Help finding new music


New member
Jun 23, 2010
WrongSprite said:
Opeth and Agalloch are two of my favourites, nice job on those.

Try Bloodbath, Katatonia, and Sylosis.
Katatonia are fantastic, I've got night is the new day on itunes. I listened it to death in one week of constantly hitting the replay button though :S

Will try Sylosis and Bloodbath thanks!


New member
Jun 23, 2010
TheAbominableDan said:
I can help with a few of these. Let's see what I can dig up.

For Agalloch (Good choice by the way) Check out Woods of Ypres
Can't believe I overlooked this post, thank you for this gift of beautiful musicianship you have granted me!


New member
Oct 29, 2009
EventHorizon said:
I'm afraid I could never really 'dig' Chuck shuldinger's screams, they take some getting used to so I'm exactly where you stand on the whole atheist/death thing, when I said Cynic i probably should have mentioned I meant their second album, Traced In Air (epic album btw, would recommend to anyone who doesn't hate slightly vocoded vocals). I've heard of necrophagist, but they were always too heavy for me (strange how Shadow of the Colossus isn't though).
I see where you're coming from here. I didn't really like Chuck's voice when I first heard it either, but his vocals grew on me, and now I consider The Sound of Perseverance to be one of the prize pieces in my music collection. You might prefer their second to last album Symbolic on which the scream isn't quite as high pitched, but which is also very progressive, or Control Denied - who I also mentioned in my first post - the Prog Metal band that Shuldiner formed after Death disbanded. Control Denied's second album is actually going to make it out into the world sometime this year, apparently. Chuck had recorded his guitar parts before he died, and the other band members have said that they intend to finish recording the album and release it.

How could I forget the classics!? I guess it was a bit late for me, I forgot completely about mentioning dio, iron maiden etc. I like some maiden songs, like the trooper. But apart from that Classic metal doesn't appeal to me that much, I admit to enjoying White Wizzard (I love it when bands make fun of themselves :D) problem is, i'm just the kinda guy who enjoys Jazz, not unlike that weird purple-robe wizard guy (although I don't hate metal, obviously, if anything metal mixed with jazz makes some of my favourite metal)

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll give death another try (their new album doesn't seem so bad)
and I'll keep an eye on White Wizzard ;)
I'm guessing they chose Jazz because silk rhymes with ilk and because the alto sax solo fits into the song better than anything from pop/rap/country/etc would have. Also, smooth jazz=/=jazz.


Tamer of the Coffee mug!
Feb 17, 2010
Ever heard of Aryeon?

It's not something I can define as a genre.
Basicly their songs tell a story, where every singer plays a different character.
I'll post just a single video, but you should listen to a few, they are all very different.

Purple Shrimp

New member
Oct 7, 2008
EventHorizon said:
Purple Shrimp said:
*goes off to buy album*
:) If I think of any more cool blues-rock guys in that vein I'll post them here, but that should be good for now

ALSO i just saw the update to the OP. if you're a prog man then I've got to recommend Genesis