Hasbro Sets My Little Pony Movie For 2017

Blaze the Dragon

New member
Jan 8, 2010
Now that I've got initial discussion out of the way, time to start theorizing about the movie!

Okay, so if I had to pick a theme for the movie, I'd like to see more about the past of Equestria. I want to see the story about Starswirl the Bearded and/or a young Celestia and Luna. Hell, they could tell the full story how C & L rose to power through defeating discord. We know Celestia and Luna personally knew Star Swirl, and that he was older than them. It is however unknown if Star Swirl was alive to see Celestia and Luna defeat Discord, or even his initial rise to power.

Hell if they wanted to make a series out of it, they could go through all the major events they've talked about in Celestia's past. For instance the first movie covers Equestria's early life right after founding, and Celestia and Luna's Rise to power through the discovery of the elements and fighting Discord (perhaps explain the origin of the Tree of Harmony through one of Starswirl's last secret experiments or something). The next movie covers the events that cause the founding of the Crystal Empire and its resulting fall to Sombra before being sealed away. Finally the last would cover Luna's betrayal and banishment, followed by Celestia's life during the thousand years following. The only issue with this plan is that the movies would progressively have darker endings, especially for a kids show. Sure the first movie ends all fine and dandy, but the second movie would end with the villain barely escaping and sealing away thousands of innocents along with their entire city, and in turn one of Equestria's main defense mechanisms, before they could be rescued. Finally the third movie would end with Celestia basically losing as she's forced to seal her sister away and over time the commonfolk don't even believe her sister even existed in the first place anymore


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Veylon said:
Gordon_4 said:
That movie shit the bed as soon as it was decided the human world would be high school. An opportunity to an awesome Magi-Tek wonderland setting where characters had titles like Grand Magister without irony was missed.
That'd be pretty tough on the target audience. Or their parents, rather. Even the original setting was apparently too mystical, complex, and otherworldly to make it into the theaters. Personally, though, I'm prepared to give any movie with a Grand Magister a chance.

Gordon_4 said:
OT: Can this movie be about Princess Luna because she's criminally underused.
Pitch: Princess Celestia falls ills and Luna steps up to the plate, joining with Twilight and her friends on a quest to save her sister. But can this solitary princess overcome the pains of her past and learn to open up to and trust others? Or will fear of rejection continue to rule her heart?

If Luna's in this, there's excuses to have dream sequences, Nightmare Moon, and expoitation of the Warrior Luna meme.
Man, I'd love to see Luna battling some other kind of God-monster that so tough, she has to let the nightmare out - sort of how like when Cell arrived, Kami and Piccolo became one being again and became stronger for it.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Ukomba said:
From the director who brought you "The Smurfs" and "The Smurfs 2", and the creative team behind "Alvin and the Chipmunks" comes My Little Pony. Rob Schneider plays Barry Goldman, the owner of a failing pony ride business in New York City. You'll laugh and cry as you watch him try to reconnect with his children while trying to stay afloat in this bad economy. But all that changes when one day a mirror portal accident drops six magical ponies into his life. Twilight Sparkle, voiced by Britney spears, Rarity voiced by Miley Cyrus, Pinkie Pie voiced by Katy Perry,Rainbow Dash voiced by Taylor Swift, Flutter Shy voiced by Selina Gomez, and Apple Jack voiced by Carry Underwood will teach Barry the true meaning of friendship and save his business, and his relationship with his kids in this action packed musical.

Written by M. Night Shyamalan. An Michael Bay production.
I shit you not, that actually sounds better than how it would actually turn out... and not just because I would get a kick out of Taylor Swift playing Rainbow Dash... Also, would the live-action "villain" be played by Hank Azaria or Ben Kingsley?
Jsan the Candyman said:
Don't forget, JJ Arbams is directing, the team from "Food Fight" is doing special effects, Nicolas Cage is voicing Princess Celestia, it's cowritten by Stephenie Meyer, and finally we have FRED and the Annoying Orange both doing narration.
Holy shit! This is sounding TOO good to be true! *orgasms*
BoredRolePlayer said:
Christopher Walken voicing Twilight Sparkle, come on we gotta have something good from this right?
That would explain why Twilight broke out in a random dance routine in that hotel during the teaser trailer...

