Help Me Fight Bugs!


New member
Dec 9, 2007
Well guys, I've frequented the forum for quite a while now, and I've only made about two threads in my time here, so I thought it apt to go to you guys first when it comes to helping out with a problem. No, I'm not talking about wimmin' for once, either. See, here's my problem:

I'm severely arachnophobic. I know almost everyone says that, but ever since I can properly remember, I've been scared of spiders. I can handle the occasional one or two, but some which wander my house during summer and mating time can be fucking huge. I've had several bad experiences with said spiders, namely usually involving them crawling one part of my body or another. Its really bad, and made even worse by the fact that I can't use the good old 'card and cup' technique to get rid of them. Heck, most of them wouldn't fit under a cup.

So, in preparation for summer, I thought I'd make defences against an arachnid invasion. I'm not talking about 'getting a plug-in which sends electro-waves', here (I already have one!), I mean going the whole hog. Any old wives' tales you have, or even proven techniques, give them to me! I wanna see which ones actually work and which ones don't.

But, if I get rid of the spiders, then my whole house will succumb to the wrath of other bugs, right?

Well then, it only makes sense that I find a quasi-natural way to get rid of those, too! Here are some of the solutions I've come up with so far:

Spiders: Apparently hate the smell of chestnuts, so I plan on getting a bowl full of them and replenishing it often with a fresh supply.
Flies: Mesh over doors and windows is obvious, I think. How much are Venus Fly Traps nowadays? Lavender... helps? Does humidity of a room do anything?
Ants: Won't cross chalk (anyone confirm?).
Woodlice: No fookin' idea (aside from pesticides).
All: Everything hates citrus smells, apparently?

Help me out, people; as long as you can certify that a solution works.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
you do realize that spiders are very good to have around right?

spiders are hunters and eaters of smaller insects

funny spider story, a friend of a friend had a roommate that was scared of spiders. they had a big huge one in a room, they took a picture and showed it to a bug guy at the university. the bug guy said "don't kill it, it hunts this type of spider and if you kill it you will be over run by them"

guy didn't listen and killed the spider anyways, what the bug guy said came true, they were over run by anther type of spider, so instead of one spider, they had hundreds of them.

moral of the story, leave spiders alone


New member
Dec 9, 2007
cleverlymadeup said:
you do realize that spiders are very good to have around right?

spiders are hunters and eaters of smaller insects

funny spider story, a friend of a friend had a roommate that was scared of spiders. they had a big huge one in a room, they took a picture and showed it to a bug guy at the university. the bug guy said "don't kill it, it hunts this type of spider and if you kill it you will be over run by them"

guy didn't listen and killed the spider anyways, what the bug guy said came true, they were over run by anther type of spider, so instead of one spider, they had hundreds of them.

moral of the story, leave spiders alone
I don't really actually want to kill them. I understand the benefits of having them around, so I'm not planning to go on a murderous rampage. I just want to... keep them... away.

Along with anything else in the insect ecosystem.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
Melaisis said:
I don't really actually want to kill them. I understand the benefits of having them around, so I'm not planning to go on a murderous rampage. I just want to... keep them... away.

Along with anything else in the insect ecosystem.
[/sarcasm] Then get some spiders [/sarcasm]


New member
Dec 23, 2007
kill them with fire!

well, i have the same kind of problem, only with locusts. just try to surpass the disgust/fear you have and kill it. if it makes crunchy sounds, don't worry. just kill it. It works for me, at least.


The Psychotic Psyker
Mar 18, 2008
I don't know, maybe citrus smells can get rid of them, but citrus is an excellent way to attract mosquitoes


New member
Jan 4, 2008
cleverlymadeup said:
you do realize that spiders are very good to have around right?
That's not exactly true. A friend of mine was bitten by a brown recluse in his bed at night. A golf ball size hunk of flesh around the bite on his neck had to be removed.

