Hey, who's this guy...? Oh, it's fucking DANTE. What do you reckon about the re-design?

Mr C

New member
May 8, 2008
FargoDog said:
He just looks stupid and arrogant.
I find Dante in DMC 2&3 to be stupid and arrogant (haven't played 4). Personally, I don't care they've changed his looks, lets see how it plays.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Who is this Dante and why should I care?

Oh, and are you sure it is a guy and not a girl?


New member
May 16, 2009
Wasn't Dante originally the Japanese attempt to make the make the coolest white guy possible by Japanese standards. I don't really mind the new Dante so much. Just his clothes don't make him look as hard or cool as I'd expect them too.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Zeromaeus said:
TOGSolid said:

Wow, so this is the project lead of DMC.
Just gonna put this here and let you form your own opinions.
yeah, CAPCOM really has to get working on that damage control. This is just like what happened with Prince of Persia and Bionic Commando. And everybody HATED those


New member
Mar 6, 2008
I think this video summarizes pretty much how I feel right now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSQz-zZN09Q

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Legion IV said:
Here let me end the thread right now.

The real hardcore fans of the series that still play the games and follows it immsenly hate the character desighn and concept so me. even some rgular fans are raging out.

The ones who like it are people who never liked the series and the generic people on this forum who like to play devils advocate even thought they might not agree they just feel the need to debate.

The new games gonna be crap am dening it every chance i get and am gonna go enjoy the real series.
The funny thing is that even if he did look like Dante, the game would still suck because Ninja Theory is developing it.

Heavenly Sword was shit and I just played the Enslaved demo and I have too say, it controls like a wet diaper and it looks like one too.


New member
May 28, 2010
Hm, seems to me that he looks a bit like Nero, and yes, I did watch the trailer, I realize that this... being is supposed to be 'Dante'. I will admit, I'm not a fan of the new look, but if he traded in that outfit for something a little more bearable I wouldn't mind it all too much. I've only been a recent fan of the series (only ever played 4), but even I think I can say this just ain't Dante. There are some things you just shouldn't touch.

I suppose I'll wait and see what changes in the future before making a final judgement on this. It could turn out to be quite good, but, knowing Heavenly Sword's reputation...

Also, who had the concept about this guy being a psych patient obsessed with Dante thereby referring to himself as such while remaining trapped in a delusional wonder world? I don't mind that idea actually. Nice.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Nyeh, DMC3 was the last real devil may cry game.
DMC4 you don't even play as dante most of the time, and for some reason, even though he is immortal, he looks like he's 40. ...And Nero completely ripped off how Dante was supposed to look. (and that 'arm of sparda' thing was bollucks).
This looks to somehow lower the bar even further.
Thanks for shitting on a really excellent series.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Jumplion said:
God, after reading more into this and seeing all the "YOU BACKSTABBED YOUR LOYAL FANBASE!" crap, I've got to say;

[HEADING=2]Get the fuck over yourselves.[/HEADING]

You don't know anything about the game, you don't know anything about the story, you don't know anything about Dante as the character, you don't know anything except what little was given in the trailer.

I'm not a DMC fan, I fully admit that, but for god's sake get off your high horses and just wait. Until you actually get the damn game in your hands, or at least see some gameplay footage of it, stop complaining about "the loyal fanbase" and all that bullshit.

Jeez, what is up with all this recent backlash? First it was BioShock Infinite's "ridiculous" setting, and how "this doesn't make any sense!" and "how will this possibly tie in with BioShock?" and crap, and now it's with this shit.

For god's sake, I know that fans are really devoted to franchises, and even I'll admit that as a fan of Metal Gear Solid, the recent "Metal Gear Solid: Rising" game worries me about not actually being "Metal Gear Solid" but even I will wait to see how things pan out instead of berating Kojima Productions for "backstabbing" the "loyal fanbase" of the Metal Gear franchise.

Unpleaseable Fanbase [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnpleasableFanbase] indeed.

EDIT: And don't compare this to the InFamous 2 redesign of Cole. First off, nobody was going "Sucker Punch, you're backstabbing your loyal fanbase!" or any of that shit. Second of all, nobody really complained until we saw some gameplay footage of it. Thirdly, Cole's model was not 100% final to begin with, Sucker Punch were still tweaking the Cole's design and happened to go with what the fans wanted.
I think this is true I'm reminded of the crap they got for Warrior Within even then people kept on with this emo nonsence even after the godsmack theme tune and his agressive demenor

when I first heard the "westeren" approach I was expecting something distinctly American but considering this is a UK based developer makes me think the actual idea is an 80's british punk rocker vibe

They so need to get James Marsters to do the voice work it would be a total fit

"The very serious and angry Warrior Within made fans of the first game's lightness of tone very angry and serious (which is ironic when you think about it)"

Bioshock infinite backlash was so stupid since when did bioshock care about the realism of magic arms that shoot bees


New member
Mar 24, 2010
FargoDog said:
As I said in the other thread, he looks like Lisbeth Salander from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I hate the re-design. He just looks stupid and arrogant.
I feel it's important to point out that Lisbeth Salander is a totally awesome character and Dante does not deserve that comparison :) he looks like an enemy in Resident Evil.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
AgentNein said:
mattttherman3 said:
They should still give him white hair. Thats also an emo look, which is sad for a game that is sure to be rated M
Someone please explain to me how short brown hair is an "emo" look. I'd understand if the hair was like, swooshing across one side of his face, completely blinding him in one eye, but this is a relatively normal haircut.
Don't worry they probably think KISS is a goth band because they have white face paint

Emo is a music subgenre of Hardcore not a hair cut

Emos cut themselves, they don't have swords that turn into whips to throw cars at robot/demon things


New member
Jun 4, 2010
WOW cool a new hot chick for Dante to flirt with YA... huh ? The title seems to say something but my brain can't process... The Person In The Picture I... I.... IS DANTE !?
INFORMATION OVErrrrRLOADDddd !!! *brain explodes*

System Reboot *beep*
Analyzing system:
Though Processing *OFFLINE*
Visual Processing *OFFLINE*
Nervous system *HEAVILY DAMAGED*
Unable to continue functioning...
Fatal Termination in 5 4 3 2 1 KTHXBYE...


New member
Feb 23, 2009
SnootyEnglishman said:
That is in no way shape or form Dante. No matter how anyone tries to justify that is not Dante and i refuse to accept any explanations.
No explanations, I don't believe that to be Dante. What I will say however, is that I think this character looks fucking awesome.