people >.> so sorry)

Otherwise, I'm not scared of any of my relatives, though I am scared of confronting my brother sometimes, since he's like 5 times stronger than me...

Rose and Thorn

New member
May 4, 2012
My Grandfather, may he rest in peace, was always the scary one in my family. Everyone would always comment on how brave of a kid I was. That everyone was frightened of him when they were younger, my mother, aunt, cousins. But not me, I am known in my family as the only child that stood up to him without fear. Even my mother and her sisters husbands were scared of him.

Truth? I was terrified of him, but I never let it show, instead I would show my fear in the form of resentment for him. Standing up to bullies have always been one of my qualities.

Now my Grandfather wasn't a bad man. Alchoholic, grumpy, solitary, yes. But not bad. He never hit me or anyone in the family.

I actually sometimes wish I could have talked to him as I am now, I wonder if I would have still disliked him so much as I grew to become more mature, or would time have made me hate him more? Unfortunatly he died when I was 11-12 and I can count the number of good times we shared using the fingers of one hand. He died from lung cancer, chain smoked and only drank beer. Literally, only ever drank beer.

My mother is a lot like him, I sometimes wonder if I will turn out like them when I am older.

Sir Shockwave

New member
Jul 4, 2011
Being honest? Everyone in my family, asides from my Father.

Though if you want a more specific example, my Stepfather probably counts - a brutish ogre of a man who kept line with brutality and a foul mouth.

But the rest of my family is just as bad, albeit not always for the same reason.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
ProtoChimp said:
Sounds like your brother is pissed off that a bunch of responsibility was dumped on him when your father checked out. The only thing you can do at this point is sit him down with your mother, and both of you let him know how much he is frightening you. Just try to see things from his point of view when you do so, so he doesn't feel like you're trying to single him out or something.

If that doesn't work, sounds like you might just wanna move out and away.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
FalloutJack said:
No, actually. I AM the scary one...
Yeah I get that too buddy you aren't alone.

Placing a low value on the lives of others will do that to you.

OT: Not nowadays no but I used to be afraid of my parents, mostly due to them being homophobic and very agressive and me being somewhat confused throughout my teens years with nobody to even talk to at all.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
I have a different take on this particular topic:

I was the scary one in my family. My teenage years were rough, and my parents and I got into a good many screaming matches, as I am sure many other teenagers do from time to time. I was never physical; not by a long shot, but I tended to drive my points home with overwhelming power of will. My family walked on egg shells around me.

That's not to say that every little argument ended up that way, but there were occasions where they would balloon into vocal wars that could last for an hour or more.

I have learned over the years that I have a terrible ability to tear people down. In an argument, I can zero in on a person's fears, insecurities, and often things that they don't even realize about themselves, and I can use them as a weapon and break people down to the point where they simply quit. I have on multiple occasions been able to reduce people I love (and some I don't) into sobbing heaps of sorrow and fear - simply by using my voice. Psychology and decibels were my weapons, and I HATED being able to do that! The worst part is that I could do it without even realizing it, and there have been times where I have. I can also be extremely intimidating through both my voice and body language, and it's something that I am not proud of. It has not served me well.

To an extent, I still can. It has been an ongoing struggle throughout my entire life; the quest to fight fairly in an argument and to keep other peoples' emotions in mind when in a heated argument or when I find myself getting angry.

Fortunately, I have an intense sense of empathy and compassion, and after I would steamroll an individual, I would always feel remorse and concern for them, and I would go to the ends of the earth to try and make things right; especially for family. Needless to say, I have hurt a good many people who have loved me. If I could change it, I would, but sadly I can't. Instead I have had to do the next best thing and learn from my mistakes, make up for them the best I can, and continue forward.

I am married now, and I have a beautiful loving wife that would go to the ends of the earth for me. She knows that I can be an overwhelming force of nature when we argue, but she has also taught me that there is no need to be that overwhelming force anymore, and I am learning to better handle my temper. She guides me, loves me, and she is always patient - even when I am not. I am learning a lot from her, and I can honestly say that I am a better person because of her.

What can you get out of all of this? People can change, and if they don't change completely, they can still learn. Some people just have the ability to be cruel and hateful, and those who don't feel regret, compassion, or empathy are generally the ones you should watch out for and keep a wide berth. However, some people who wish to be guniunely good, like myself, simply have personal battles to fight, and perhaps instead of fearing them, they should be asked why they feel the need to behave the way they do. They are family after all, and if you can see that they sturggle with their anger and cruelty and dislike it as much as you do, then perhaps you should let them know that you love them and help them to better understand themselves. That's what it took for me.


Endless Struggle
Mar 16, 2012
a homeless squat
My father was the bane of my existence ever since my mother died when I was 5. I very much became his punching bag when he came back home drunk in the night. Among the highlights would be getting thrown down the stairs.

I left when I was 14 and have never talked to him since. From my younger sister I've heard that he turned religious and remarried. Bloody bastard.

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
I don't even live in the same country as my relatives (outside of my parents) and I'm not even aware of the existence of 90% of them.
I know I have an Uncle that lives in New Zealand and I'm presuming the rest live in England... somewhere.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
I already posted in another forum topic similar to this so I'll just say my brother used to beat me up and I was afraid of him until high school.

There is probably a lot of stress on your brother taking on the role of family breadwinner. For your situation I'd recommend getting a job (if you are old enough and don't already have one) and contribute some money to family finances so he will stop treating you like a leech. If he actually is abusive of you and your mother you might want to talk to the police. If you do talk to the police don't call 911, walk to the station and ask for someone to speak to so they can judge your situation for themselves.

I feel like I can't give you any real advice because I don't know enough about your problem, and asking for solutions on here probably won't help much but good luck all the same.

Mr Fixit

New member
Oct 22, 2008
No I can't really think of anyone, though I honestly believe a couple of my older brothers fear me. I know a cousin of mine was intimidated by me when she first met me, but now we are pretty much best friends. I can be quite scary when I get angry, but I don't get angry very easy. No "Hulk Smash" here.


New member
Dec 12, 2011
Cut him out of your life like a tumour.
The effort it would take to make them want to change would be a waste of time and energy.
Just cut him and any other family members who tolerate his bullshit out of your life.

You don't need that.