Have door-to-door Jehova's Witnesses finally changed their methods?


New member
Jan 11, 2009
The best way to answer the door when you know it's a Jehova's witness: naked. That'll throw em off.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
I have a good friend who is a JW. Every Saturday she is out in neighborhoods "passing out the good word." Of course I had to ask her what peoples reactions were like and how she dealt with it. She replied that for the most part people are polite, and she says that it is just as simple as handing them a pamphlet. My response was "what do you get from this?" Her response was simple...I believe in what I believe, and if I can spread the word to someone else then I feel like I have done some good. I can't hate on someone just doing something they believe in. Also, she says if someone says "not interested," she just thanks them for their time and she is on her way. Better then those door to door magazine salespeople in my opinion.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Shortly after moving, I encountered a couple of them and was suprised to see that many of my own ideals matched their own. The key difference: I don't believe in imposing your religion upon others in an effort to convert them and I don't believe in any organized religion. So, no. I was not and will not be converted EVER but I do agree with their religion at least somewhat.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
If a jahova witness comes to my door id like to answer it in my underwear, with an axe in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other, just to see the reaction


New member
Dec 16, 2008
HousePlant said:
The best way to answer the door when you know it's a Jehova's witness: naked. That'll throw em off.
That is actually illegal in most places, indecent exposure


New member
Sep 22, 2008
I've never once been visited by a Jehovahs witnes, but I did get "The Watchtower" in the post once a while back. My grandad (an atheist, who loves to find fun in this sort of thing) had a wonderful way of getting rid of them, as they came round his area quite regularly several years ago- he's moved since. He would say to them, when asked if he was interested in converting, "Well, you've made some very powerful arguements, I'd love to be a Jehovah's witness, but I've got to think about tomorow, you see? What about when the Roman Catholics come round, and then the Anglicans, and then the Protestants the next day? I'd start converting to all their wonderful religions as well, and by Sunday I wouldn't know what denomination I was, would I? So I find it easier to stay how I am, just to be fair to all of you" He said this so earnestly, and apparently a lot went away bemused or even worried. Ah, this isn't him at his best, he just get's so much joy out of this sorta thing. It still made me giggle.


New member
May 16, 2008
BlindTom said:
Opened the door naked. Things haven't really gone right for me since then...
Oh that reminds me... that happpened to me once. I had just gotten out of the shower and heard the door ring, I run down the stairs and open the door with a towel around my lower half.

I have long hair, down to the top of my bum so this was wet and all over my face and torso.. which is rather thin and feminine framed. The look of horror on the person's face thinking that I was a half naked girl was priceless, she looked away and had a conversation whilst looking at the wall to her right.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Nivag said:
For the first time ever, rather than answering the door to a 10 minute religous debate,
Whenever Jehovah's witnesses arrive at my door I just say the two magic words:
"I'm atheist,"

It doesn't matter if you are or not, saying it gets a response as though you've just pulled a shotgun from behind the door, they can never leave fast enough...


New member
Jan 26, 2008
Nivag said:
For the first time ever, rather than answering the door to a 10 minute religous debate, I'm given a magazine completely unpredictably titled 'The Watchtower', and nothing else. They left. No complaining, no argument, no converting, ... no bribe. Has anybody actually ever been converted by a door-to-door Jehova's witness? I must admit this new method is pretty impressive. But I also must admit that after reading one section, I tossed it aside.
They have been handing them out for ages they have been dropping them into my house for years we never read them though.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Baby Tea said:
As a Christian, I love getting into theological discussions with Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. We're so different it's fascinating! But they always leave me alone when they find out I know my scripture and just want to have a 'point - counter point' type conversation with them. Shucks.

Haven't had one in a while.
I have the same fun as a studied Agnostic, that and I wrote a paper on "The Witnesses" and their spiritual bretheren the Seventh Day Adventists. Crazy stuff.

