Have you considered how many people you debate with on other forums are not even 18?


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
Worgen said:
Fieldy409 said:
Oh I'm sure many are. I had an argument on Reddit a while ago about taxes and I'm pretty sure nobody there understood how taxes work, like they think if you get into a higher tax bracket you just get that tax rate on the entire sum rather than just the dollars that actually go over the amount the tax bracket starts at. Like when they'd say so whats the point of working harder? Well you're still making more money...

Silentpony said:
The only place I think they're might be teens are EquestriaDaily, and yet its a Brony site so chances are no
Are Bronies still a thing?
Are you kidding?

We are still around and still watching, you are probably surrounded by bronies right now. Always watching always judging.
I remember back in 2011 when forums everywhere were flooded with MLP memes.

Those were very weird times. Not as weird as 2016-present, but still up there