OT: Okay, for reals, yo... I'm so nervicited for this to even be happening in the first place... I mean, 2017? WHY MUST IT BE SO FAR AWAY?!

Then again, there is a chance to have two more seasons of FiM to happen beforehand, since we already know S5's coming in 2015... *gasp*

Six seasons and a movie is finally on the verse of coming true at last... discounting anything EG-related, that is, even though Rainbow Rock was fucking awesome in my opinion...


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Gordon_4 said:
Man, I'd love to see Luna battling some other kind of God-monster that so tough, she has to let the nightmare out - sort of how like when Cell arrived, Kami and Piccolo became one being again and became stronger for it.
But then we're in Power Creep territory. And that's a bad territory to be in. This is My Little Pony; problems aren't solved by slaughterizing them. Or at least they shouldn't be. It's not that the villain (if one is even needed) has to necessarily be all that powerful.

Saying that Luna needs to turn into Nightmare Moon is the kind of advice Nightmare Moon (assuming she's a separate enough entity) would give. Of course she's going to make the case that Luna needs to amass MORE POWER to solve whatever it is that needs solving and that having any sort of attachment to another is a form of weakness. Rely only on yourself.

None of this is to say a fight of this sort shouldn't take place. Luna - if we're making her the main character - has to walk the tightrope between the pitfalls of giving up on herself (she's a defeated villain, after all, whose judgement is worthless) and giving up on everyone else (going full-on Nightmare Moon). She can go back and forth on this; at times putting on a brittle facade of dictatorial authority and giving into self-loathing at others. So, yeah, she might give into her darker self when something threatens and need to be talked down.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Veylon said:
Gordon_4 said:
Man, I'd love to see Luna battling some other kind of God-monster that so tough, she has to let the nightmare out - sort of how like when Cell arrived, Kami and Piccolo became one being again and became stronger for it.
But then we're in Power Creep territory. And that's a bad territory to be in. This is My Little Pony; problems aren't solved by slaughterizing them. Or at least they shouldn't be. It's not that the villain (if one is even needed) has to necessarily be all that powerful.

Saying that Luna needs to turn into Nightmare Moon is the kind of advice Nightmare Moon (assuming she's a separate enough entity) would give. Of course she's going to make the case that Luna needs to amass MORE POWER to solve whatever it is that needs solving and that having any sort of attachment to another is a form of weakness. Rely only on yourself.

None of this is to say a fight of this sort shouldn't take place. Luna - if we're making her the main character - has to walk the tightrope between the pitfalls of giving up on herself (she's a defeated villain, after all, whose judgement is worthless) and giving up on everyone else (going full-on Nightmare Moon). She can go back and forth on this; at times putting on a brittle facade of dictatorial authority and giving into self-loathing at others. So, yeah, she might give into her darker self when something threatens and need to be talked down.
Well this depends on the canonicity of the IDW comics; in those the Nightmare was an external force that invaded her mind and did the same to Rarity but they never resolved if that was the case in the cartoon, or if Nightmare Moon was a dark part of Luna's personality that she simply embraced when she was angry. If the IDW comics are canon with the cartoon, then I'd settle just for Luna to be the hero of the hour: because when I see her, I get the feeling that she's the Thor of the MLP-verse.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
The news stories of men too old to enjoy cartoon horses crowding theaters full of little kids and ruining the experience are already being written and stored for later use.


Colour me indifferent to this one.


New member
Feb 7, 2014
Gundam GP01 said:
NuclearKangaroo said:
V da Mighty Taco said:
Uh, MovieBob.... you kinda forgot that the sequel to Equestria Girls just hit limited theaters a couple weeks back. The 2013 Equestria Girls is not the most recent movie. Just giving you a heads up, and I don't mean any offense by this if it comes across that way. :)

NuclearKangaroo said:

just when things were starting to cooldown, i really hope bronies dont start shoving their stuff down everyone's throat... more than usual
Lolwut? Apologies if I'm being rude here, but how are things just now cooling down? Pony-wise, things have been pretty calm on the Escapist as well as the internet in general for quite some time, with the only extreme brony on these boards in recent memory having been banned quite a while back.