I've heard the best insect to keep inside a house is a Praying Mantis. It will catch and kill pretty much anything, including spiders. I've heard that in the days of 'ole, kids used to tie them to their beds with a long piece of string to catch flies/mosquitoes, and spiders at night.


New member
Apr 3, 2008

EDIT- damn, beaten to it, I regret nothing!


New member
Jun 1, 2007
Bay leaves will keep out many flying insects. Just tape them to the undersides of tables, put them in your cabinets, whatever. Ants won't (as a rule) cross red pepper, so put a line crushed red pepper across the thresholds of your doors, windows, etc. (On the outside, of course.)

I can testify to the effectiveness of the bay leaves. Works like a charm.

the monopoly guy

New member
May 8, 2008
get a pet bat for the flying buggers (my friend's got one...or two now I think) and for the spiders...the orkin man! etleast in america yeh but I don't know if orkin is in...australia?


New member
Nov 4, 2007
Khell_Sennet said:
Jimmyjames said:
I've heard the best insect to keep inside a house is a Praying Mantis. It will catch and kill pretty much anything, including spiders. I've heard that in the days of 'ole, kids used to tie them to their beds with a long piece of string to catch flies/mosquitoes, and spiders at night.
This option intrigues me... The mantis is the only insect I can look at without screaming or crawling on top of the furniture. Asking me to touch one is still out of the question, but if his leash was secure enough I didn't have to worry about HIM being on me at night, I just may need to look for a mantis for m'home.

As to how to get rid of spiders... I put a cup over one of them, and usually two or three months later I'll notice the cup, tip it over with the end of the vac, then vaccume the fuck outta the floor. I usually figure the inaudible wailing of a starving spider wards off others.
You are one sick puppy.
The mantis idea intrigues me too, though.

The Potato Lord

New member
Dec 20, 2007
Melaisis said:
I'm not planning to go on a murderous rampage.
Well there went My suggestion.
Well for ants since they navigate by smell using pheremones and such If i've associated this correctly maybe spraying a line of something strong smelling(Cleaning sprays, hair spray, whatever) would keep them away. not sure if it would work..just thinking into the computahr into the interwebz.


New member
May 14, 2008
The Osage Orange Fruit is supposed to ward them off, but seeing as spiders have never shown any reaction to show that they have a sense of smell, I doubt it works. They grow up here and if you're really paranoid, I can send you a few, lmao.

But honestly, spiders don't come in from the outside, so spraying your lawn with pesticides is even useless.

My advice? Get a cat. I have two, and they've never allowed a spider to wander around their turf. Ozzy even tortures them. Get a cat, and when you see a spider, place cat in front of spider. Cat will then eat spider for midday snack.

EDIT: Incidentally, the "cat" option works for all bugs. Though the really big ones might pose a problem. Cats can at least get the little ones. Or you can get a really big cat? Ohio doesn't have laws against exotic pets, so I could totally get a tiger. But I don't know about your laws.

The Potato Lord

New member
Dec 20, 2007
Saskwach said:
Khell_Sennet said:
Jimmyjames said:
I've heard the best insect to keep inside a house is a Praying Mantis. It will catch and kill pretty much anything, including spiders. I've heard that in the days of 'ole, kids used to tie them to their beds with a long piece of string to catch flies/mosquitoes, and spiders at night.
This option intrigues me... The mantis is the only insect I can look at without screaming or crawling on top of the furniture. Asking me to touch one is still out of the question, but if his leash was secure enough I didn't have to worry about HIM being on me at night, I just may need to look for a mantis for m'home.

As to how to get rid of spiders... I put a cup over one of them, and usually two or three months later I'll notice the cup, tip it over with the end of the vac, then vaccume the fuck outta the floor. I usually figure the inaudible wailing of a starving spider wards off others.
You are one sick puppy.
The mantis idea intrigues me too, though.
What are you talking about? Khell is not a puppy he is obviously a Penguin.