go to grooveshark, put in some of your favourite songs then select radio option and chances are it will find groups youll end up liking
I am going to add two more bands to this though. Peeping Tom, which is Mike Patton's (if you haven't heard of him, I am truly sorry) version of pop music.Just_A_Glitch said:I'm going to post some I Am The Ocean. They're so unknown, its sickening. They're a progressive/hard rock band.
And my two defaults for threads like this. Emilie Autumn. I can't really classify here genre. Its kind of like an industrial pop type thing. Regardless, its phenomenal, though an acquired taste.
And Closure in Moscow. More progressive rock. I feel bad for any other progressive rock band out there, because unless you're Closure in Moscow, you're doing it wrong.
ORBS. An experimental metal band with members from Between the Buried and Me, Fear Before, and Cradle of Filth.
You see, that's not so bad. Not the heaviest I've heard, It seems like black metal with death-y vocals, and that constant drumming, without pause does not make it any heavier.DJDarque said:Necrophagist is nothing, but if you're daring...
why thank you! I don't really like Protest the hero's new album as much as Kezia or a few songs off fortress. I could've sworn periphery was an instrumental band...CrashBang said:Good taste, sir!
...sorry but,Just_A_Glitch said:members from Between the Buried and Me
I think its the guitarist and bassist from BTBAM. The vocals of ORBS are a very acquired taste though. Adam Fisher has a pretty distinct sound to him.EventHorizon said:...sorry but,Just_A_Glitch said:members from Between the Buried and Me
OMG I LOVE THOSE GUYS, definitely going to check out ORBS now
You don't need to censor your swears really as long as you're not being an outright ass to someone.EventHorizon said:You see, that's not so bad. Not the heaviest I've heard, It seems like black metal with death-y vocals, and that constant drumming, without pause does not make it any heavier.DJDarque said:Necrophagist is nothing, but if you're daring...
have a taste of the music I listen when I want heavy:
I don't really like Job for a cowboy, that scream at 0:22... *shudder*
I like shadow of the colossus though, they're epic.
how about some more (not JFAC, I think they kinda suck unless you want to have a laugh).
i dont know what's heavier, the music or the sh*tty quality of this origin video:
now that we're done with heavyness, some more Shadow of the Colossus:
and an epic instrumental to end on a happy note
I think you understand now I'm not scared of 'br00tal' music, I just didn't want people crowding me music they think is 'br00tal' such as metalcore or some sh*t like that
oh and btw, i'm kinda new here (i've been lurking...) and do I need to censor my swear words? I don't think I need to but I don't want to incur moderator wrath lol
I know what you mean, definitely an acquired taste but is metal not another acquired taste? I'll give them a try nevertheless.Just_A_Glitch said:I think its the guitarist and bassist from BTBAM. The vocals of ORBS are a very acquired taste though. Adam Fisher has a pretty distinct sound to him.
I just put Job for a Cowboy in for a laugh and because it seemed like you were being smug about how (for lack of a better word) 'br00tal' your music was, I used to listen to them when I was 13... a year on I'm embarassed I listened to that shit...DJDarque said:As for me, I can't stand Job For a Cowboy. The pig slaughter vocals are the worst.
Haha. Considering I posted a song from MLP:FiM in the "what song has been stuck in your head" thread I have no right to look down on other people's taste in music.EventHorizon said:I just put Job for a Cowboy in for a laugh and because it seemed like you were being smug about how (for lack of a better word) 'br00tal' your music was, I used to listen to them when I was 13... a year on I'm embarassed I listened to that shit...DJDarque said:As for me, I can't stand Job For a Cowboy. The pig slaughter vocals are the worst.
I guess I've spent too long on youtube reading comments, everybody on their seems to think people who listen to music not as heavy as theirs is somehow worse than them... sorry for underestimating you
They're certainly instrumentally awesome! I seriously recommend Periphery's album and they just released an EP with a some electronic remixes of material from the album as well as some new tracks. Check 'em out!EventHorizon said:why thank you! I don't really like Protest the hero's new album as much as Kezia or a few songs off fortress. I could've sworn periphery was an instrumental band...
Maybe my childlike enthusiasm [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/326.275473-The-Villains-lair-Protest-the-Hero-Scurrilous] will help convince you?CrashBang said:I haven't actually heard any of Protest The Hero's new album yet but I'll pick it up at some point... probably
FRIDAY FRIDAY gotta get down on FRIDAY!Plurralbles said:and Bullet for my Valentine (just kidding! IMO they're the epitome of the sh*t that gives metal a bad name)
for that... I recommend you listen to rebecca black and justin bieber.
Have fun with that.