On top of that, I'd much rather see an overabundance of people going "Isn't this one thing TOTALLY AWESOME?!?!" as opposed to the all too common trend of "Isn't this one person, group, or thing absolutely evil and needs its ass nailed to the wall?" that keeps flooding both the Escapist and the internet at large. Not just talking GG there, btw, but all of these controversies coming out the ass that makes these forums - especially Off Topic - such a miserable place to be.

atleast gg is important

At least the MLP fandom is actually based around happiness and enjoyment of something instead of just being pissed off at something.
but what if...

i can see what you mean, but if im being honest im somewhat happy at this anger, it shows gamers care about their games, it shows we can put our differences aside to defend them, and im impressed by all the sorts of people ive encountered within the movement, some i like, some i legitimate hate (fuckin' /pol/), all together in this, is actually very impressive


New member
Feb 7, 2014
crimsonshrouds said:
NuclearKangaroo said:
crimsonshrouds said:
NuclearKangaroo said:

just when things were starting to cooldown, i really hope bronies dont start shoving their stuff down everyone's throat... more than usual
Really? I don't even care about my little pony but your comment seems to show how little self-awareness you have. Seriously how much crap about gamergate gets spewed on this website? This comment applies to whether you are for or against gamergate. I will deal with people posting pony picks and memes over the talks about Anita or Zoe any day.
implying gg has anything to do with zoe or anita

look first of all, i keep my gg shit largely contained to gg threads, thats a concession bronies never made back in the day

2nd gg is not a fandom, and its gaming related, it belongs in a gaming forum
There was no implying there that gamergate has anything to do with Zoe and Akita threads.. I'm outright saying that is what it is about and that hasn't changed since gamergate started their "crusade" and I almost joined gamergate when the gamers are dead posts started. But I have enough critical thinking skills to realize the movement was nothing more than people on a witch hunt. I sat through enough gamergate videos on youtube to realize that massive portion of the movement was influenced heavily by conspiracy nuts and "anti-social-justice-warriors." Trying to even say that gamergate has nothing to do with Anita or Zoe is being disingenuous at best and outright lying at worst so you guys might as well stop trying to deflect that criticism or start a whole nother movement. I'm on no crusade to stop gamergate or the idiots picking fights with social justice warriors but lying to me or trying to put down an entire fandom just because you don't enjoy that fandom does not put you into a positive light.

Also, I don't recall bronies making posts about mlp in any thread other than the ones that were about mlp. The only thing I remember being posted were memes pics and is that really worse than any other meme pic? There are more gamergate threads on this forum right now than any actual threads about games or games journalism. Has gamergate started its own website publishing news about games yet? Because for a movement that thinks its about journalism, they sure haven't done much other than get pissed and start fights in forums and on twitter.

Mlp isn't game related and? This website is called the Escapist and it talks about other things besides games too. Are you going to start moaning about for game of thrones? What about posts on movies or comical?
id like to address this but i dont want to derail the thread, we could discuss this at the gamergate thread


New member
Mar 23, 2009
NuclearKangaroo said:
crimsonshrouds said:
NuclearKangaroo said:
crimsonshrouds said:
NuclearKangaroo said:

just when things were starting to cooldown, i really hope bronies dont start shoving their stuff down everyone's throat... more than usual
Really? I don't even care about my little pony but your comment seems to show how little self-awareness you have. Seriously how much crap about gamergate gets spewed on this website? This comment applies to whether you are for or against gamergate. I will deal with people posting pony picks and memes over the talks about Anita or Zoe any day.
implying gg has anything to do with zoe or anita

look first of all, i keep my gg shit largely contained to gg threads, thats a concession bronies never made back in the day

2nd gg is not a fandom, and its gaming related, it belongs in a gaming forum
There was no implying there that gamergate has anything to do with Zoe and Akita threads.. I'm outright saying that is what it is about and that hasn't changed since gamergate started their "crusade" and I almost joined gamergate when the gamers are dead posts started. But I have enough critical thinking skills to realize the movement was nothing more than people on a witch hunt. I sat through enough gamergate videos on youtube to realize that massive portion of the movement was influenced heavily by conspiracy nuts and "anti-social-justice-warriors." Trying to even say that gamergate has nothing to do with Anita or Zoe is being disingenuous at best and outright lying at worst so you guys might as well stop trying to deflect that criticism or start a whole nother movement. I'm on no crusade to stop gamergate or the idiots picking fights with social justice warriors but lying to me or trying to put down an entire fandom just because you don't enjoy that fandom does not put you into a positive light.

