Last hitting is a good thing because it keeps you in lane and always applying pressure to the lane youre in, which makes ganks and initiating team fights riskier as it may harm you late game, this is to keep you from getting stomped just because you wanted to solo lane for a bit. Also it makes poking a choice rather than somthing you do all the time,and it makes you consider if you want to do dmg now or get items later
Space Jawa said:I fail to see how doing away with the necessity of last hit is a bad thing. Or how not having to memorize items is a bad thing. Between having to memorize dozens of heroes and dozens of items for those heroes vs having to memorize just the heroes themselves, I'd take just the heroes.fieldalex said:Wait, now I have to memorize not only every hero but also their alternate abils? And last hitting is meaningless? And also no items. so no majik immune to counter stuns. so stun and slow heavy heroes will dominate 1v1s. Yup this isn't a moba, it's a train wreck.