Have FPS games trained you to use a weapon? Survive in a warzone?


New member
Mar 20, 2010
1. Weapons are dangerous, and I'd worry when firing one.
2. I'm a pacifist and I was the only male to walk out of a disection in science.
3. If I had to kill someone I prefer non personal long distance with a gun, but even then I'd probably go mad.
4. I have no knowledge. The best I'd do is tell you "That's a handgun, that's shotugn, that's a rifle, that's a rocket launcher.".
5. All I'd do is take cover. I hope the fear of being in a battlefield makes you cautious enough to get that right.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
To go down your checklist:

1. Although I've never had the chance to fire an actual gun, I think it sounds like a hell of a lot of fun. I understand that I would be very clumsy with it, and be an awful shot, but I would still greatly enjoy heading out to a firing range someday.

2. I'm kinda funny about this. I can handle just about any gore in a video game, but anything more than a little cut in real life will freak me out. There has been gore on TV-PG rated medical shows that I simply had to look away from. I'm an absolute squeamish mess in this regard.

3. I would never shoot somebody. Causing pain (both physical and emotional) to somebody is the last thing I would ever want to do intentionally. If I were forced to, then hell yeah, it would affect me.

4. From my experience playing MW1/2.. Yeah, I would know jack shit about how to work a gun.

5. I've been paintballing a couple of times, and I like to think that I used some pretty good tactics in those matches. Taking cover, knowing when to advance, calling out the location of opponents to your teammates, conserving ammo... You know, the basics.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
I do not like guns, I would not be able to kill people, and I would barely know how to use a gun. All that videogames have taught me about guns is the names of a couple.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Video games are nothing, NOTHING like real life. I mean, I'm currently restoring a hundred-year-old shotgun and that is taking months. as for training people how to shoot the damn things, in most video games, you don't have to worry about little things like gravity, wind or bullet flight time; in a game, you just point the gun at the baddies head and he dies.
(Paragraphing never having been one of my strengths) About actually shooting someone however, if you are a threat and I have a gun, I will wreck your shit, I will RUIN you, you will live however, I don't want to kill unless it's the last option I have. /martial artist

Angry Camel

New member
Mar 21, 2011
FPS's have taught me a thing or two, but I found out a lot more with light gun games. It's one thing to watch a gun on a screen, it's another thing when you're holding a replica pistol that recoils to give your wrists a workout. Also, your aim has to be more intuitive. That's about it.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
i know that if i get hit, i just hide behind some cover to regenerate health and to jump quickly between iron sights and from the hip to jump to nearby enemies.
Greedy_Smurph said:
I know more about those subjects than the average joe, but less than G.I. Joe.
but in all seriousness im the same as this guy
thanks Greedy_Smurph for putting it in such a great way


New member
Jul 8, 2009
FarCry2 did teach me to run and slide behind cover while keeping low in paintball. The sheer number of paintballs that hit me tell me I'd be dead in a warzone though.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
eh FPS games don't exactly tell you how to un-jam a gun
how to clean it and pretty much everything else except
"pulling trigger makes bullets come out. pulling out mag and putting new one in reloads it. pull back little tab thing to put a bullet in the chamber."
soooo if you use an FPS game a a war training thing....you're fucked.


New member
Sep 6, 2010
Counter Strike taught me how to reload an M4 Carbine.

No, not really, that's the jam clear button, not the priming handle.

Although I can identify most modern small arms, unlike modern journalists.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
I played css at a mid high level for 5 years then when i fired a pistol for the first time at a short range it was very difficult to pull the trigger and be accurate, the rifle with a scope on however was easy enough to use although i noticed after the first round of shots that the scope was misaligned and had to adjust my aim because of it.
One thing i learnt was games do not prepare you at all for real life.
There actual worse because they fill your held with false ideas that will be dangerous.
Also don't bother aiming for the head you will miss most of the time aim for the chest.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Have you ever noticed that guns in many games tend to be "left handed" even though the cahracters are right handed? Meaning that the ejection port is on the left side of the gun so that the spent casings fly right past the character's face. That doesn't seem very safe.

Anyway, no, I wouldn't know how to handle a gun from just playing videogames. Things like how to take the gun apart to clean the parts, how to clear a jam, how to make sure the gun doesn't jam in the first place etc. Or even simple things like actually hitting what you're aiming at.
And I don't think I would be comfortable with shooting someone, not to even mention getting shot at myself.


New member
May 9, 2011
hm, with the "skill" I've learned from gaming, me trying to survive warfare would look like this:

Grab the biggest gun I can find (they are usually strewn across the ground and you can find them pretty much every where) the size only determines the ammount of DMG I can do with it, what, recoil? what is this? w/e. I should be able to carry about 10 different guns without any trouble either way.
anw, then I find some nice spot to "camp" and it doesn't matter if I get shot, I can take a few bullets before it is noticable, and if I get really hurt I can find insta healing compounds (also littered acroos the floor) and there are cool super stuff as well like armor and Double Damage runes, so if I control them I will pwn this war.
oh and I have to be really careful, those bastards one kills will respawn in a while, but I can camp the respawn spots so that's a cool

BTW, I've never really been all that keen on "military-reality" like FPS's =P


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Nope, I probably shit my pants upon walking into a warzone despite my wikipedia and random internet sites acquired knowledge of firearms. Also it would be really fucking loud. Yep, definitely shit myself.