Also, I don't recall bronies making posts about mlp in any thread other than the ones that were about mlp. The only thing I remember being posted were memes pics and is that really worse than any other meme pic? There are more gamergate threads on this forum right now than any actual threads about games or games journalism. Has gamergate started its own website publishing news about games yet? Because for a movement that thinks its about journalism, they sure haven't done much other than get pissed and start fights in forums and on twitter.

Mlp isn't game related and? This website is called the Escapist and it talks about other things besides games too. Are you going to start moaning about for game of thrones? What about posts on movies or comical?
id like to address this but i dont want to derail the thread, we could discuss this at the gamergate thread
Oh might as well since you made a reply that has nothing to do with thread and the last post that was related to this thread was made on the 22. Besides you aparently have a blind spot to private messages. I'd like to know how you plan to respond to my angry post i probably shouldn't have made and at the moment really wish I hadn't.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Dimitriov said:
Batou667 said:
2017? I'm not too clued up on the MLP fandom, but wouldn't a MLP movie released tomorrow represent missing the boat by a considerable margin, let alone three years in the future?
That was pretty much my first thought too. Have these people never heard the phrase "strike while the iron is hot?"
Same here, sounds like they're spreading themselves a little too thin.


New member
Oct 14, 2013
god help us all, that story of the little girl in the movie theatre with a bunch of sweaty guys is going to come true


New member
Feb 7, 2014
crimsonshrouds said:
NuclearKangaroo said:
crimsonshrouds said:
NuclearKangaroo said:
crimsonshrouds said:
NuclearKangaroo said:

just when things were starting to cooldown, i really hope bronies dont start shoving their stuff down everyone's throat... more than usual
Really? I don't even care about my little pony but your comment seems to show how little self-awareness you have. Seriously how much crap about gamergate gets spewed on this website? This comment applies to whether you are for or against gamergate. I will deal with people posting pony picks and memes over the talks about Anita or Zoe any day.
implying gg has anything to do with zoe or anita

look first of all, i keep my gg shit largely contained to gg threads, thats a concession bronies never made back in the day

2nd gg is not a fandom, and its gaming related, it belongs in a gaming forum
There was no implying there that gamergate has anything to do with Zoe and Akita threads.. I'm outright saying that is what it is about and that hasn't changed since gamergate started their "crusade" and I almost joined gamergate when the gamers are dead posts started. But I have enough critical thinking skills to realize the movement was nothing more than people on a witch hunt. I sat through enough gamergate videos on youtube to realize that massive portion of the movement was influenced heavily by conspiracy nuts and "anti-social-justice-warriors." Trying to even say that gamergate has nothing to do with Anita or Zoe is being disingenuous at best and outright lying at worst so you guys might as well stop trying to deflect that criticism or start a whole nother movement. I'm on no crusade to stop gamergate or the idiots picking fights with social justice warriors but lying to me or trying to put down an entire fandom just because you don't enjoy that fandom does not put you into a positive light.

Also, I don't recall bronies making posts about mlp in any thread other than the ones that were about mlp. The only thing I remember being posted were memes pics and is that really worse than any other meme pic? There are more gamergate threads on this forum right now than any actual threads about games or games journalism. Has gamergate started its own website publishing news about games yet? Because for a movement that thinks its about journalism, they sure haven't done much other than get pissed and start fights in forums and on twitter.

Mlp isn't game related and? This website is called the Escapist and it talks about other things besides games too. Are you going to start moaning about for game of thrones? What about posts on movies or comical?
id like to address this but i dont want to derail the thread, we could discuss this at the gamergate thread
Oh might as well since you made a reply that has nothing to do with thread and the last post that was related to this thread was made on the 22. Besides you aparently have a blind spot to private messages. I'd like to know how you plan to respond to my angry post i probably shouldn't have made and at the moment really wish I hadn't.
very well, send me your post via PM, and ill try to respond, the reason it took me so long is because i was finishing my internship and online discussions tend to drain my energy the longer they go on