Still, JW's in my area use Kids and Old People, I can't be mean to them or I'll feel guilty. Canny bastards.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Baby Tea said:
As a Christian, I love getting into theological discussions with Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. We're so different it's fascinating! But they always leave me alone when they find out I know my scripture and just want to have a 'point - counter point' type conversation with them. Shucks.

Haven't had one in a while.
Isn't Mormonism and JW offshoots of Christianity? Not in the same sense as Anglican or Baptist, but more of a wacky cultist version? I honestly have no idea about them.

Anyway, don't Witnesses usually try sell the Watchtower? I thought that was the whole point. When I was a kid I thought it was some sort of fantasy book like Lord of the Rings.


New member
Sep 22, 2008
ygetoff said:
I have an airsoft gun that looks very real, maybe I could do something with that...how would you feel if you were knocking on my door, trying to convert me, when I come out of the woods, saying, "Whew there! I almost took your head off! Let me tell you, you look a LOT like a deer!"

Reminds me of what my mother's partner did once... Jehova's Witnesses come to the door, speaking their bollocks, and he goes "You know... I shoot people like that... Gimme a second, I'm gonna get my shotgun." And he got it too, and you can bet they left quickly.

Honestly I don't think he's been pestered by them ever since XD


New member
Jan 21, 2008
You know, I don't think Jenova's Jehova's Witnesses do that door-to-door converstion thing in Australia... well, I've never had one. I did have one Jehova's Witness girl in 4th grade if I remember correctly, and she was pretty quiet. All I remember is that they get out of voting.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
nimrandir said:
Er, does the Watch Tower Bible have Revelation 21:1 [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=revelation%2021:1&version=31] in it? If so, that must make for some fascinating interpretation.
It comes down to, "the earth is more like a new mankind, while the heavens are a new form of government rather than our own, human reign." It really is the only way to reconcile with Psalm 37 and Ecc 1:4.

Baby Tea said:
As a Christian, I love getting into theological discussions with Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. We're so different it's fascinating! But they always leave me alone when they find out I know my scripture and just want to have a 'point - counter point' type conversation with them. Shucks.
Point-counterpoint doesn't work for religion and politics. It never does. It's an interesting exchange of thoughts, but these things always tend to get more aggressive as time passes.

TheSpiritoftheWolf said:
Honestly, none of you have had to be RAISED by a JW. ... leave you alone.
I've been raised as a Jehovah's Witness. My parents were converted because they finally got answers to questions they had. I'm not active, but that's because I'm chasing facts, not faith. And, as Lewis Black stated, I have thoughts, and they can really fuck up the faith thing.

Also, don't give money. They'll take that as you being interested. Just say no.

I've heard, by the way, that American JWs are stone cold nuts. (At least in comparison to the Dutch JWs...)


New member
May 1, 2008
Being or saying your a satanist usually has a desired affect....especially when they say "so you worship the Devil?" and then its a case of outlining the difference between satanism and Devil Worship, of whic there are many BTW


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
I don't know, I haven't seen any Jehovah's Witnesses come here or do anything to my porch in a while.
Funny story about Jehovah's Witness:
Three teen girls came to my doorstep and tried to convert me. After a small anticlimactic... uh... discussion, I then prayed to Jesus Nonexistent Christ to forgive me for my future sins(?) and send me heaven. Then they left saying something like I'll go to heaven no matter what now. I felt somewhat baffled and just shaking my head in the disbelief that I actually did something that only Christians would do.

captain awesome 12

New member
Dec 28, 2008
Interesting story when a couple Jehovah's witnesses came to my house. They started getting unusually hostile, just as they did my three foot tall 150 pound German Shepherd came between them and the door. It was awesome, since he seemed to know what was happening.

Adam Jenson

New member
Dec 23, 2008
captain awesome 12 said:
Interesting story when a couple Jehovah's witnesses came to my house. They started getting unusually hostile, just as they did my three foot tall 150 pound German Shepherd came between them and the door. It was awesome, since he seemed to know what was happening.
did he growl and stuff?