Has seeing a spoiler ever made you rage?


New member
Sep 4, 2009
So, for my 1000th post (woop woop) I decided to make a thread.

In light of Dishonored and Xcom coming out yesterday in North America, and later this week for the rest of the world, I've been very strict on what I read on the internet. Since I love storylines, nothing infuriates me more than reading a spoiler, potentially ruining my money's-worth and wholesome enjoyment.

So I pose the question:
Has accidently reading a spoiler ever made you rage, and for bonus content: has it ever stopped you from purchasing said-spoiled game/dvd etc?

I remember seeing a youtube comment on a completely unrelated video spoiling the ending to The Dark Knight Rises. That was the most pissed-off I'd been in months. I nearly didn't go to see the film in iMax because of it, but I did anyway at a push from my friends.

If you include spoilers, don't forget those tags. For instance, Dishonored isn't out for me yet. Thanks.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
No, not really.

I was rather miffed when Yahtzee spoiled the best bit of Bastion in his column.

Also, some random shit-stain on a forum spoiled Heavy Rain for me. Not by accident either. He made a thread titled "THE MURDERER IS [NAME] IN HEAVY RAIN" in super sized text.

That's about it.

Honestly, I'm not that sensitive about spoilers. I avoid them on principle, but if I run into them they don't particularly ruin my enjoyment. I often won't even have them on my mind while playing the actual game.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
Yeah, I've had numerous games and movies spoiled for me. Shadow of the Colossus for instance, whoever ruined that game for me is no friend of mine.

Though sometimes spoilers can be a good thing. They can save you from watching a movie or playing a game.


Assumed Lurker
Mar 27, 2009
On these very forums, some asshole spoiled a moment in Gears of War 3 for me. If you know the game, you know the moment. I was low on money at the time, and it'd been out for about a month.

I wasn't very happy.

I loathe spoilers, I really do.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Spoilers saved me from ME3. Well that and putting it on Origin.

Otherwise, there have only been a few times that I've been miffed by spoilers. Latest one that bugged me was in Saw 3D.

Dammit, after going through the effort to put Lawrence Gordon back in the film, you just go and make him into another bad guy? What the hell? Can't anyone in these films just get away with their lives and not be screwed over or turn evil?

You already killed Dina Meyer and Donnie Wahlberg's characters, did you have to turn the last somewhat sympathetic guy into another killer?


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Only once.

Some brilliant person decided to spoil the most infamous scene of Muv-Luv Alternative in the comments section where people ask for technical help (which I needed).


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Bernzz said:
On these very forums, some asshole spoiled a moment in Gears of War 3 for me. If you know the game, you know the moment. I was low on money at the time, and it'd been out for about a month.

I wasn't very happy.

I loathe spoilers, I really do.
Ahhh that sucks, that particular moment hits greatly when you don't see it unfolding before your very eyes...

Soviet Heavy said:
Spoilers saved me from ME3. Well that and putting it on Origin.
Haha lucky :D Game was worth the money but damn was that ending poor. Predictable, but even then very poorly written.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
I wouldn't say rage, as that indicates throwing stuff about, flipping tables and all that, but I do get a tad annoyed. Especially when it's perhaps something like "What's your favourite ending?" where you would assume spoilers would be in full effect (and they usually are), with them perhaps saying the name of the game outwith the spoilers, but some eejit comes along and posts without thinking spoilers, most of the time of a new game.

And then there's the random threads in which people then go, "Oh, this part and this part were amazing" and spoil parts of a game akin to swinging round a sledgehammer.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
I've had many times when people just spoil stupid shit, and I hit my desk and go "fuck's sake" or some such.
Red Dead Redemption is the most recent time I remember this happening, and I seem to recall someone having a video thumbnail being a character's death from Nier, but it's occurred many other times.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Bvenged said:
So I pose the question:
Has accidently reading a spoiler ever made you rage, and for bonus content: has it ever stopped you from purchasing said-spoiled game/dvd etc?
No and no. Honestly the exact opposite has happened with me (see just about everything I've ever said about Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2).

There were some things that were spoiled for me that kind of annoyed me but nothing that really ruined the experience or made me not want to buy the thing in question. Harry Potter 5 was partially spoiled for me about a week before I bought it (one death was revealed to me) but I've read the thing multiple times despite having one part revealed.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
The last two things I had spoiled for me were Looper and Red Dead Redemption. With Looper someone just posted that on Facebook, and I was pretty pissed.

And with Red Dead, the story wasn't spoiled for me per say, but I was reading a review of L.A. Noire, they said something like "This is the second Rockstar game where you switch protagonists at the end", so when I finally got around to playing Red Dead a few months ago, I pretty much knew what was gonna happen to the Marston family

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Bernzz said:
On these very forums, some asshole spoiled a moment in Gears of War 3 for me. If you know the game, you know the moment. I was low on money at the time, and it'd been out for about a month.

I wasn't very happy.

I loathe spoilers, I really do.
A little fat kid in the used game shop next to me did that.

He was like 12 and had one of those stretched ear things, then he sprayed himself with deodorant IN PUBLIC.

I hope somebody lamps him.

Inconspicuous Trenchcoat

Shinku Hadouken!
Nov 12, 2009
In the few cases I've read a spoiler I cared about, it just made me want to see how it happened. Romeo and Juliet commit suicide? Really? I'd like to see how that played out. I wonder what led up to that? That's about how I react to most spoilers, if I care about the associated story in the first place.

The worst reaction I've had is thinking in a mildly annoyed tone, "Oh, I wish I hadn't seen/heard that," and then I move on with my life. Spoilers aren't a big deal, but I do actively avoid them. I narrowly missed Dishonored spoilers in several reviews I read, but I averted my eyes quickly enough to save my precious, precious ignorance.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
Oh, I've had a few story points ruined for me by jerks on forums, but it hasn't so much made me rage as disappointed me.

I've also had someone rage at me for spoiling the end of a game for him, even though I put it in a spoiler tag with '*Name of Game* ending spoilers plastered on it.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Nope, never, I'm an extremely curious person, I can't help but click on spoilers every time I see them, even if I don't know what the spoiler is about. It just makes me more curious as to how it came about. If I see the ending somewhere, I have to go play that game just to see how it unfolded. That's how I came to getting most of the games I own. The most I've ever come to is mild annoyance, but then I can't blame anyone but myself for them since I'm too curious to leave spoilers alone.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Oh yeah I have, featuring very important things from high level raids in The Old Republic. Guy here spoiled
Revan actually being in the game
for me and then tried to write if off that "everyone already knows, that's all they talk about over on [Different Forum]".


New member
Apr 13, 2009
I only click on spoilers for games I know I'll never get around to playing or am not interested, but as far as spoiling games go...

Someone gave away the ending to Arkham City, and granted, I figured that was going to happen, but I guess I should mention that I didn't like Arkham City really, so I guess it's not a big deal, but for me, it was.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Someone spoiled the end of FFXIII-2 (which wasn't their fault at all though) to me the other day which was annoying. And I've spoilt films and things before for myself thinking I'd never get the chance to see them and as a result I didn't get the fun of seeing Fight Club or Sixth Sense for the first time (luckily they're class films that are great on the second viewing still). I'm also not going to get the joy if I ever watch Citizen Kane

And I was trying to stay completely media neutral and spoiler free on Mass Effect 3 until I played it months after release. Yeah, that didn't really work (although I did actually manage to avoid details, it was more the reaction that was spoilt)

It's not rage inducing for me but it does deny you a chance to experience a cool viewpoint of a work forever which most definitely sucks