help picking a laptop


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Short version: New gamming laptop recommendation(for details look bellow)

Long version:
I've been researching laptops as I'm strongly considering buying one, however as someone who barely knows the function of ram(let alone where it comes from) I'm in over my head. So I'm asking you guys to recommend a laptop that I'd like either from personal experience or just the fact your knowledgeable about such things, but first I need to explain what I'm wanting from my laptop. Most people want small portable things but since I'm usually loaded up like a pack horse anyway and could carry alot for a while size does not matter. Since size doesn't matter I'd prefer one with a good quality screen that will let me get the most from video and pictures. Battery life is not that important either since I'd usually be around a power plug and just plug it in, if I was traveling I'd only use it for 2-3 hours anyway. It is however mandatory that it is capable of playing games with high ram, graphic and memory needs. Cooling while important does not need to affect the decision as I can improvise with that. I'd prefer if it had good wi-fi capabilities so I could pick up a good connection in certain areas. Also in this age of technology a laptop could become a piece of junk in a couple years so the newer it is the longer it will generally last so the newer the better. Finally the price... Luckily I have a chunk of cash laying around combined with a mountain of gift cards to futureshop, so bonus points if this laptop can be purchased there. Thanks for any suggestions you can give me! ;)


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Help picking up a laptop?

Lift with the knees, not with the back.

Otherwise, have a look at WidowPC, they seem to have some good stuff though I haven't bought anything from them since I'm not looking for screaming performance.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Haha, gaming laptop. Just get a desktop. It's cheaper, and better.
This. Laptops aren't meant for gaming, they are meant for portable access to the internet and documents. Unless you want a behemoth of a laptop, your better off getting a decent PC and upgrading it. Or, you could get a mediocre laptop and take it apart, then put in your own parts.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
gaming laptop would cast you twice as much as a desktop >< unless you just wanna play flash games then any would do


New member
Apr 14, 2009
You could always check out newwegg and see what they offer in the way of gaming rigs.

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
confernal said:
The Brands you want to look for are Rock, Dell XPS , and, if you really, really want- Alienware. I'd take a look around the hardware review sites and just look at the conclusions. Try or somewhere similarly independent, the ones linked to by the shops aren't always reliable.

If you want to learn about your PC parts, just google the following:
Where [Word] is the name of whatever it is you want a definition for. Or you can do what I did an subscribe to a PC hardware mag for half a year, I just soaked it all in like a sponge.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
Radeonx said:
Haha, gaming laptop. Just get a desktop. It's cheaper, and better.
This. Laptops aren't meant for gaming, they are meant for portable access to the internet and documents. Unless you want a behemoth of a laptop, your better off getting a decent PC and upgrading it. Or, you could get a mediocre laptop and take it apart, then put in your own parts.
Actually there are quite a few very large form factor gaming laptops out there. Some even with dual vid cards, high end desktop processors and over sized 22" widscreens tacked on. Sounds less like a laptop and more like a "I don't want to drag my 70lb steel cased water cooled gaming rig along with my 30lb super high resolution monitor, keyboard, mouse, and everything else under the moon to my buddies house every weekend" compromise.

Sure that high end $3000 gaming system will beat out that $3500 laptop, but not by as much as you are thinking. And it sure would be nice to carry around a 15 lb laptop vs a 100lbs of gamming crap.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
This is kinda like asking for a mini-cooper for a construction job, buy a truck, buy a desktop, and buy an Alienware.

Don't quote me saying "Oh they suck so much they're expensive, when you can just build your own".


New member
Nov 19, 2008
I have a Dell Studio 17 (that's a 17 inch laptop). The only games I have are Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 and Track Mania, but they both run really nicely.

The only problem is it's bloody heavy! Doesn't seem like it, but carry it around for a little while, and it gets really heavy.

In retrospect I would probably get a 15" for travel, but have the 17" for home.

EDIT: Oh yeah, it cost about AU$2200 12 months ago.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Most laptops with a decent spec will play games fine. Graphics is usually the thing to let you down with laptops.

Like the others here i'd say for gaming go for a PC however if it has to be a laptop any mid-high spec laptop would probably play an average game fine depending on settings. If not then get the original Doom and play that on it xD loads of fun very low spec requirement


New member
Mar 7, 2008
like most people have said don't get a gaming laptop by the time they come out, they are already outdated and really not worth the money

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
RAKtheUndead said:
Danny Ocean said:
confernal said:
and, if you really, really want- Alienware.
I wouldn't have figured you for the type who would suggest Alienware in any circumstance. With Alienware, you're paying for the brand and some aesthetic touches.
Oh I'm not, you figured correct. I only suggest it because he's actually considering a gaming laptop in the first place, so I thought money wasn't an issue.