Hearthstone Lead Designer Talks Beta, Nerfs, and the Future


New member
Jul 25, 2012
For me, the ones that will depress me is the Neutral cards that almost EVERYBODY uses, regardless of their deck.
It's the Shield of Argus's, the Amani Bersekers, the Argent Chargers etc. I once lose to this cards 3 times in a row.

Ubiquitous Duck said:
The most game ruining aspects for me are the legendary cards that completely turnover games and cause your opponent to win, just because they drew that one card.
DeathWing is AWESOME, it saved my butt more than 10 times. But there's also times when it never survived a turn, due to my opponents already have a counter. You really need to save one polymorph/hex/other insta-card destroyer for emergencies like this.